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![]() | How do I upload a file, preserving the file-name? |
NOTE This example requires SWI-Prolog 7.2 or later.
The way to preserve the user-entered file-name is to use a form with
and input
element of type file
This causes a browser to formulate a MIME encoded POST request that
contains the filename.
First, let us import the required HTTP libraries and create the server.
Note that we need library(http/http_multipart_plugin) to make this demo
work. This library acts as a plugin for library(http/http_client) for
parsing multipart/form-data
:- module(upload, [run/0]). :- use_module(library(http/thread_httpd)). :- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)). :- use_module(library(http/http_header)). :- use_module(library(http/http_multipart_plugin)). :- use_module(library(http/http_client)). :- use_module(library(http/html_write)). :- use_module(library(option)). :- http_handler(root(.), upload_form, []). :- http_handler(root(upload), upload, []). run :- http_server(http_dispatch, [port(8080)]).
Next step, we create the form by defining the implementation for upload_form/1:
upload_form(_Request) :- reply_html_page( title('Upload a file'), [ h1('Upload a file'), form([ method('POST'), action(location_by_id(upload)), enctype('multipart/form-data') ], table([], [ tr([td(input([type(file), name(file)]))]), tr([td(align(right), input([type(submit), value('Upload!')]))]) ])) ]).
Next step, we must define upload/1. Unfortunately, we cannot use the
simple http_parameters/2 to obtain the data because this interface only
provides the name and value of parameters. Instead, we must use
http_read_data/3. First we validate the request to be a POST holding the
proper content using multipart_post_request/1. If this fails, we throw
the error http_reply(bad_request(Culprit))
, where the Culprit is a
Prolog term describing the problem. This is matched to a clean
message in the next section.
Next, we define the hook save_file/3 which is called to process parts
that provide a filename
attribute. The first argument is a stream
containing the data. The stream is binary, but may be switched using
the encoding(Enc)
option of set_stream/2. Its task is to process the
data in the stream and return a term that represents this part of
the multipart message. In the example we save the data in a (temporary)
file and return a term file(UserFileName, SavedFileName)
After the http_read_data/3 call, we select the part that holds the file and print a document holding the details.
upload(Request) :- multipart_post_request(Request), !, http_read_data(Request, Parts, [ on_filename(save_file) ]), memberchk(file=file(FileName, Saved), Parts), format('Content-type: text/plain~n~n'), format('Saved your file "~w" into "~w"~n', [FileName, Saved]). upload(_Request) :- throw(http_reply(bad_request(bad_file_upload))). multipart_post_request(Request) :- memberchk(method(post), Request), memberchk(content_type(ContentType), Request), http_parse_header_value( content_type, ContentType, media(multipart/'form-data', _)). :- public save_file/3. save_file(In, file(FileName, File), Options) :- option(filename(FileName), Options), setup_call_cleanup( tmp_file_stream(octet, File, Out), copy_stream_data(In, Out), close(Out)).
Finally, we must translate bad_file_upload
into a clean message. We
do this using the DCG rule message//1:
:- multifile prolog:message//1. prolog:message(bad_file_upload) --> [ 'A file upload must be submitted as multipart/form-data using', nl, 'name=file and providing a file-name' ].