% This file is part of the Attempto Parsing Engine (APE). % Copyright 2008-2013, Attempto Group, University of Zurich (see http://attempto.ifi.uzh.ch). % % The Attempto Parsing Engine (APE) is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it % under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software % Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. % % The Attempto Parsing Engine (APE) is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT % ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR % PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with the Attempto % Parsing Engine (APE). If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. /* APE client for the Unix command-line. @author Tobias Kuhn @author Kaarel Kaljurand Building the executable file: == swipl -g "working_directory(_, 'prolog/parser'), [fit_to_plp], halt." swipl -O -F none -g "[ape], qsave_program('ape.exe', [goal(ape), toplevel(halt)])." -t halt == TODO: - Do better checking of which arguments can be used together. E.g. if the user uses both -server and -httpserver, what should ape.exe do then? - All: Should we drop ulexreload? Otherwise all the interfaces should support it, and one would need to add also "acetextreload" for reasons of uniformity. - All: make timelimits configurable, currently they are hard-coded - Socket: The socket server currently supports exactly these arguments that get_ape_results supports. This is different from the other interfaces which also support other arguments (e.g. for fetching files from URLs). More unification is needed. - Java: assuming that it supports the file-parameter, how are the possible errors communicated to Java? - HTTP: Add logging */ :- consult('pack.pl'). :- use_module('prolog/ape', [ get_ape_results/2, get_ape_results_timelimit/3, get_ape_results_timelimit/4 ]). :- use_module('prolog/logger/error_logger'). % Default encoding used for opening files in text mode. :- set_prolog_flag(encoding, utf8). :- initialization on_signal(int, _, default). %% argument(?Arg, -Value, -Desc) % % @tbd maybe we could describe the types more formally, so that they could be checked, % e.g. the type of the solo value is one of [drs, drsxml, ...], which could be checked % with memberchk/2. % argument('-text', '"TEXT"', 'The input ACE text. If neither -text nor -file is present then the ACE text is read from stdin.'). argument('-file', 'FILENAME', 'The name or URL of the input file containing the ACE text.'). argument('-ulextext', '"TEXT"', 'The user lexicon (taken from a string).'). argument('-ulexfile', 'FILENAME', 'The user lexicon (taken from a file or URL).'). argument('-solo', 'OUTPUT', 'Output just one output component. OUTPUT has to be one of {paraphrase,paraphrase1,paraphrase2,owlfss,owlfsspp,owlrdf,owlxml,ruleml,fol,pnf,tptp,tokens,syntax,syntaxpp,syntaxd,syntaxdpp,drs,drsxml,drspp,drshtml}.'). argument('-cinput', '', hidden). argument('-cdrs', '', 'Output the DRS as a Prolog term.'). argument('-cdrsxml', '', 'Output the DRS in XML.'). argument('-cdrspp', '', 'Output the DRS in pretty-printed form in plain text.'). argument('-cdrshtml', '', 'Output the DRS in pretty-printed form in HTML.'). argument('-cparaphrase', '', 'Output a paraphrase which is a "best-effort" combination of paraphrase1 and paraphrase2.'). argument('-cparaphrase1', '', 'Output a paraphrase which uses full sentences instead of relative clauses.'). argument('-cparaphrase2', '', 'Output a paraphrase which uses relative clauses instead of full sentences.'). argument('-ctokens', '', 'Output tokens as a Prolog list of lists.'). argument('-csentences', '', 'Output sentences as a Prolog list.'). argument('-csyntax', '', 'Output simplified syntax trees as a Prolog list.'). argument('-csyntaxpp', '', 'Output simplified syntax trees in pretty-printed form.'). argument('-csyntaxd', '', 'Output plain syntax trees as a Prolog list (for debugging).'). argument('-csyntaxdpp', '', 'Output plain syntax trees in pretty-printed form (for debugging).'). argument('-cowlfss', '', 'Output OWL/SWRL in the Functional-Style Syntax representation (as Prolog term).'). argument('-cowlfsspp', '', 'Output OWL/SWRL in the Functional-Style Syntax representation (pretty-printed).'). argument('-cowlxml', '', 'Output OWL/SWRL in the XML representation.'). argument('-cowlrdf', '', 'Output OWL/SWRL in the RDF/XML representation. DEPRECATED'). argument('-cruleml', '', 'Output RuleML representation of the DRS.'). argument('-cfol', '', 'Output standard first-order logic representations (default form) of the DRS as a Prolog term.'). argument('-cpnf', '', 'Output standard first-order logic representations (prenex normal form) of the DRS as a Prolog term.'). argument('-ctptp', '', 'Output TPTP representation of the DRS.'). argument('-uri', 'URI', 'URI for the OWL outputs.'). argument('-noclex', '', 'Ignore the lexicon entries that are compiled into the executable.'). argument('-guess', '', 'Guess the word-class of unknown words.'). argument('-server', '', 'Launch a socket interface to APE at port 2766 (0xACE).'). argument('-httpserver', '', 'Launch an HTTP interface to APE at port 8000.'). argument('-port', 'NUMBER', 'Override the default port of either the socket or the HTTP interface.'). argument('-version', '', 'Shows version information.'). argument('-help', '', 'Shows this help page.'). %% ape is det. % % This is the default goal of =|ape.exe|=. % Parses the command-line arguments, processes the arguments, % if an ACE text is specified then parses the ACE text. % Pretty-prints an error message in case an exception was thrown. % ape :- current_prolog_flag(argv, RawArgList), get_arglist(RawArgList, ArgList), catch( ( arglist_namevaluelist(ArgList, InputList1), process_input(InputList1) ), Exception, format_error_for_terminal(Exception) ). %% get_arglist(+RawArgList, -ArgList) % % Returns the list of arguments. % In SWI v6.6.0+ this can be achieved simply by: % % get_arglist(ArgList) :- % current_prolog_flag(argv, ArgList). % % For backwards compatibility we assume that the argument % list can contain '--', or the path to ape.exe before the % first argument (which must start with '-'). % get_arglist(RawArgList, ArgList) :- append(_, ['--'|ArgList], RawArgList), !. % TODO: on which OS is this needed? get_arglist([NonFlag|ArgList], ArgList) :- \+ atom_concat('-', _, NonFlag), !. get_arglist(ArgList, ArgList). %% process_input(+InputList:list) is det. % % @param InputList is a list of input parameters % process_input(InputList) :- ( InputList = [] ; member(help=on, InputList) ), !, show_help. process_input(InputList) :- memberchk(version=on, InputList), !, show_version. process_input([server=on]) :- !, server. process_input([server=on, port=Port]) :- !, server(Port). process_input([port=Port, server=on]) :- !, server(Port). process_input([httpserver=on]) :- !, http_server. process_input([httpserver=on, port=Port]) :- !, http_server(Port). process_input([port=Port, httpserver=on]) :- !, http_server(Port). % @tbd Any other usage of server, httpserver, or port is illegal process_input(InputList1) :- read_ulex(InputList1, InputList2), read_file(InputList2, InputList3), get_ape_results(InputList3, Content), set_utf8_encoding(user_output), writeln(Content). %% show_help % show_help :- show_version, write('Copyright 2008-2013, Attempto Group, University of Zurich\n'), write('This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.\n'), write('This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.\n'), write('Please visit http://attempto.ifi.uzh.ch for details.\n'), nl, write('Command-line arguments:\n'), argument(Arg, Value, Desc), \+ Desc = hidden, format('~w ~w~20|~w~n', [Arg, Value, Desc]), fail. show_help. %% show_version is det. % % Prints the version information. % show_version :- version(Version), format("Attempto Parsing Engine for ACE 6.7, version ~w~n", [Version]). %% arglist_namevaluelist(+ArgList:list, -NameValueList:list) is det. % % @param ArgList is a list of arguments % @param NameValueList is a list of ArgumentName=ArgumentValue pairs arglist_namevaluelist([], []). arglist_namevaluelist([Arg|Tail1], [Name=on|Tail2]) :- argument(Arg, '', _), !, atom_concat('-', Name, Arg), arglist_namevaluelist(Tail1, Tail2). arglist_namevaluelist([Arg,ValueAtom|Tail1], [Name=Value|Tail2]) :- argument(Arg, _, _), \+ argument(ValueAtom, _, _), !, atom_concat('-', Name, Arg), ( catch(atom_number(ValueAtom, ValueNumber), _, fail) -> Value = ValueNumber ; Value = ValueAtom ), arglist_namevaluelist(Tail1, Tail2). arglist_namevaluelist([Arg|_], _) :- argument(Arg, _, _), !, throw(error('Missing value for argument', context(arglist_namevaluelist/2, Arg))). arglist_namevaluelist([Arg|_], _) :- throw(error('Illegal argument', context(arglist_namevaluelist/2, Arg))). %% read_file(+InputListIn:list, -InputListOut:list) is det. % % @param InputListIn is a list of APE parameters % @param InputListOut is a modified list of APE parameters % read_file(InputListIn, [text=AceText | InputListOut]) :- select(file=AceFile, InputListIn, InputListOut), !, filename_to_filecontent(AceFile, AceText). read_file(InputList, InputList) :- member(text=_, InputList), !. read_file(InputList, [text=AceText | InputList]) :- prompt(_, ''), read_stream_to_codes(user_input, AceTextCodes), atom_codes(AceText, AceTextCodes). %% read_ulex(+InputListIn:list, -InputListOut:list) is det. % % Stores the user lexicon in a local (temporary) file. % Modifies the list of APE parameters to include the name % of the local file. % % @param InputListIn is a list of APE parameters % @param InputListOut is a modified list of APE parameters % read_ulex(InputListIn, [ulextext=UlexText | InputListOut]) :- select(ulexfile=UlexFile, InputListIn, InputListOut), !, filename_to_filecontent(UlexFile, UlexText). read_ulex(InputList, InputList). % Note: we use: set_stream(In, encoding(utf8)) % This makes characters travel correctly through the socket. % There might be other (better) solutions though. :- use_module(library(streampool)). :- style_check(-singleton). port(2766). % ape (0xACE) %port(2767). % ape-alpha (0xACF) %port(2768). % ape-old (0xAD0) server :- port(Port), server(Port). server(Port) :- get_time_formatted(Time), format(user_error, "~w: Starting a socket interface for APE at port ~w ...~n", [Time, Port]), tcp_socket(Socket), tcp_bind(Socket, Port), tcp_listen(Socket, 5), tcp_open_socket(Socket, In, _Out), add_stream_to_pool(In, accept(Socket)), stream_pool_main_loop. accept(Socket) :- tcp_accept(Socket, Slave, Peer), tcp_open_socket(Slave, In, Out), set_utf8_encoding(In), set_utf8_encoding(Out), add_stream_to_pool(In, client(In, Out, Peer)). client(In, Out, _Peer) :- catch( client_x(In, Out, _Peer), CatchType, ( format(user_error, "~w~n", [CatchType]), (is_stream(In) -> close(In), delete_stream_from_pool(In) ; true), (is_stream(Out) -> close(Out) ; true) ) ). % NB: 'APESERVERSTREAMEND' on a separate line marks the end of the stream. % @bug should we use write_canonical/2 here? client_x(In, Out, _Peer) :- % We suppress warnings of the atom being longer than 5 lines. % This declaration seems to have effect only here. style_check(-atom), read(In, ClientRequest), close(In), ( ClientRequest = get(I) -> get_ape_results_timelimit(I, O, 20), % 20 seconds timelimit format(Out, '~w~nAPESERVERSTREAMEND~n', [O]) ; format(Out, 'fail~nAPESERVERSTREAMEND~n') ), close(Out), delete_stream_from_pool(In). /** The HTTP interface relies on SWI-Prolog HTTP support. @see http://www.swi-prolog.org/packages/http.html Note that the number of workers is set to 1 (default is 5). Multiple workers would share the same assert/retract space and we do not want that because APE is not completely thread-safe. A better solution would be to make APE thread-safe and let the user decide on the command-line on the number of workers (because the best-performing number depends on the number of processor cores). Setting the number of workers to 1 seems to make the server unresponsive at times, thus lowering the timeout from the default 60 sec to 5 sec. At Prolog prompt, stop the server by: == ?- http_stop_server(8000, []). == Note that http_stop_server/2 does not make the port immediately available, you have to wait a few (two?) minutes. Observe it with 'netstat -na'. */ :- use_module(library('http/thread_httpd')). :- use_module(library('http/http_dispatch')). :- use_module(library('http/http_parameters')). :- use_module(library('http/http_client')). :- use_module(library('http/http_cors')). :- use_module(library('http/http_files')). % Configure the port. http_port(8000). % Allow any origin. % TODO: make configurable on the command-line :- set_setting(http:cors, [*]). % Configure the www root. :- http_handler('/', ape, []). %:- http_handler('/ape/', ape, []). :- getenv('APE_HTTPSERVER_FILES_PATH', Path), getenv('APE_HTTPSERVER_FILES_DIR', Dir), http_handler(Path, http_reply_from_files(Dir, []), [prefix]); true. % Configure the APE webservice parameters. % @bug unify this with the main argument description % Note that while 'text' and 'file' are optional, at least one of them must be present. % It is probably impossible to say this declaratively. parameters([ text(_, [optional(true)]), file(_, [optional(true)]), ulextext(_, [optional(true)]), ulexfile(_, [optional(true)]), noclex(_, [oneof([on, off]), optional(true)]), guess(_, [oneof([on, off]), optional(true)]), % ulexreload(_, [optional(true)]), % @tbd uri(_, [default('http://attempto.ifi.uzh.ch/ontologies/owlswrl/test')]), cinput(_, [oneof([on, off]), optional(true)]), % @bug deprecated cdrs(_, [oneof([on, off]), optional(true)]), cdrsxml(_, [oneof([on, off]), optional(true)]), cdrspp(_, [oneof([on, off]), optional(true)]), cdrshtml(_, [oneof([on, off]), optional(true)]), cparaphrase(_, [oneof([on, off]), optional(true)]), cparaphrase1(_, [oneof([on, off]), optional(true)]), cparaphrase2(_, [oneof([on, off]), optional(true)]), ctokens(_, [oneof([on, off]), optional(true)]), csentences(_, [oneof([on, off]), optional(true)]), csyntax(_, [oneof([on, off]), optional(true)]), csyntaxpp(_, [oneof([on, off]), optional(true)]), csyntaxd(_, [oneof([on, off]), optional(true)]), csyntaxdpp(_, [oneof([on, off]), optional(true)]), cowlfss(_, [oneof([on, off]), optional(true)]), cowlfsspp(_, [oneof([on, off]), optional(true)]), cowlrdf(_, [oneof([on, off]), optional(true)]), cowlxml(_, [oneof([on, off]), optional(true)]), cruleml(_, [oneof([on, off]), optional(true)]), cfol(_, [oneof([on, off]), optional(true)]), ctptp(_, [oneof([on, off]), optional(true)]), solo(_, [oneof([drs, drsxml, drspp, drshtml, paraphrase, paraphrase1, paraphrase2, tokens, sentences, syntax, syntaxpp, syntaxd, syntaxdpp, owlfss, owlfsspp, owlrdf, owlxml, ruleml, fol, pnf, tptp]), optional(true)]) ]). http_server :- http_port(Port), http_server(Port). http_server(Port) :- get_time_formatted(Time), format(user_error, "~w: Starting an HTTP interface for APE at port ~w ...~n", [Time, Port]), http_server(http_dispatch, [port(Port), workers(1), timeout(5)]), thread_get_message(_), halt. %% ape(+Request) is det. % % This is the HTTP interface toplevel where input is received % and results/errors are output. % ape(Request) :- parameters(Parameters), catch( ( http_parameters(Request, Parameters), http_parameters_to_ape_parameters(Parameters, ApeParameters), get_ape_results_timelimit(ApeParameters, ContentType, Content, 10) % 10 second timelimit ), Exception, format_error_for_http(Exception, ContentType, Content) ), cors_enable(Request, [methods([get])]), format('Content-type: ~w\r\n\r\n~w', [ContentType, Content]). %% http_parameters_to_ape_parameters(+HttpParameters:list, -ApeParameters:list) is det. % % Converts the parameters that have been instantiated by http_parameters/2 % into the parameters' format that APE accepts. Uninstantiated parameters are filtered out. % % @param HttpParameters is the result of http_parameters/2 % @param ApeParameters is the inputlist for get_ape_results_timelimit/4 % http_parameters_to_ape_parameters([], []). http_parameters_to_ape_parameters([Parameter | Parameters], Out) :- arg(1, Parameter, Arg1), ( nonvar(Arg1) -> functor(Parameter, Functor, _), key_value_to_parameter(Functor, Arg1, ApeParameter), Out = [ApeParameter | ApeParameters] ; Out = ApeParameters ), http_parameters_to_ape_parameters(Parameters, ApeParameters). %% key_value_to_parameter(+Key:atom, +Value:atom, -ApeParameter:term) is det. % % Constructs an APE parameter which has a form Key = Value. % Maps 'file' to 'text', 'ulextext' to 'ulexfile', etc. % % Note that for security reasons, the value of 'file' and 'ulexfile' cannot point % to a local file (e.g. /etc/passwd). Only http-urls are allowed. % The following example shows an illegal query. % %== % http://attempto.ifi.uzh.ch:8000/?file=/etc/passwd %== % % @param Key is a parameter name % @param Value is the parameter value % @param ApeParameter is the corresponding APE parameter % key_value_to_parameter(file, HttpUrl, text = FileContent) :- !, httpurl_to_filecontent(HttpUrl, FileContent). key_value_to_parameter(ulexfile, HttpUrl, ulextext = FileContent) :- !, httpurl_to_filecontent(HttpUrl, FileContent). key_value_to_parameter(Key, Value, Key = Value). %% filename_to_filecontent(+FileName:atom, -FileContent:atom) is det. % % Reads the content of a file that is specified by FileName into an atom. % FileName can be a URL or a regular file name. In case of URLs, only the http-prefix % is allowed. The content of the file is expected to be encoded in UTF-8. % % @param FileName is the name (possibly a URL) of a file % @param FileContent is the content (as an atom) of the file % filename_to_filecontent(FileName, FileContent) :- ( is_http_url(FileName) -> httpurl_to_filecontent(FileName, FileContent) ; read_file_to_codes(FileName, Codes, [encoding(utf8)]), atom_codes(FileContent, Codes) ). %% httpurl_to_filecontent(+HttpUrl:atom, -FileContent:atom) is det. % % Makes an HTTP GET request to a http-resource. % % @param HttpUrl is a URL (expected to start as 'http://') % @param FileContent is the content (as an atom) of the resource % @throws socket_error (and other exceptions by http_get/3) % @throws 'HTTP request failed' in case HTTP status code was not 'ok' (200) % % @bug Check if http_get expects UTF-8 or can handle other encodings as well % @bug Make sure that http_get/3 never accesses local files (e.g. that it does not support 'file://') % httpurl_to_filecontent(HttpUrl, FileContent) :- http_get(HttpUrl, FileContent, [ user_agent('ape.exe (http://attempto.ifi.uzh.ch)'), reply_header(ReplyHeader) ]), memberchk(status(Code, Message), ReplyHeader), ( Code = ok -> true ; with_output_to(atom(MessageAtom), format("~s: ~w", [Message, HttpUrl])), throw(error('HTTP request failed', context(httpurl_to_filecontent/2, MessageAtom))) ). %% is_http_url(+Atom:atom) is det. % % Tests is an atom is an HTTP URL. % The test is quite naive. % % @param Atom is an atom to be tested. % % @bug Make use of SWI library url.pl % @bug What is faster for substring matching sub_atom/5 or concat_atom/2, % e.g. concat_atom(['http://', _], FileName) % is_http_url(Atom) :- sub_atom(Atom, 0, 7, _, 'http://'). %% format_error_for_terminal(+Exception:term) is det. % % Pretty-prints the exception term for the terminal. % % @param Exception is the exception term, usually in the form % error(Formal, context(Module:Name/Arity, Message)) % format_error_for_terminal(error(Formal, context(Predicate, Message))) :- !, format_message(Message, FMessage), format(user_error, "ERROR: ~w: ~w: ~w~n", [Formal, Predicate, FMessage]). format_error_for_terminal(Error) :- format(user_error, "ERROR: ~w~n", [Error]). %% format_error_for_http(+Exception:term, -ContentType:atom, -Content:term) is det. % % Generates an error message from the exception term. % % @param Exception is the exception term, usually in the form % error(Formal, context(Module:Name/Arity, Message)) % @param ContentType is the content type that message is formatted into, e.g. text/xml % @param Content is the formatted error message % % @tbd return the same error messages as apews.perl % @bug not XML-safe % format_error_for_http(error(Formal, context(Predicate, Message)), 'text/xml', Xml) :- !, functor(Formal, Name, _), format_message(Message, FMessage), with_output_to(atom(Xml), format("~w: ~w: ~w", [Name, Formal, Predicate, FMessage])). format_error_for_http(Error, 'text/xml', Xml) :- with_output_to(atom(Xml), format("~w", [Error])). %% format_message(+Message:term, -FormattedMessage:atom) % % Formats the message that sometimes comes with the % exception term. Often this message is unbound. The % purpose of this rule is to return an empty atom if this % is the case. format_message(Message, '') :- var(Message), !. format_message(Message, Message). %% set_utf8_encoding(+Stream) % % Sets the encoding of the given stream to UTF-8. For some unknown reason, an error is sometimes % thrown under Windows XP when calling set_stream/2, and this error is catched here. set_utf8_encoding(Stream) :- catch( set_stream(Stream, encoding(utf8)), _, true ). %% get_time_formatted(-FormattedTimestamp) % % Generates a timestamp for the current time % get_time_formatted(FormattedTimestamp) :- get_time(Timestamp), format_time(atom(FormattedTimestamp), '%F %T%z', Timestamp).