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Pack ape -- prolog/logger/error_logger.pl
PublicShow source
- Tobias Kuhn
- Kaarel Kaljurand
- 2008-03-27
 clear_messages is det
- Why do we need the cut + fallback in all the clearing predicates?
 clear_messages(+Type:atom) is det
Clears all error and warnings messages of certain type.
Type- is in {syntax, anaphor, ...}
 clear_error_messages is det
Clears all error messages.
 clear_warning_messages is det
Clears all warning messages.
 get_messages(-Messages:list) is det
Messages- is a list of terms message(Importance, Type, Position, Subject, Description)
 get_messages_in_xml(-XmlMessages:term) is det
XmlMessages- is list of XML elements in SWI-Prolog notation
 messages_xmlmessages(+Messages:list, -XmlMessages:term) is det
Messages- is list of messages
XmlMessages- is list of XML elements in SWI-Prolog notation

A simple conversion of the message-terms into SWI-Prolog XML notation

 get_error_messages(-ErrorMessages:list) is det
ErrorMessages- is a list of terms message(Importance, Type, Position, Subject, Description)
 get_warning_messages(-WarningMessages:list) is det
WarningMessages- is a list of terms message(Importance, Type, Position, Subject, Description)
 get_messages_with_type(+Type:atom, -AllMessages:list) is det
Type- is a message type, one of {sentence, word, owl, ...}
AllMessages- is a list of terms message(Importance, Type, Position, Subject, Description)
 get_error_messages_with_type(+Type:atom, -ErrorMessages:list) is det
Type- is a message type, one of {sentence, word, owl, ...}
ErrorMessages- is a list of terms message(Importance, Type, Position, Subject, Description)
 get_warning_messages_with_type(+Type:atom, -WarningMessages:list) is det
Type- is a message type, one of {sentence, word, owl, ...}
WarningMessages- is a list of terms message(Importance, Type, Position, Subject, Description)
 add_error_messagelist(+Type:atom, +Position:term, +Subject:atom, +DescriptionList:list) is det
Type- is in {syntax, anaphor, ...}
Position- is in the form SentenceId or SentenceId-TokenId
Subject- is usually the lexem in the position of the error
DescriptionList- is a list of messages that help to repair the error
 add_error_message(+Type:atom, +Position:term, +Subject:atom, +Description:atom) is det
Type- is in {syntax, anaphor, ...}
Position- is in the form SentenceId or SentenceId-TokenId
Subject- is usually the lexem in the position of the error
Description- is a message that helps to repair the error
 add_error_message_once(+Type, +Position, +Subject, +Description) is det
 add_warning_message(+Type, +Position, +Subject, +Description) is det
 add_warning_message_once(+Type, +Position, +Subject, +Description) is det
 is_error_message(+Type:atom, +Position:term, +Subject:atom, +Description:atom) is det
Succeeds if there is at least 1 error message (which the given characteristics)

Undocumented predicates

The following predicates are exported, but not or incorrectly documented.
