4:- module(bplHelp, [
5 bpl_help/0, 6 command_help/1 7 ]). 8
11:- set_prolog_flag(double_quotes, codes). 12
24bpl_help :-
25 write('----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n'),
26 write('Available commands:\n'),
27 write('ld ... (load) reads a source code file containing a program or an ontology,\n'),
28 write(' or prints the currently loaded files\n'),
29 write('sv ... (solve) executes a query [\'sv\' can be omitted]\n'),
30 write('lc ... (lambda-cut) prints or sets the lower bound for the approximation\n'),
31 write(' degree in weak unifications\n'),
32 write('fl ... (filtering) prints or sets the state of filtering\n'),
33 write('pwd .. (print working directory) shows the path of the working directory\n'),
34 write('cd ... (change directory) changes the working directory\n'),
35 write('ls ... (list) lists the contents of the working directory\n'),
36 write('hp ... (help) shows this help text or information about a specific command\n'),
37 write('sh ... (shell) starts a new interactive shell process\n'),
38 write('ts ... (test) tests the system\n'),
39 write('bk ... (break) breaks to the underlying SWI-Prolog\n'),
40 write('qt ... (quit) quits the system\n'),
41 write('----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n'),
42 write('-- Enter \'hp <command>\' to get more help on a <command> --\n'),
43 write('----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n').
51command_help(ld) :-
52 write('----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n'),
53 write('LOAD\n'),
54 nl,
55 write('Reads, compiles and loads a Bousi~Prolog program or ontology into the\n'),
56 write('database. The Bousi~Prolog system can have both a program and an ontology\n'),
57 write('loaded at the same time, but the program must always be loaded first and\n'),
58 write('the ontology is not allowed to contain clauses.\n'),
59 nl,
60 write('The default file extensions are \'.bpl\' for programs and \'.ont\' for onto-\n'),
61 write('logies. If you want to load a file with a different extension, the full\n'),
62 write('filename must be provided.\n'),
63 nl,
64 write('When used without an argument, this command shows the full path of the\n'),
65 write('program and ontology which are currently loaded (if any).\n'),
66 nl,
67 write('Every Bousi~Prolog source code file is translated into an intermediate\n'),
68 write('Prolog representation of the original file called \'TPL code\'. This code is\n'),
69 write('stored in files which have the same name as the original BPL files but with\n'),
70 write('the \'.tpl\' extension. TPL files are used when BPL files haven\'t been modi-\n'),
71 write('fied since their corresponding TPL code was created. You can force the\n'),
72 write('rebuilding of the TPL files using the \'-f\' option.\n'),
73 nl,
74 write('Syntax:\n'),
75 write('ld .............. shows the currently loaded program and ontology\n'),
76 write('ld <file> ....... loads a Bousi~Prolog program <file>\n'),
77 write('ld -f <file> .... rebuilds and loads a Bousi~Prolog program <file>\n'),
78 write('ld -o <file> .... loads a Bousi~Prolog ontology <file>\n'),
79 write('ld -fo <file> ... rebuilds and loads a Bousi~Prolog ontology <file>\n'),
80 write('----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n').
82command_help(sv) :-
83 write('----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n'),
84 write('SOLVE\n'),
85 nl,
86 write('Executes a query about the currently loaded program using WSLD resolution.\n'),
87 write('Bousi~Prolog queries can contain any statement that is valid in the body of\n'),
88 write('a clause, including weak unifications and term comparisons. Queries can also\n'),
89 write('be executed if no program is loaded.\n'),
90 nl,
91 write('When at least one solution is found for a query, the system shows its appro-\n'),
92 write('ximation degree and the resulting variable values (if any). You can then\n'),
93 write('type a semicolon (;) to look for more solutions or press RETURN to finish\n'),
94 write('the current query and return to the Bousi~Prolog shell.\n'),
95 nl,
96 write('The \'sv\' command is the default Bousi~Prolog shell command. This means that\n'),
97 write('you can also enter queries without preceding them with \'sv\'.\n'),
98 nl,
99 write('Syntax:\n'),
100 write('sv <query> ...... solves <query> using WSLD resolution\n'),
101 write('<query> ......... identical to \'sv <query>\'\n'),
102 write('----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n').
104command_help(lc) :-
105 write('----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n'),
106 write('LAMBDA-CUT\n'),
107 nl,
108 write('Prints or sets the lower bound allowed for the approximation degree in weak\n'),
109 write('unifications, which is known as the \'lambda-cut\'. When used to set a new\n'),
110 write('lambda-cut value, this command overrides the lambda_cut/1 directive that may\n'),
111 write('be present in the already loaded program.\n'),
112 nl,
113 write('The lambda-cut can be used to limit the expansion of the search space in a\n'),
114 write('WSLD resolution. When the lambda-cut value is set to a degree greater than\n'),
115 write('zero, the weak unification process will fail every time the computed approxi-\n'),
116 write('mation degree goes below the stored lambda-cut value. Therefore, the computa-\n'),
117 write('tion will also fail and all branches starting from that choice point will be\n'),
118 write('discarded.\n'),
119 nl,
120 write('Syntax:\n'),
121 write('lc .............. prints the current lambda-cut value\n'),
122 write('lc <degree> ..... sets <degree> as the new lambda-cut value, which must be\n'),
123 write(' a real number between 0 and 1 (inclusive)\n'),
124 write('----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n').
126command_help(fl) :-
127 write('----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n'),
128 write('FILTERING\n'),
129 nl,
130 write('Prints or sets whether filtering is enabled or not. When used to set a new\n'),
131 write('filtering value, this command overrides the filtering/1 directive that may\n'),
132 write('be present in the already loaded program.\n'),
133 nl,
134 write('The filtering is enabled by default. When enabled, it removes the proximity\n'),
135 write('equations that are below the lambda-cut. As a consequence, translated program\n'),
136 write('rules (in the .tpl file) which are known to not be selected for a lambda-cut\n'),
137 write('less than the current one are also discarded.\n'),
138 nl,
139 write('Syntax:\n'),
140 write('fl .............. prints whether filtering is enabled or not\n'),
141 write('fl <boolean> .... sets <boolean> as the new value, which must be\n'),
142 write(' a Boolean (either \'true\' or \'false\')\n'),
143 write('----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n').
145command_help(hp) :-
146 write('----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n'),
147 write('HELP\n'),
148 nl,
149 write('Gives a summary of the Bousi~Prolog shell commands or detailed information\n'),
150 write('about a specific command.\n'),
151 nl,
152 write('Syntax:\n'),
153 write('hp .............. shows a summary of the shell commands\n'),
154 write('hp <command> .... shows information about the given <command>\n'),
155 write('----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n').
157command_help(ls) :-
158 write('----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n'),
159 write('LIST\n'),
160 nl,
161 write('Lists the files and folders of the current working directory.\n'),
162 nl,
163 write('Syntax:\n'),
164 write('ls .............. list the contents of the working directory\n'),
165 write('----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n').
167command_help(pwd) :-
168 write('----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n'),
170 nl,
171 write('Shows the absolute path of the current working directory.\n'),
172 nl,
173 write('Syntax:\n'),
174 write('pwd ............. shows the full path of the working directory\n'),
175 write('----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n').
177command_help(cd) :-
178 write('----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n'),
179 write('CHANGE DIRECTORY\n'),
180 nl,
181 write('Changes the current working directory.\n'),
182 nl,
183 write('Syntax:\n'),
184 write('cd <path> ....... changes the working directory to <path>, which can be\n'),
185 write(' either an absolute or a relative path\n'),
186 write('----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n').
188command_help(sh) :-
189 write('----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n'),
190 write('SHELL\n'),
191 nl,
192 write('Starts a new interactive command-line shell without ending the Bousi~Prolog\n'),
193 write('system. The default shell is \'/bin/sh\' on Unix/Linux and \'cmd.exe\' on,\n'),
194 write('Windows, but you can override it entering a different path in the environ-\n'),
195 write('ment variables SHELL (on Unix/Linux) and COMSPEC (on Windows).\n'),
196 nl,
197 write('Syntax:\n'),
198 write('sh .............. starts a new interactive shell process\n'),
199 write('----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n').
201command_help(ts) :-
202 write('----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n'),
203 write('TEST\n'),
204 nl,
205 write('Test the system with a bundle of test programs.\n'),
206 nl,
207 write('Syntax:\n'),
208 write('ts .............. tests the system\n'),
209 write('----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n').
211command_help(bk) :-
212 write('----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n'),
213 write('BREAK\n'),
214 nl,
215 write('Leaves the Bousi~Prolog system and enter underlying Prolog. Use ?- main. to\n'),
216 write('restart the system.\n'),
217 nl,
218 write('Syntax:\n'),
219 write('bk .............. breaks to the underlying SWI-Prolog\n'),
220 write('----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n').
222command_help(qt) :-
223 write('----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n'),
224 write('QUIT\n'),
225 nl,
226 write('Quits the Bousi~Prolog system immediately. Always use this command instead\n'),
227 write('of the predefined predicate halt/0 when you want to end the application.\n'),
228 nl,
229 write('Syntax:\n'),
230 write('qt .............. quits the system\n'),
231 write('----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n')