    2% Bousi-Prolog foreign library interface
    4:- module(foreign, [
    5		load_foreign_extension/0
    6   ]).    7
    8:- initialization use_foreign_library(foreign(bousi_support)).    9
   10% :- use_module(library(shlib)).
   14:- set_prolog_flag(double_quotes, codes).   15
   18% Foreign library loader
   21load_foreign_extension :- !, true.
Loads Bousi-Prolog foreign library into memory.
   28load_foreign_extension :- 
   29	% Retrieves the path of the foreign library for this OS
   30	current_prolog_flag(executable, BPLExecutable),
   31	foreign_library_name(LibraryName),
   32  path_separator(Separator),
   33	% Loads the foreign library (if it exists)	
   34	( file_directory_name(BPLExecutable, BPLPath)
   35   ;
   36	  findall(I, sub_atom(BPLExecutable, I, 1, _, Separator), Is), % Find the last separator
   37	  max_list(Is, M), 
   38	  %M1 is M+1, 
   39	  sub_atom(BPLExecutable, 0, M, _, BPLPath)
   40	),
   41  concat_atom([BPLPath, Separator, LibraryName], LibraryPath),
   42	exists_file(LibraryPath),
   43	load_foreign_library(LibraryPath)
   44	;
   45	(
   46	  LibraryPath=LibraryPath,
   47		writef('ERROR: \'%w\' library not found.', [LibraryPath]), nl,
   48		write('If your Bousi-Prolog distribution includes the source code, \c
   49		       run \'make\' before starting Bousi-Prolog.'), nl,
   50		halt
   51	).
Unifies Separator with the path separator of the OS file system
   58path_separator('\\') :-
   59	current_prolog_flag(windows, true), 
   60	!.
Unifies Library with the name of the foreign library written in C, which is 'extern.so' on Unix/Linux or 'extern.dll' on Windows.
   71foreign_library_name('extern.dll') :-
   72	current_prolog_flag(windows, true), 
   73	!.
   79% Foreign predicates documentation
 ext_closure(+InputEquations, +Closure, +TNorm, +RelationName, -OutputEquations)
Computes the reflexive, symmetric and/or transitive closure of the fuzzy relation defined by a set of equations and returns the list of equations of the resulting fuzzy relation. Input equations must be like "rel(a, b, 0.5)", where "rel" can be any functor; output equations will be similar but replacing "rel" with RelationName atom. Closure must be a combination of one or more of these flags:

TNorm must be one of these values:

 ext_translate_fuzzysets(+Domain, +Subsets, +NewSubsets, +RelationName, -Equations)
Computes the similarity degree between the fuzzy subsets of the NewSubsets list and the fuzzy subsets of the Subsets list, and returns a list of equations that represent a fuzzy relation with the subsets in NewSubsets. Domain must be a list with four items: [Name, Min, Max, MeasureUnit]. Output equations will be like "rel(a, b, 0.5)", where "rel" is RelationName atom, and "a"/"b" are subsets' names. Finally, these are the syntax of the valid fuzzy subsets:
 ext_tokenize(+StringAtom, -Tokens)
Scans the Bousi-Prolog program or query contained in StringAtom, performs a lexical analysis and returns a list with all the tokens found. Each token will be defined by a compound term of arity 2 with this syntax: "<type>(<text>, [<line>, <column>])" (e.g. "comma(',', [3, 5])" or "name('aaa bbb', [10, 15])").
 ext_read_shell_line(+Prompt, -String, -Arguments)
Reads a line from standard input using editline library, which allows command-line editing and history features. The line entered by the user is returned as an atom in String. A list with all the arguments found in the line (using space-bar characters as delimiters) is returned in Arguments.
Loads command history used by editline library from File. If File doesn't exist, it'll be created.
 ext_save_shell_history(+File, +MaxCommands)
Saves command history used by editline library in File, storing no more commands than the specified in MaxCommands. If File already exists, it'll be overwritten.
Sets the list of predefined predicates available in Bousi-Prolog. This list will be used by shell's autocomplete feature.
Sets the list of predicates defined in the currently loaded program. This list will be used by shell's autocomplete feature.