1%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 2%% WN_CONNECT source v1.3 : wn_utilities module 3%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 4/* 5AUTHORS: Pascual Julián-Iranzo (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain) 6Fernando Sáenz-Pérez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain) 7 8WN_CONNECT is licensed for research and educational purposes only and it is 9distributed with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. You are freely allowed to use, copy 10and distribute WN_CONNECT provided that you make no modifications to any of its 11files and give credit to its original authors. 12*******************************************************************************/ 13 14:- module(wn_utilities, [ 15 wn_word/1, % ?Word 16 wn_measure/1, % ?Measure 17 check_wn_words/2, % +Words, -Word 18 wn_display_graph/1, % +Graph 19 wn_maxDepth/2, % (+Type, -MaxDepth) 20 wn_max_wordnet_sense/3, % (+Word, +Type, -MaxSense) 21 wn_virtual_root/2, % (+List_HyperNymSynSets, -Virtual_Root_ID) 22 wn_convert_synsetID_to_representative/2, % (+SynSet_ID, -Word_string) 23 wn_convert_synsetIDs_to_representatives/2, % (+List_SynSet_IDs, -List_representatives) 24 atoms_functors_in_term/3, % +Term, -Atoms, -Functors 25 bpl_predicates/3 % +Functors, -NonPredicates, -Predicates 26 ] 27 ). 28 29%:- use_module(library(ordsets)). 30 31%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 32%% PREDICATES USED IN THE AUTOMATIC GENERATION OF PROXIMITY EQUATIONS 33%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
40wn_word(Word) :- 41 atom(Word), 42 !, 43 wordnet:wn_s(_, _, Word, _, _, _). 44 45wn_word(Word:Type:Sense) :- 46 wordnet:wn_s(_, _, Word, Type, Sense, _).
54wn_measure(path). 55wn_measure(wup). 56wn_measure(lch).
66check_wn_words([], _). 67 68check_wn_words([Word|Words], WordNotFound) :- 69 wn_word(Word), 70 !, 71 check_wn_words(Words, WordNotFound). 72 73check_wn_words([Word|_Words], Word). 74 75 76 77%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 78% PREDICATES FOR GRAPHICAL DISPLAY OF GRAPHS 79%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 80% 81% Use: 82% wn_display_graph(Graph), where Graph=[arc(v1,v2),...,arc(vn-1,vn)] 83% 84% Examples: 85% ?- findall(arc(X,Y),(wn_hypernyms(man,List),append(_,[X,Y|_],List)),Graph), wn_display_graph(Graph). 86% ?- setof(arc(X,Y),List^H^T^(wn_hypernyms(man,List),append(H,[X,Y|T],List)),Graph), wn_display_graph(Graph). 87 88% Requires: 89% - PDF displayer (as indicated in pdf_displayer/1 fact and accesible in the path). 90% - dot (part of Graphviz, accesible in the path) 91% - dot2tex (for generating a LaTeX version of the graph). If LaTeX output is enabled (disabled by default) 92 93 94%%% 'PDFViewer' is a user defined environment variable that must be exported to 95%%% be accesible by the son process that executes SWI-Prolog. It stores the command 96%%% to launch the specific PDF viewer of the operating system we are using. 97pdf_displayer(PDFViewer) :- 98 getenv('PDFViewer', PDFViewer),
99 !
99. 100 101pdf_displayer('open -a Preview') :- 102 current_prolog_flag(apple, true), % MacOS system 103 !. 104 105pdf_displayer('xpdf') :- 106 current_prolog_flag(unix, true), % Linux system 107 !. 108 109pdf_displayer('acrobat.exe /A "view=Fit"') :- 110 current_prolog_flag(windows, true), % Windows system 111 !. 112 113:- if((getenv('OSTYPE',OSystem), OSystem = darwin16)).
115 pdf_displayer('open -a Preview'). 116:- elif((getenv('OSTYPE',OSystem), OSystem = linux-gnu)).
118 pdf_displayer('xpdf'). 119:- else.
121 pdf_displayer('acrobat.exe /A "view=Fit"'). 122:- endif. 123 124% wn_display_graph(+Graph) 125% Graph is a list of arc(From,To) 126% Displays a PDF containing the graphical representation of Graph 127% Creates the files: 128% - out.dot: A file with the graph in DOT format (graph description language) 129% - out.pdf: The PDF document with the graph representation 130% - out.tex: The LaTeX document with the graph representation. 131% Disabled for now (just uncomment it below for enabling) 132% 133wn_display_graph(Graph) :- 134 open('out.dot', write, Handle), 135 write(Handle, 'digraph G { size="1,1";'), 136 nl(Handle), 137 write_arcs(Handle, Graph), 138 write(Handle,'}'), 139 close(Handle), 140 % shell('dot2tex out.dot > out.tex'), 141 display_dot_in_pdf. 142 143display_dot_in_pdf :- 144 ( write('Displaying graph...'), 145 nl, 146 shell('dot out.dot -Tpdf -o out.pdf'), 147 pdf_displayer(PDFViewer), 148 atom_concat(PDFViewer, ' out.pdf', PDFViewerCommand),
150 (shell(PDFViewerCommand) -> true 151 ; write('ERROR: Cannot start PDF viewer. Check the environment variable PDFViewer') 152 ), 153 ! 154 ; 155 write('ERROR: Cannot generate PDF output file. Check that the dot program is accesible') 156 )
156. 157 158write_arcs(_Handle,[]). 159write_arcs(Handle,[arc(A,B)|R]):- 160 write(Handle,A), 161 write(Handle,' -> '), 162 write(Handle,B), 163 write(Handle,';'), 164 nl(Handle), 165 write_arcs(Handle,R). 166 167%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 168%%% PARAMETERS AND OTHER AUXILIARY PREDICATES 169%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 170%%% wn_maxDepth(+Type, -MaxDepth) 171%%% Returns the maximum depth of a concept in the hierachies of nouns (Type=n) and verbs (Type=v). 172%%% 173wn_maxDepth(n, 20). % (max depth for nouns in WordNet HyperTrees is 20) 174wn_maxDepth(v, 14). % (max depth for verbs in WordNet HyperTrees is 14) 175 176 177%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 178%%% wn_max_wordnet_sense(+Word, +Type, -MaxSense) 179%%% Returns the maximum number of senses, 'MaxSense', of a word, 'Word', of type, 'Type'. 180%%% If the parameters 'Word' and 'Type' are not instantiated then it returns the maximum 181%%% number of senses for a word in the WordNet data base. 182%%% 183wn_max_wordnet_sense(Word, WType, MaxSense) :- 184 findall(WSense, wordnet:wn_s(_Synset_id, _WNum, Word, WType, WSense, _Tag_count), WSenseList), 185 max_list(WSenseList, MaxSense). 186 187 188%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 189%%% wn_virtual_root(SynSet_ID, -Virtual_Root_ID) 190%%% Given a SynSet_ID and, acording to it, generates a virtual Root ID 191%%% 192%%% NOTE 1 (PROBLEMS WITH the Root of the hierarchy): 193%%% Verbs do not have an explicit root. It may be that two verbs 194%%% do not share a Less Common Subsumer. In this case LCS=Root and Root is assigned 195%%% to a virtual root for verbs (Synset_ID = 200000000). Note that in this case, the 196%%% information content of the LCS is 0 and the similarity of these two verbs should 197%%% be around 0 also. 198%%% On the other hand, nouns have a unique root hierarchy which is "entity" (synset_ID = 199%%% 100001740). However, by uniformity of treatment we introduce a virtual root for names 200%%% (Synset_ID = 100000000). 201%%% 202%%% NOTE 2: This predicate is useful when computing similarity measures and information 203%%% content of words. 204%%% 205wn_virtual_root(SynSet_ID, Virtual_Root_ID) :- 206 ((SynSet_ID > 100000000, SynSet_ID < 200000000) -> 207 Virtual_Root_ID = 100000000 208 ; 209 ((SynSet_ID > 200000000, SynSet_ID < 300000000) -> 210 Virtual_Root_ID = 200000000 211 ; 212 fail 213 ) 214 ). 215 216 217%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 218 219%%% wn_convert_synsetID_to_representative(+SynSet_ID, -Word_string) 220%%% 221wn_convert_synsetID_to_representative(SynSet_ID, Word_string) :- 222 wordnet:wn_s(SynSet_ID, 1, Word, SS_type, Sense_num, _), 223 word_term_to_string(Word:SS_type:Sense_num, Word_string). 224 225 226%%% wn_convert_synsetIDs_to_representatives(+List_SynSet_IDs, -List_representatives) 227%%% List_SynSet_IDs is a list of synset_IDs (which usually are hypernyms or hyponyms of a given word). 228%%% This predicate converts List_SynSet_IDs into a list of representative words. 229%%% 230%%% We mean by "representative word" the first word of the synset. The one with W_num=1. This is 231%%% usually the most representative word of the sysntet. 232%%% 233wn_convert_synsetIDs_to_representatives([],[]). 234wn_convert_synsetIDs_to_representatives([SynSet_ID|SynSet_IDs],[Word_string|Representatives]):- 235 wn_convert_synsetID_to_representative(SynSet_ID, Word_string), 236 wn_convert_synsetIDs_to_representatives(SynSet_IDs, Representatives). 237 238 239%%% word_term_to_string(+Word:SS_type:Sense_num, -Word_string) 240%%% 241%%% Converts a word term Word:SS_type:Sense_num into a string "<Word>_<SS_type>_<Sense_num>". 242%%% For instance, the word term 'psychological feature':n:1 is converted into "psychological_feature_n_1". 243%%% 244word_term_to_string(Word:SS_type:Sense_num, Word_string):-
247 atom_string(Word, S), split_string(S, "\' -", " ", L1),
248 list_strings_to_string(L1, S1), 249 string_concat(S1, "_", S2), 250 string_concat(S2, SS_type, S3), 251 string_concat(S3, "_", S4), 252 number_string(Sense_num, SN), 253 string_concat(S4, SN, Word_string)
253. 254 255 256%%% list_strings_to_string(+Lis_of_strings, +String) 257%%% Concatenates the Lis_of_strings into one String. 258%%% 259list_strings_to_string([],""). 260list_strings_to_string([Str],Str):- !. 261list_strings_to_string([Str|StrLists], String) :- 262 (Str="" -> 263 S=Str 264 ; 265 string_concat(Str, "_", S) 266 ), 267 list_strings_to_string(StrLists, SS), 268 string_concat(S, SS, String). 269 270 271 272%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 273% atoms_functors_in_term(+Term, -Atoms,-Functors) 274% Returns all the atoms in Term 275%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 276 277atoms_functors_in_term(Term, Atoms, Functors) :- 278 atoms_functors_in_term(Term, [], DupAtoms, [], DupFunctors), 279 ordsets:list_to_ord_set(DupAtoms, Atoms), 280 ordsets:list_to_ord_set(DupFunctors, Functors). 281 282 283atoms_functors_in_term(Var, Atoms, Atoms, Functors, Functors):- 284 var(Var), 285 !. 286 287atoms_functors_in_term(Number, Atoms, Atoms, Functors, Functors):- 288 number(Number), 289 !. 290 291atoms_functors_in_term(Atom, Atoms, [Atom|Atoms], Functors, Functors):- 292 atom(Atom), 293 !. 294 295atoms_functors_in_term([], Atoms, Atoms, Functors, Functors) :- 296 !. 297 298atoms_functors_in_term([Term|Terms], AtomsIn, AtomsOut, FunctorsIn, FunctorsOut) :- 299 !, 300 atoms_functors_in_term_list([Term|Terms], AtomsIn, AtomsOut, FunctorsIn, FunctorsOut). 301 302atoms_functors_in_term(Term, AtomsIn, AtomsOut, FunctorsIn, FunctorsOut) :- 303 Term =.. [Functor|Terms], 304 atoms_functors_in_term_list(Terms, AtomsIn, AtomsOut, [Functor|FunctorsIn], FunctorsOut). 305 306 307atoms_functors_in_term_list([], Atoms, Atoms, Functors, Functors). 308 309atoms_functors_in_term_list([Term|Terms], AtomsIn, AtomsOut, FunctorsIn, FunctorsOut):- 310 atoms_functors_in_term(Term, AtomsIn, AtomsOut1, FunctorsIn, FunctorsOut1), 311 atoms_functors_in_term_list(Terms, AtomsOut1, AtomsOut, FunctorsOut1, FunctorsOut). 312 313 314 315%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 316% bpl_predicates(+Functors, -NonPredicates, -Predicates) 317% Returns non-predicate functors in NonPredicates, 318% and predicate functors in Predicates 319%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 320 321bpl_predicates([], [], []). 322 323bpl_predicates([Functor|Functors], NonPredicates, [Predicate|Predicates]) :- 324 remove_program_prefix(Functor, Predicate), 325 Functor\==Predicate, 326 !, 327 bpl_predicates(Functors, NonPredicates, Predicates). 328 329bpl_predicates([NonPredicate|Functors], [NonPredicate|NonPredicates], Predicates) :- 330 bpl_predicates(Functors, NonPredicates, Predicates).
338remove_program_prefix(Atom, Result) :- 339 parser:program_prefix(Prefix), 340 atom_concat(Prefix, '_', PrefixUS), 341 atom_concat(PrefixUS, Result, Atom), 342 !. 343 344remove_program_prefix(Atom, Atom)