/** chess_db_game( -GameID ).
Return all the unique game ids, constructed as Handles:Gno.
Handles are the handles to access an open chess id and Gno is the
unique game id for a game in that database.
?- chess_db_connect( [dir('/usr/local/users/chess/chess_db/18.07-Biel'),profile(false),position(true)] ).
?- chess_db_game(Gid).
Gid = chdbs(<#40380f90857f0000>, <#40380f90857f0000>, <#40380f90857f0000>, <#40380f90857f0000>):1 ;
Gid = chdbs(<#40380f90857f0000>, <#40380f90857f0000>, <#40380f90857f0000>, <#40380f90857f0000>):2 ;
@author nicos angelopoulos
@version 0.1 2018/8/15
chess_db_game( Gid ) :-
chess_db_current( CdbHs ),
chess_db_handle( info, CdbHs, InfoH ),
% setof( AGno, (K,V)^db_holds(InfoH,game_info(AGno,K,V)), Gnos ),
findall( AGno, db_holds(InfoH,game_info(AGno,_,_)), AllGnos ),
sort( AllGnos, Gnos ),
member( Gno, Gnos ),
Gid = CdbHs:Gno.