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Pack cplint -- prolog/cplint_util.pl
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Utility module for cplint

- Fabrizio Riguzzi
- Artistic License 2.0 https://opensource.org/licenses/Artistic-2.0
 bar(+Probability:float, -Chart:dict) is det
The predicate returns a dict for rendering with c3 as a bar chart with a bar for the probability and a bar for one minus the probability.
 bar1(+Probability:float, -Chart:dict) is det
The predicate returns a dict for rendering with c3 as a bar chart with a bar for the probability
 bar(+Successes:int, +Failures:int, -Chart:dict) is det
The predicate returns a dict for rendering with c3 as a bar chart with a bar for the number of successes and a bar for the number of failures
 argbar(+Values:list, -Chart:dict) is det
Values is a list of pairs V-N where V is the value and N is the number of samples returning that value. The predicate returns a dict for rendering with c3 as a bar chart with a bar for each value V. The size of the bar is given by N.
 to_atom(+In:pair, -Out:pair) is det
Given In=A0-N, to_atom/2 returns Out=A-N where A is an atom representing A0
 histogram(+List:list, -Chart:dict) is det
Equivalent to histogram/3 with an empty option list.
 histogram(+List:list, -Chart:dict, +Options:list) is det
Draws a histogram of the samples in List. List must be a list of pairs of the form [V]-W or V-W where V is a sampled value and W is its weight, or a list of values.

Options is a list of options, the following are recognised by histogram/3:

the minimum value of domain, default value the minimum in List
the maximum value of domain, default value the maximum in List
the number of bins for dividing the domain, default value 40
 densities(+PriorList:list, +PostList:list, -Chart:dict) is det
Equivalent to densities/4 with an empty option list.
 densities(+PriorList:list, +PostList:list, -Chart:dict, +Options:list) is det
Draws a line chart of the density of two sets of samples, usually prior and post observations. The samples from the prior are in PriorList while the samples from the posterior are in PostList. PriorList and PostList must be lists of pairs of the form [V]-W or V-W where V is a sampled value and W is its weight, or lists of values V. Options is a list of options, the following are recognised by histogram/3:
the number of bins for dividing the domain, default value 40 */
 density(+List:list, -Chart:dict) is det
Equivalent to density/3 with an empty option list.
 density(+List:list, -Chart:dict, +Options:list) is det
Draws a line chart of the density of a sets of samples. The samples are in List as pairs [V]-W or V-W where V is a value and W its weigth.

Options is a list of options, the following are recognised by density/3:

the minimum value of domain, default value the minimum in List
the maximum value of domain, default value the maximum in List
the number of bins for dividing the domain, default value 40
 density2d(+List:list, -Dens:list) is det
Equivalent to density2d/3 with an empty option list.
 density2d(+List:list, -Dens:list, +Options:list) is det
Returns a set of 3-dimensional points representing the plot of the density of a sets of 2-dimensional samples. The samples are in List as pairs [X,Y]-W where (X,Y) is a point and W its weigth.

Options is a list of options, the following are recognised by density2d/3:

the minimum value of the X domain, default value the minimum in List
the maximum value of the X domain, default value the maximum in List
the minimum value of the Y domain, default value the minimum in List
the maximum value of the Y domain, default value the maximum in List
the number of bins for dividing the X and Y domains, default value 40
 to_pair(+Pair:pair, -FlattenedPair:pair) is det
Given a pair E-W, returns a pair Ep-W where Ep=EE if E=[EE], otherwise Ep=E
 key_pair(+Pair:pair, -Key:term) is det
Given a pair Key-Vaule, returns its first element Key
 value_pair(+Pair:pair, -Value:term) is det
Given a pair Key-Vaule, returns its second element Value
 bin(+N:int, +Values:list, +Lower:number, +BinWidth:number, -Couples:list) is det
Given a list of numeric Values, a Lower value and BinWidth, returns in Couples a list of N pairs V-Freq where V is the midpoint of a bin and Freq is the number of values that are inside the bin interval [V-BinWidth/2,V+BinWidth/2) starting with the bin where V-BinWidth/2=Lower
 beta(+Alphas:list, -Beta:float) is det
Computes the value of the multivariate beta function for vector Alphas https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beta_function#Multivariate_beta_function Alphas is a list of floats
 average(+Values:list, -Average:float) is det
Computes the average of Values. Values can be
  • a list of numbers
  • a list of pairs number-weight, in which case each number is multiplied by the weight before being summed
  • a list of lists, in which case lists are considered as matrices of numbers and averaged element-wise
  • a list of pairs list-weight, in which case the list is considered as a matrix of numbers. The matrix in each element of List must have the same dimension and are aggregated element- wise
 agg_val(+Couple:atom, +PartialSum:number, -Sum:number) is det
Aggregate values by summation. The first argument is a couple _-N with N the new value to sum to PartialSum
 variance(+Values:list, -Variance:float) is det
Computes the variance of Values. Values can be
  • a list of numbers
  • a list of pairs number-weight, in which case each number is multiplied by the weight before being considered
  • a list of pairs list-weight, in which case list is considered as a matrix of numbers. The matrix in each element of List must have the same dimension and are aggregated element- wise
 variance(+Values:list, -Average:float, -Variance:float) is det
Computes the variance the average of Values. Values can be
  • a list of numbers
  • a list of pairs number-weight, in which case each number is multiplied by the weight before being considered
  • a list of pairs list-weight, in which case list is considered as a matrix of numbers. The matrix in each element of List must have the same dimension and are aggregated element- wise
 std_dev(+Values:list, -Dev:float) is det
Computes the standard deviation of Values. Values can be
  • a list of numbers
  • a list of pairs number-weight, in which case each number is multiplied by the weight before being considered
  • a list of pairs list-weight, in which case list is considered as a matrix of numbers. The matrix in each element of List must have the same dimension and are aggregated element- wise
 std_dev(+Values:list, -Average:float, -Dev:float) is det
Computes the standard deviation and the average of Values. Values can be
  • a list of numbers
  • a list of pairs number-weight, in which case each number is multiplied by the weight before being considered
  • a list of pairs list-weight, in which case list is considered as a matrix of numbers. The matrix in each element of List must have the same dimension and are aggregated element- wise
 swi_builtin(+Goal:atom) is det
Succeeds if Goal is an atom whose predicate is defined in Prolog (either builtin or defined in a standard library).