    2This program is inspired by the morphological characteristics of the Stromboli
    3Italian island.
    4The Stromboli island is located at the intersection of two geological faults,
    5one in the southwest-northeast direction, the other in the east-west direction,
    6and contains one of the three volcanoes that are active in Italy.
    7This program models the possibility that an eruption or an earthquake occurs at Stromboli.
   10Elena Bellodi and Fabrizio Riguzzi. Structure learning of probabilistic logic
   11programs by searching the clause space. Theory and Practice of Logic
   12Programming, FirstView Articles, 2014
   14:- use_module(library(pita)).   15
   16:- if(current_predicate(use_rendering/1)).   17:- use_rendering(c3).   18:- endif.   19
   21:- pita.   22
   23:- begin_lpad.   24
   25eruption : 0.6 ; earthquake : 0.3 :-
   26  sudden_energy_release,
   27  fault_rupture(_).
   28% If there is a sudden energy release under the island and there is a fault
   29% rupture, then there can be an eruption of the volcano on the island with
   30% probability 0.6 or an earthquake in the area with probability 0.3
   32sudden_energy_release : 0.7.
   33% The energy release occurs with probability 0.7
   37% we are sure that ruptures occur in both faults
   39:- end_lpad.

?- prob(eruption,Prob). % what is the probability of an eruption? % expected result 0.588 ?- prob(earthquake,Prob). % what is the probability of an earthquake? % expected result 0.357 ?- prob_bar(eruption,Prob). % what is the probability of an eruption? % expected result 0.588 ?- prob_bar(earthquake,Prob). % what is the probability of an earthquake? % expected result 0.357
