    2Existence uncertainty/unknown objects.
    3This programs models a domain where the number of objects is uncertain.
    4In particular, the number of objects follows a geometric distribution 
    5with parameter 0.7.
    6We can ask what is the probability that the object number n exists.
    7This program uses directly the geometric distribution primitive.
    9Poole, David. "The independent choice logic and beyond." Probabilistic 
   10inductive logic programming. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008. 222-243.
   14:- use_module(library(mcintyre)).   15
   16:- if(current_predicate(use_rendering/1)).   17:- use_rendering(c3).   18:- endif.   19
   20:- mc.   21
   22:- begin_lpad.   23numObj_1(N):geometric(N,0.7).
   26  numObj_1(N0),
   27  N is N0-1.
   30 numObj(N),
   31 between(1, N, I).
   33:- end_lpad.

?- mc_prob(obj(2),P). % what is the probability that object 2 exists? % expected result ~ 0.08992307692307693 ?- mc_prob(obj(2),P),bar(P,C). % what is the probability that object 2 exists? % expected result ~ 0.08992307692307693 ?- mc_prob(obj(5),P). % what is the probability that object 5 exists? % expected result ~ 0.002666 ?- mc_prob(obj(5),P),bar(P,C). % what is the probability that object 5 exists? % expected result ~ 0.002666 ?- mc_prob(numObj(2),P). % what is the probability that there are 2 objects? % expected result ~ 0.0656 ?- mc_prob(numObj(5),P). % what is the probability that there are 5 objects? % expected result ~ 0.0014 ?- mc_sample(obj(5),1000,P,[successes(T),failures(F)]). % take 1000 samples of obj(5) ?- mc_sample(obj(5),1000,P),bar(P,C). % take 1000 samples of obj(5) ?- mc_sample_arg(numObj(N),100,N,O),argbar(O,C). % take 100 samples of L in % findall(N,numObj(N),L) ?- mc_sample_arg(obj(I),100,I,O),argbar(O,C). % take 100 samples of L in % findall(I,obj(I),L) ?- mc_sample_arg(obj(I),100,I,Values). % take 100 samples of L in % findall(I,obj(I),L)
