1:- module(func, [ op(675, xfy, ($))
    2                , op(650, xfy, (of))
    3                , ($)/2
    4                , (of)/2
    5                ]).    6:- use_module(library(list_util), [xfy_list/3]).    7:- use_module(library(function_expansion)).    8:- use_module(library(arithmetic)).    9:- use_module(library(error)).   10
   12% true if the module whose terms are being read has specifically
   13% imported library(func).
   14wants_func :-
   15    prolog_load_context(module, Module),
   16    Module \== func,  % we don't want func sugar ourselves
   17    predicate_property(Module:of(_,_),imported_from(func)).
 compile_function(+Term, -In, -Out, -Goal) is semidet
True if Term represents a function from In to Out implemented by calling Goal. This multifile hook is called by $/2 and of/2 to convert a term into a goal. It's used at compile time for macro expansion. It's used at run time to handle functions which aren't known at compile time. When called as a hook, Term is guaranteed to be nonvar.

For example, to treat library(assoc) terms as functions which map a key to a value, one might define:

:- multifile compile_function/4.
compile_function(Assoc, Key, Value, Goal) :-
    Goal = get_assoc(Key, Assoc, Value).

Then one could write:

list_to_assoc([a-1, b-2, c-3], Assoc),
Two = Assoc $ b,
   42:- multifile compile_function/4.   43compile_function(Var, _, _, _) :-
   44    % variables storing functions must be evaluated at run time
   45    % and can't be compiled, a priori, into a goal
   46    var(Var),
   47    !,
   48    fail.
   49compile_function(Expr, In, Out, Out is Expr) :-
   50    % arithmetic expression of one variable are simply evaluated
   51    \+ string(Expr),  % evaluable/1 throws exception with strings
   52    arithmetic:evaluable(Expr),
   53    term_variables(Expr, [In]).
   54compile_function(F, In, Out, func:Goal) :-
   55    % composed functions
   56    function_composition_term(F),
   57    user:function_expansion(F, func:Functor, true),
   58    Goal =.. [Functor,In,Out].
   59compile_function(F, In, Out, Goal) :-
   60    % string interpolation via format templates
   61    format_template(F),
   62    ( atom(F) ->
   63        Goal = format(atom(Out), F, In)
   64    ; string(F) ->
   65        Goal = format(string(Out), F, In)
   66    ; error:has_type(codes, F) ->
   67        Goal = format(codes(Out), F, In)
   68    ; fail  % to be explicit
   69    ).
   70compile_function(Dict, In, Out, Goal) :-
   71    current_predicate(system:is_dict/1),
   72    is_dict(Dict),
   73    Goal = get_dict(In, Dict, Out).
 $(+Function, +Argument) is det
Apply Function to an Argument. A Function is any predicate whose final argument generates output and whose penultimate argument accepts input.

This is realized by expanding function application to chained predicate calls at compile time. Function application itself can be chained.

Reversed = reverse $ sort $ [c,d,b].
   88:- meta_predicate $(2,+).   89$(_,_) :-
   90    throw(error(permission_error(call, predicate, ($)/2),
   91          context(_, '$/2 must be subject to goal expansion'))).
   93user:function_expansion($(F,X), Y, Goal) :-
   94    wants_func,
   95    ( func:compile_function(F, X, Y, Goal) ->
   96        true
   97    ; var(F) -> Goal =      % defer until run time
   98        ( func:compile_function(F, X, Y, P) ->
   99            call(P)
  100        ; call(F, X, Y)
  101        )
  102    ; Goal = call(F, X, Y)
  103    ).
 of(+F, +G) is det
Creates a new function by composing F and G. The functions are composed at compile time to create a new, compiled predicate which behaves like a function. Function composition can be chained. Composed functions can also be applied with $/2.
Reversed = reverse of sort $ [c,d,b].
  116:- meta_predicate of(2,2).  117of(_,_).
 format_template(Format) is semidet
True if Format is a template string suitable for format/3. The current check is very naive and should be improved.
  124format_template(Format) :-
  125    atom(Format), !,
  126    atom_codes(Format, Codes),
  127    format_template(Codes).
  128format_template(Format) :-
  129    string(Format),
  130    !,
  131    string_codes(Format, Codes),
  132    format_template(Codes).
  133format_template(Format) :-
  134    error:has_type(codes, Format),
  135    memberchk(0'~, Format).  % ' fix syntax highlighting
  138% True if the argument is a function composition term
  141% Converts a function composition term into a list of functions to compose
  142functions_to_compose(Term, Funcs) :-
  143    functor(Term, Op, 2),
  144    Op = (of),
  145    xfy_list(Op, Term, Funcs).
  147% Thread a state variable through a list of functions.  This is similar
  148% to a DCG expansion, but much simpler.
  149thread_state([], [], Out, Out).
  150thread_state([F|Funcs], [Goal|Goals], In, Out) :-
  151    ( compile_function(F, In, Tmp, Goal) ->
  152        true
  153    ; var(F) ->
  154        instantiation_error(F)
  155    ; F =.. [Functor|Args],
  156      append(Args, [In, Tmp], NewArgs),
  157      Goal =.. [Functor|NewArgs]
  158    ),
  159    thread_state(Funcs, Goals, Tmp, Out).
  161user:function_expansion(Term, M:Functor, true) :-
  162    wants_func,
  163    functions_to_compose(Term, Funcs),
  164    debug(func, 'building composed function for: ~w', [Term]),
  165    variant_sha1(Funcs, Sha),
  166    format(atom(Functor), 'composed_function_~w', [Sha]),
  167    debug(func, '  name: ~s', [Functor]),
  168    ( func:current_predicate(Functor/2) ->
  169        debug(func, '  composed predicate already exists', [])
  170    ; true ->
  171        reverse(Funcs, RevFuncs),
  172        thread_state(RevFuncs, Threaded, In, Out),
  173        xfy_list(',', Body, Threaded),
  174        Head =.. [Functor, In, Out],
  175        prolog_load_context(module, M),
  176        M:assert(Head :- Body),
  177        M:compile_predicates([Functor/2])
  178    ).
  181% support foo(x,~,y) evaluation
  182user:function_expansion(MTerm, Output, MGoal) :-
  183    ( MTerm=_:Term -> true; Term=MTerm ),
  184    wants_func,
  185    compound(Term),
  187    % has a single ~ argument
  188    setof( X
  189         , ( arg(X,Term,Arg), Arg == '~' )
  190         , [N]
  191         ),
  193    % replace ~ with a variable
  194    Term =.. [Name|Args0],
  195    nth1(N, Args0, ~, Rest),
  196    nth1(N, Args, Output, Rest),
  197    Goal =.. [Name|Args],
  198    ( MTerm=Mod:_ -> MGoal=Mod:Goal; MGoal=Goal )