gbn_mtx_df_defaults( check_names(false) ). /** gbn_mtx_df( -Mtx, +Df, +Opts ). mtx_df( +Mtx, +Df ). Mtx is the csv representation of R data frame Df. Opts * check_names(ChNames=true) in R the default is also _true_ == ?- gbn_mtx_df( [row(a,b,c),row(1,2,3),row(4,5,6)], df1 ), <- df1, csv_df( Csv1, df1 ). $a [1] 1 4 $b [1] 2 5 $c [1] 3 6 Csv1 = [row(a, b, c), row(1, 2, 3), row(4, 5, 6)]. == This seems to get stuck for very large matrices, (>130,000). See implementation in . @author nicos angelopoulos @version 0.1 2014/6/19 @version 0.2 2015/12/14, added options (check_names/1) */ gbn_mtx_df( Csv, Df ) :- gbn_mtx_df( Csv, Df, [] ). gbn_mtx_df( Csv, Df, _Args ) :- var( Csv ), !, Rlist <- as.list(Df), findall( List, (member(Head=Tail,Rlist),List=[Head|Tail]), Lists), mtx_lists( Csv, Lists ). gbn_mtx_df( Csv, Df, Args ) :- options_append( gbn_mtx_df, Args, Opts ), % Df <- 'data.frame()', mtx_lists( Csv, Lists ), findall( Head=Tail, ( member(List,Lists), List=[Head|Tail] ), Pairs ), /* findall( Head=Fail, ( member(List,Lists), List=[Head|Tail], break_nth( 136560, Tail, Fail, Rest ), Rest = [Off|_], write( Off ), nl ), Pairs ), */ Df <- Pairs, % this actually makes it to a list (if that matters) ( options(check_names(true),Opts) -> Check = 'T'; Check = 'F' ), Df <- 'data.frame'(Df,check.names=Check). % This ???Fixes a bug in one of: Real, R, Swi (see ~/ac/14mg/hmrn/analysis % gbn_mtx_df_1( Csv, Df ) :- % Df <- 'data.frame()', mtx_lists( Csv, Lists ), findall( Head=Tail, ( member(List,Lists),List=[Head|Tail], (maplist(number,Tail)->true; throw(erto(Head))) ), Pairs ), /* findall( Head=Fail, ( member(List,Lists), List=[Head|Tail], break_nth( 136560, Tail, Fail, Rest ), Rest = [Off|_], write( Off ), nl ), Pairs ), */ Df <- Pairs, % this actually makes it to a list (if that matters) Df <- 'data.frame'(Df).