- natural(+N) is semidet
- natural(-N:natural) is multi
- Means N is a natural number (includes 0). If N is
a variable, succeeds an infinite number of times on backtracking,
returning all natural numbers.
- int(+N) is semidet
- int(-N:integer) is multi
- Means N is an integer. If N is
a variable, succeeds an infinite number of times on backtracking,
returning all integers starting at zero and interleaving positive
and negative values.
- enumerate(+L:list(A), -NL:list(pair(natural,A))) is det
- enumerate(-L:list(A), -NL:list(pair(natural,A))) is nondet
- measure(+L:list(_), -N:list(natural)) is det
- measure(-L:list(_), -N:list(natural)) is nondet
- True when L and N are the same lenght and N is a sequence of integers starting at 1.
- print_list(+L:list) is det
- Print a list, one item per line.
- printq_list(+L:list) is det
- Print a list, one item per line, as with writeq/1.
- print_numbered_list(+L:list) is det
- Print a list with numbered lines.
- cons(?Head:A, ?Tail:list(A), ?List:list(A)) is det
- List constructor.
- decons(?Head:A, ?List:list(A), ?Tail:list(A)) is det
- List deconstructor.
- rep(+N:natural, ?X:A, -L:list(A)) is det
- rep(-N:natural, ?X:A, -L:list(A)) is multi
- Make a list consisting of N repeats of the same term. If called
with N unbount, creates progressively longer and longer lists
on backtracking.
- drop(+N:natural, +In:list(A), -Out:list(A)) is semidet
- True if removing exactly N elements from the head of In results in Out.
Fails if there are fewer than N elements in In.
- take(+N:natural, +In:list(A), -Out:list(A)) is semidet
- True when Out consists of the first N elements of Out.
Fails if In contains fewer than N elements.
- dropc(+N:natural, +In:list(A), -Out:list(A)) is det
- Unifies Out with the result of removing N elements from the head if In,
or the empty list if In has fewer than N elements. (The 'c' is for a
'complete' as opposed to a 'partial' function.)
- takec(+N:natural, +In:list(A), -Out:list(A)) is semidet
- Unifies Out with the first N elements of In,
or the empty list if In has fewer than N elements. (The 'c' is for a
'complete' as opposed to a 'partial' function.)
- drop_while(+P:pred(A), +In:list(A), -Out:list(A)) is det
- Remove all elements from head of In that are accepted by P
and return the remained in Out.
- take_while(+P:pred(A), +In:list(A), -Out:list(A)) is det
- Remove all elements from head of In that are accepted by P
and return them in Out.
- split_at(+N:natural, -Prefix:list(A), -Suffix:list(A), +In:list(A)) is det
- split_at(-N:natural, -Prefix:list(A), -Suffix:list(A), +In:list(A)) is det
- True when Prefix is the length-N prefix of Items and Suffix is the list of
remaining items. Also works in other modes, like append.
- same_length(+L1:list(_), +L2:list(_)) is det
- same_length(-L1:list(_), -L2:list(_)) is nondet
- True when L1 and L2 are lists of the same length.
- zip(+X:list(A), +Y:list(B), -Z:list(pair(A,B))) is det
- zip(-X:list(A), -Y:list(B), +Z:list(pair(A,B))) is det
- zip(?X:list(A), ?Y:list(B), ?Z:list(pair(A,B))) is nondet
- True when Z is the list of pairs formed from corresponding
elements of X and Y. The pair type is
pair(A,B) ---> A-B
- map_filter(+P:pred(+A,-B), +L1:list(A), -L2:list(B)) is det
- Like maplist/3, but filtering out those elements of L2 for which P fails.
- foldr(P:pred(A,B,B), X:list(A), S1:B, S2:B) is det