1:- module(irc_client_dispatch, [
2 send_msg/2,
3 send_msg/3,
4 send_msg/4
5]). 6
8:- use_module(irc_client_info). 9:- use_module(irc_client_operator).
30send_msg(Me, Type) :-
31 cmd(Type, Msg),
32 get_irc_stream(Me, Stream),
33 cmd_params(Type, 0),
34 !, 35 write(Stream, Msg),
36 flush_output(Stream).
40send_msg(Me, Type) :-
41 cmd(Type, Msg),
42 get_irc_stream(Me, Stream),
43 connection(Me, Nick, Pass, Chans, HostName, ServerName, RealName),
44 ( Type = pass,
45 format(Stream, Msg, [Pass])
46 ; Type = user,
47 format(Stream, Msg, [Nick, HostName, ServerName, RealName])
48 ; Type = nick,
49 format(Stream, Msg, [Nick])
50 ; Type = join,
51 maplist(format(Stream, Msg), Chans)
52 ),
53 flush_output(Stream).
59send_msg(Me, Type, Param) :-
60 cmd(Type, Msg),
61 cmd_params(Type, 1), !, 62 get_irc_stream(Me, Stream),
63 format(Stream, Msg, [Param]),
64 flush_output(Stream).
71send_msg(Me, Type, Str, Target) :-
72 cmd(Type, Msg),
73 cmd_params(Type, 2),
74 \+member(Type, [kick, invite]), !, 75 get_irc_stream(Me, Stream),
76 format(Stream, Msg, [Target, Str]),
77 flush_output(Stream).
80send_msg(Me, Type, Chan, Target) :-
81 cmd(Type, Msg),
82 get_irc_stream(Me, Stream),
83 ( Type = kick,
84 format(Stream, Msg, [Chan, Target])
85 ; Type = invite,
86 format(Stream, Msg, [Target, Chan])
87 ),
88 !,
89 flush_output(Stream).
91cmd_params(Type, N) :-
92 cmd(Type, Template),
93 split_string(Template, "~", "\r~n", [_|Params]),
94 length(Params, N)
Message dispatching
This is a switchboard for routing message types to the correct message templates. Once the message template and respective substitution list is unified with the type, the process is consummated by dispatching the message through the stream.