This is a convenience module to convert a prolog query into a JSON answer for IPC
- query(+Term, +Stream) is semidet
- Writes the JSON to the given stream
- deprecated
- - term_to_dict_list/2
- query(+Term) is semidet
- Outputs JSON to current_output
- deprecated
- - term_to_dict_list/2
- term_to_dict(+Term, -Dict) is semidet
- Converts a compound term to a dict
- term_to_dict_list(+Term, -DictList) is semidet
- Converts a compound term to a list of dicts
?- assert(friend(alex, luke)),
assert(friend(donna, eric)),
assert(friend(donna, mary)).
?- term_to_dict_list(friend(donna, _), DictList),
json:json_write_dict(current_output, DictList).
[ {"friend": ["donna", "eric" ]}, {"friend": ["donna", "mary" ]} ]
DictList = [_{friend:[donna, eric]}, _{friend:[donna, mary]}].