2multifile_data(F/A):- multifile(F/A), dynamic(F/A), discontiguous(F/A).
4:- multifile_data(cgr/3). 5:- multifile_data(cg/4). 6:- multifile_data(cgc/5). 7
8:- multifile_data(isa_cg/2). 9:- multifile_data(isa_rel/2). 10:- multifile_data(ind/3). 11:- multifile_data(reldef/3). 12:- multifile_data(isa_kind/4). 13:- multifile_data(typedef/3). 14
18:- dynamic(ex_c/3). 19:- dynamic(sp_c/3). 20:- dynamic(broi/1). 21:- dynamic(broig/1). 22:- dynamic(top/1). 23:- dynamic(bottom/1). 24:- dynamic(u_conc/3). 25:- expects_dialect(sicstus). 26:- use_module(library(lists)). 27:- dynamic(params/1). 28
29:- include(library('../test/cgworld/CGKB.kb')). 30:- include(library('../test/cgworld/Type_Hierarchy.kb')). 31
32isConcept(ID):- grounded(id(g), ID), cgc(ID, _, _, _, _).
33isCG(ID):- grounded(id(g), ID), cg(ID, _, _, _).
35grounded(_, G):- ground(G), !.
36grounded(id(_), _):- !.
38isRelation(Name):- cgr(Name, _, _).
40isSimpleConcept(ID):- grounded(id(g), ID), cgc(ID, simple, _, _, _).
41isSituationConcept(ID):- grounded(id(g), ID), cgc(ID, complex, _, _, _).
42isSimpleGraph(ID):- grounded(id(g), ID), cg(ID, _, _, F), member(fs(kind, normal), F).
43isContextGraph(ID):- grounded(id(g), ID), cg(ID, _, _, F), member(fs(kind, context), F).
44isBofContextGraph(ID):- grounded(id(g), ID), cg(ID, _, F, _), member(fs(kind, body_of_context), F).
45isBCTDefGraph(ID):- grounded(id(g), ID), cg(ID, _, _, F),
46 member(fs(kind, body_of_concept_type_def), F).
47isBRTDefGraph(ID):- grounded(id(g), ID), cg(ID, _, _, F),
48 member(fs(kind, body_of_rel_type_def), F).
49isTypeDefGraph(ID):- grounded(id(g), ID), cg(ID, _, _, F),
50 member(fs(kind, typedef), F).
51isRelDefGraph(ID):- grounded(id(g), ID), reldef(ID, _, _).
52isCLabel(Lbl):- grounded(label, Lbl), cgc(_, simple, Lbl, _, _).
53isTLabel(Lbl):- grounded(label, Lbl), cg(Lbl, _, _, F),
54 member(fs(kind, typedef), F).
58isUsedId(ID):- (
59 isConcept(ID);
60 isCG(ID);
61 isTypeDefGraph(ID);
62 isRelDefGraph(ID)
63 ).
66listId(L):- findall(Id, cgc(Id, _, _, _, _), CgcL),
67 findall(Id, cg(Id, _, _, _), CgL), append(CgcL, CgL, L1),
68 findall(Id, (cg(Id, _, _, F), member(fs(kind, typedef), F)), TL),
69 findall(Id, (cg(Id, _, _, F), member(fs(kind, reldef), F)), RL),
70 append(TL, RL, L2), append(L1, L2, L).
72broiId(Id):- listId(L), max_el(L, Id),
73 X is (1 + '//'(Id , 10000000)) * 10000000,
74 max_el([Id, X], XId),
75 asserta(broi(XId)).
77max_el(L, E):- mel(L, -1, E).
78mel([], E, E).
79mel([H|T], N, E):- ground(H), (H>=N -> mel(T, H, E));mel(T, N, E).
81:- broiId(_X). 82
83newId(Id):- retract(broi(I)), !, sum1(I, Id), asserta(broi(Id)).
84sum1(X, X1):- X1 is X+1.
87supRef([], [fs(type, quest)]).
88supRef([], [fs(quant, lambda)]).
89supRef([], [fs(quant, every)]).
90supRef([fs(num, sing)], [fs(num, sing)]).
91supRef([], [fs(name, _)]).
92supRef([], [fs(refID, _)]).
93supRef([fs(num, plur)], [fs(num, plur)]).
94supRef([], [fs(type, def)]).
95supRef([], [fs(type, meas)]).
96supRef([], [fs(quant, _)]).
97supRef([], [fs(set_type, _)]).
100subRef([], [fs(type, quest)]).
101subRef([], [fs(quant, lambda)]).
102subRef([], [fs(quant, every)]).
103subRef([fs(num, sing)], [fs(num, sing)]).
105subRef([fs(num, plur)], [fs(num, plur)]).
106subRef([fs(name, N)], [fs(name, N)]).
107subRef([fs(refID, ID)], [fs(refID, ID)]).
108subRef([fs(type, def)], [fs(type, def)]).
109subRef([fs(type, meas)], [fs(type, meas)]).
110subRef([fs(quant, N)], [fs(quant, N)]).
111subRef([fs(set_type, T)], [fs(set_type, T)]).
115sub(X, X).
116sub(X, Y):- isa_cg(X, Y), !.
117sub(X, Y):- isa_cg(X, Z), sub(Z, Y).
119suptype(X, Y, X):- sub(Y, X), !.
120suptype(X, Y, Y):- sub(X, Y).
122subtype(X, Y, X):- sub(X, Y), !.
123subtype(X, Y, Y):- sub(Y, X).
127subrel(X, Y):- X==Y, !;isa_rel(X, Y).
128subrel(X, Y):- isa_rel(X, Z), !, subrel(Z, Y).
130subrels(X, Y, Y):- subrel(X, Y).
131subrels(X, Y, X):- subrel(Y, X).
134super(A, B, S):- suptype(A, B, S), !;
135 top(X),
136 path_up(A, X, S1), path_up(B, X, S2),
137 waste(S1, S2, S).
141path_up(X, X, [X]).
142path_up(X, Y, P) :-
143 isa_cg(X, Z), path_up(Z, Y, L), append([X], L, P).
145path_up_len(_, _, 0, []).
146path_up_len(X, Y, N, P):- isa_cg(X, Z), N1 is (N-1),
147 path_up_len(Z, Y, N1, P1), append([X], P1, P).
148paths_up_len(X, Y, N, P):-
149 findall(P1, path_up_len(X, Y, N, P1), P).
153waste([H|L], L1, L2):- non_member(H, L1), !,
154 waste(L, L1, L2).
155waste([H|_], L1, H):- member(H, L1), !.
157min_super_type(A, B, S):- if(A=B, S=A,
158 (findall(S1, super(A, B, S1), S2),
159 sort(S2, S3), top(X),
160 min_hel(X, S3, X, S))).
163min_hel(E, [], Top, E):- E\=Top.
164min_hel(E, [H|T], Top, M):- sub(H, E), !, min_hel(H, T, Top, M).
165min_hel(E, [_|T], Top, M):- min_hel(E, T, Top, M).
168minComSuperType(T1, T1, T1, [], [], _).
169minComSuperType(T1, T2, C, L1, L2, T):-
170 min_super_type(T1, T2, C), path_up(T1, C, L1),
171 path_up(T2, C, L2), top(X), path_up(C, X, T).
174below(A, B, S):- subtype(A, B, S), !;bottom(X),
175 path_down(A, X, S1),
176 path_down(B, X, S2),
177 waste(S1, S2, S).
180path_down(X, X, [X]).
181path_down(X, Y, P):- isa_cg(Z, X), path_down(Z, Y, L),
182 append([X], L, P).
184max_sub_type(A, B, S):- if(A=B, S=A,
185 (findall(S1, below(A, B, S1), S2),
186 sort(S2, S3), bottom(X), max_hel(X, S3, X, S))).
189max_hel(E, [], B, E):- E\=B.
190max_hel(E, [H|T], B, M):- sub(E, H), !, max_hel(H, T, B, M).
191max_hel(E, [_|T], B, M):- max_hel(E, T, B, M).
193maxComSubType(T1, T1, T1, [], [], _).
194maxComSubType(T1, T2, C, L1, L2, B):-
195 max_sub_type(T1, T2, C), path_down(T1, C, L1),
196 path_down(T2, C, L2), bottom(X), path_down(C, X, B).
199referents1(Ref1, Ref2, Ref2):- subset(Ref1, Ref2), !.
200referents1(Ref1, Ref2, Ref):- subrefs(R1, Ref1), subrefs(R2, Ref2), !,
201 if(subset(R1, R2), Ref=R2, ref_subt(R1, R2, Ref)).
203:- discontiguous(ref_subt/3). 204
206ref_subt(R1, R2, R):- if(subt_case1(R1, R2, R), !, subt_case2(R1, R2, R)).
207subt_case1(R1, R2, R2):- check_mq(R1, Q1), check_mq(R2, Q2), !,
208 brel(R1, N), brel(R2, N), Q2>=Q1,
209 if((member(fs(name, N1), R1), member(fs(name, N2), R2)), subset(N1, N2), !).
210subt_case2(R1, R2, R2):- check_mq(R1, Q1), check_mq(R2, Q2), !, Q2>=Q1,
211 brel(R1, N), N2 is (N+1), brel(R2, N2), member(fs(name, _), R2).
213subt_case2(R1, R2, R):- check_mq(R1, Q1), check_mq(R2, Q2), Q2>=Q1,
214 brel(R2, N), N2 is (N+1), brel(R1, N2), member(fs(name, L), R1),
215 brel(L, L1), Q2>=L1,
216 append(R2, [fs(name, L)], R).
218ref_subt(R1, R2, R2):- check_tn(R1, N1), check_tn(R2, N2), brel(R1, N),
219 brel(R2, N), subset(N1, N2).
221ref_subt(R1, R2, R2):- check_tn(R1, N1), check_mq(R2, Q2), brel(N1, N), Q2>=N.
223ref_subt(R1, R2, R2):- check_mq(R1, Q1), check_tn(R2, N2), brel(N2, N), N>=Q1.
225ref_subt(R1, R2, Ref):- checkId(R1, R2, Ref).
227check_mq(R, N):- member(fs(type, meas), R), member(fs(quant, N), R).
228check_tn(R, L):- member(fs(type, def), R), member(fs(name, L), R).
229check_tq(R, N):- member(fs(quant, N), R), member(fs(type, def), R).
233checkId(R1, R2, Ref):- if(checkId1(R1, R2, Rf), Ref=Rf, checkId1(R2, R1, Ref)).
234checkId1(R1, R2, Ref):- member(fs(name, N), R1), member(fs(refID, Id), R2),
235 ind(Id, N, _), append(R1, R2, Refs), clean(Refs, Ref).
238referents2(Ref1, Ref2, Ref):- supsetr(Ref1, Ref2, Ref), !.
239referents2(Ref1, Ref2, Ref):- subrefs(R1, Ref1), subrefs(R2, Ref2), !,
240 if(supsetr(R1, R2, Refs), Ref=Refs, ref_comt(R1, R2, Ref)).
242ref_comt(Ref1, Ref2, Ref):- ref_sp_case(Ref1, Ref2, Ref), !.
243ref_comt(Ref1, Ref2, Ref):- ref_comt1(Ref1, Ref2, Ref).
245ref_comt1(Ref1, Ref2, Ref):- if(ref_comt2(Ref1, Ref2, Ref), !,
246 ref_comt2(Ref2, Ref1, Ref)).
249:- discontiguous(ref_comt2/3). 250
251ref_comt2(R1, R2, R):- if(comt_case1(R1, R2, R), !, comt_case2(R1, R2, R)).
253comt_case1(R1, R2, R2):- check_mq(R1, Q1), check_mq(R2, Q2), !,
254 brel(R1, N), brel(R2, N), Q2>=Q1,
255 if((member(fs(name, N1), R1), member(fs(name, N2), R2)),
256 subset(N1, N2), !).
258comt_case2(R1, R2, R2):- check_mq(R1, Q1), check_mq(R2, Q2), !, Q2>=Q1,
259 brel(R1, N), N2 is (N+1), brel(R2, N2), member(fs(name, _L), R2).
261comt_case2(R1, R2, R):- check_mq(R1, Q1), check_mq(R2, Q2), Q2>=Q1,
262 brel(R2, N), N2 is (N+1), brel(R1, N2), member(fs(name, L), R1),
263 brel(L, L1), Q2>=L1,
264 append(R2, [fs(name, L)], R).
267ref_comt2(R1, R2, R2):- check_tn(R1, N1), check_tn(R2, N2), brel(R1, N),
268 brel(R2, N), subset(N1, N2).
271ref_comt2(R1, R2, R):- check_tn(R1, N1), check_mq(R2, Q2), brel(N1, N), Q2>=N,
272 append(R2, [fs(name, N1)], R).
275ref_comt2(R1, R2, R2):- check_mq(R1, Q1), check_tn(R2, N2), brel(N2, N), N>=Q1.
278ref_comt2(R1, R2, Ref):- checkId(R1, R2, Ref).
281ref_sp_case(R1, R2, R):- member(fs(num, sing), R1), !, member(fs(num, sing), R2),
282 member(fs(name, N1), R1), member(fs(name, N2), R2),
283 append([N1], [N2], N), append([fs(num, plur)], [fs(name, N)], R).
285ref_sp_case(R1, R2, R):- check_tn(R1, L1), check_tn(R2, L2), append(L1, L2, L), !,
286 if(ref_sp_case1(R1, R2, Rf), (append(Rf, [fs(name, L)], R), !),
287 (append([fs(type, def)], [fs(num, plur)], S1),
288 append(S1, [fs(name, L)], R))).
289ref_sp_case(R1, R2, R):- member(fs(name, L1), R1), member(fs(name, L2), R2),
290 append(L1, L2, L), append([fs(num, plur)], [fs(name, L)], R).
292ref_sp_case1(R1, R2, R):- check_mq(R1, Q1), check_mq(R2, Q2),
293 append([fs(num, plur)], [fs(type, meas)], S1),
294 append(S1, [fs(type, def)], S2),
295 Q is Q1+Q2, append(S2, [fs(quant, Q)], R).
298supsetr(S1, S2, S2):- subset(S1, S2).
299supsetr(S1, S2, S1):- subset(S2, S1).
302subrefs([], []).
303subrefs(L, [H|T]):- subRef(H1, [H]), !,
304 subrefs(L1, T), append(H1, L1, L).
306brel([], 0).
307brel([_|T], N):- brel(T, N1), N is N1+1.
313conformity(IndID, Type):- ind(IndID, _, Type).
314conformity(IndID, Type):- isa_cg(SubType, Type), bottom(X),
315 SubType\=X,
316 conformity(IndID, SubType).
317conformity(_, _):- !, fail.
319conformity1(IndName, Type):- ind(_, IndName, Type).
320conformity1(IndName, Type):- isa_cg(SubType, Type), bottom(X),
321 SubType\=X,
322 conformity1(IndName, SubType).
323conformity1(_, _):- !, fail.
327conform([], _, []).
328conform([fs(refID, ID)|R], T, [New|R1]):-
329 if(conformity(ID, T), New=fs(refID, ID), New=[]),
330 conform(R, T, R1).
331conform([H|R], T, [H|R1]):- conform(R, T, R1).
333conform1([], _, []).
334conform1([fs(name, N)|R], T, [New|R1]):-
335 if(conformity1(N, T), New=fs(name, N), New=[]),
336 conform1(R, T, R1).
337conform1([H|R], T, [H|R1]):- conform1(R, T, R1).
338check_conformity(R, T, R1):- if(conform(R, T, R2), R1=R2, conform1(R, T, R1)).
341checku(N1, N2, R1, R2, Id):- sub(N1, N2), referents1(R1, R2, R),
342 check_conformity(R, N1, NR), exist_cgc(simple, N1, NR, _, Id).
347unifyconc(Cid1, Cid2, Id):-
348 (cgc(Cid1, simple, N1, Ref1, _),
349 cgc(Cid2, simple, N2, Ref2, _),
350 unifysimple(N1, Ref1, N2, Ref2, Id),
351 assertz(u_conc(Cid1, Cid2, Id)))
352 ;(cgc(Cid1, complex, N1, RGr1, _),
353 cgc(Cid2, complex, N2, RGr2, _),
354 unifysituation(N1, RGr1, N2, RGr2, Id),
355 assertz(u_conc(Cid1, Cid2, Id))).
360unifyconcepts(Cid1, Cid2, Id):-
361 (u_conc(Cid1, Cid2, Id);u_conc(Cid2, Cid1, Id)), !.
362unifyconcepts(Cid1, Cid2, Id):- unifyconc(Cid1, Cid2, Id).
365unifysimple(N1, Ref1, N2, Ref2, Id):-
366 (checku(N1, N2, Ref1, Ref2, Id), !;
367 checku(N2, N1, Ref1, Ref2, Id), !;
368 if(max_sub_type(N1, N2, N),
369 (referents2(Ref1, Ref2, R),
370 check_conformity(R, N, NR), !,
371 exist_cgc(simple, N, NR, _, Id)),
372 (!, fail))).
375unifysituation(N1, S1, N2, S2, Id):-
376 (sub(N1, N2), exist_cgc(complex, N1, S1, _, Id)), !;
377 (sub(N2, N1), exist_cgc(complex, N2, S2, _, Id)).
380findrels(Gid, Cid, R, R1):- graph_relations(Gid, G), findrel(Cid, G, R, R1).
382findrel(_, [], [], []).
383findrel(Cid, [cgr(N, L, _)|T], [cgr(N, L, _)|T1], L1):-
384 member(Cid, L), !, findrel(Cid, T, T1, L1).
385findrel(Cid, [cgr(N, L, _)|T], T1, [cgr(N, L, _)|L1]):-
386 findrel(Cid, T, T1, L1).
389graphrels(Gid1, Gid2, Cid1, Cid2, C1, R1, C2, R2):-
390 findrels(Gid1, Cid1, C1, R1),
391 findrels(Gid2, Cid2, C2, R2),
392 C1\=[], C2\=[].
393graphrels(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _):-
394 write('No compatible triples of relations'), !, fail.
397find_rep(_, _, [], []).
398find_rep(X, Y, [X|T], [Y|T1]):- !, find_rep(X, Y, T, T1).
399find_rep(X, Y, [H|T], [H|T1]):- !, find_rep(X, Y, T, T1).
402cg_replace(_, _, [], []).
403cg_replace(X, Y, [cgr(N, L, _)|T], [cgr(N, L1, _)|T1]):-
404 find_rep(X, Y, L, L1), !,
405 cg_replace(X, Y, T, T1).
408replace_in(_, _, [], []).
409replace_in(X, Y, [cgr(N, L, _)|T], [cgr(N, L1, _)|T1]):-
410 inRel(cgr(N, L, _), InR),
411 outRel(cgr(N, L, _), OutR),
412 find_rep(X, Y, InR, InR1), append(InR1, OutR, L1),
413 !, replace_in(X, Y, T, T1).
415replace_out(_, _, [], []).
416replace_out(X, Y, [cgr(N, L, _)|T], [cgr(N, L1, _)|T1]):-
417 inRel(cgr(N, L, _), InR),
418 outRel(cgr(N, L, _), OutR),
419 [X]=OutR, append(InR, [Y], L1), !,
420 replace_out(X, Y, T, T1).
421replace_out(X, Y, [cgr(N, L, _)|T], [cgr(N, L, _)|T1]):-
422 replace_out(X, Y, T, T1).
424inRel(cgr(_, R, _), InR):- append(InR, [_], R).
425outRel(cgr(_, R, _), [OutR]):- append(_, [OutR], R).
428clean([], []).
429clean([H|T], T1):- member(H, T), !, clean(T, T1).
430clean([H|T], [H|T1]):- clean(T, T1).
433cleanr([], []).
434cleanr([cgr(N, R, _)|T], T1):- member(cgr(N, R, _), T), !,
435 cleanr(T, T1).
436cleanr([cgr(N, R, _)|T], [cgr(N, R, _)|T1]):- cleanr(T, T1).
439exist_cg(R, CorL, K, C, P, NGrid):-
440 ((cg(N, R, CorL, FS), member(fs(kind, K), FS),
441 member(fs(comment, C), FS), member(fs(operation, P), FS),
442 grounded(id(g), N))-> NGrid=N;
443 (newId(NGrid), assertz(cg(NGrid, R, CorL, [fs(kind, K),
444 fs(comment, C), fs(operation, P)])))).
447exist_cgc(K, T, F, _, NC):- (cgc(N, K, T, F, _), grounded(id(g), N))->NC=N;
448 (newId(NC), assertz(cgc(NC, K, T, F, _))).
450graph_relations(GrID, Rel):- grounded(id(g), GrID), cg(GrID, Rel, _, _).
451graph_clinks(GrID, CLinks):- grounded(id(g), GrID), cg(GrID, _, CLinks, _).
454help_link([], _, _, []).
455help_link([identity_line(H)|T], Cid, NCid, NL):- find_rep(Cid, NCid, H, H1),
456 help_link(T, Cid, NCid, T1), append([identity_line(H1)], T1, NL).
462join(Gid1, Gid2, Cid1, Cid1, Gid3, Cid1):-
463 Param=['join', Gid1, Gid2, Cid1, Cid1, Cid1, Gid3],
464 if(exist_params(Param, Gid), Gid3=Gid,
465 (
466 graph_relations(Gid1, R1), graph_relations(Gid2, R2),
467 graph_clinks(Gid1, Link1), graph_clinks(Gid2, Link2),
468 append(Link1, Link2, Link),
469 append(R1, R2, NRel),
470 clean(NRel, NR1), clean_help(NR1, NRels),
471 to_string('This graph is reseived from graphs ', Gid1, Com1),
472 to_string(' and ', Gid2, Com2), to_string(Com1, Com2, Com3),
473 to_string(' performing the join operation on concepts with id(g) ', Cid1, Com4),
474 to_string(Com3, Com4, Com5), to_string(' and ', Cid1, Com6),
475 to_string(Com5, Com6, Comment),
476 exist_cg(NRels, Link, joined, Comment, Param, Gid3),
477 assertz(params(Param)))).
479join(Gid1, Gid2, Cid1, Cid2, Gid3, Cid3):-
480 Param=['join', Gid1, Gid2, Cid1, Cid2, Cid3, Gid3],
481 if(exist_params(Param, Gid), Gid3=Gid,
482 (
483 unifyconcepts(Cid1, Cid2, Cid3), !,
484 graph_clinks(Gid1, Link1), graph_clinks(Gid2, Link2),
485 help_link(Link1, Cid1, Cid3, L1), help_link(Link2, Cid2, Cid3, L2),
486 append(L1, L2, L),
487 graphrels(Gid1, Gid2, Cid1, Cid2, C1, R1, C2, R2),
488 cg_replace(Cid1, Cid3, C1, NC1),
489 cg_replace(Cid2, Cid3, C2, NC2),
490 append(NC1, NC2, NC), append(R1, R2, NR),
491 append(NC, NR, NRel), !,
492 clean(NRel, NR1), clean_help(NR1, NRels),
493 to_string('This graph is reseived from graphs ', Gid1, Com1),
494 to_string(' and ', Gid2, Com2), to_string(Com1, Com2, Com3),
495 to_string(' performing the join operation on concepts with id(g) ', Cid1, Com4),
496 to_string(Com3, Com4, Com5), to_string(' and ', Cid2, Com6),
497 to_string(Com5, Com6, Comment),
498 exist_cg(NRels, L, joined, Comment, Param, Gid3),
499 assertz(params(Param)))).
504join_op(Grid1, L1, Grid2, L2, Grid3):-
505 find_conc(Grid1, Grid2, L1, L2, Cid1, Cid2),
506 join(Grid1, Grid2, Cid1, Cid2, Grid3, _).
509find_conc(Grid1, Grid2, L1, L2, Cid1, Cid2):-
510 graph_relations(Grid1, R1), graph_relations(Grid2, R2),
511 rel_to_list(R1, Ls1), rel_to_list(R2, Ls2),
512 (cgc(Cid1, _C1, L1, _F1, _), member(Cid1, Ls1)),
513 (cgc(Cid2, _C2, L2, _F2, _), member(Cid2, Ls2)), !.
515max_join(Grid1, Grid1, Grid1).
516max_join(Grid1, Grid2, NGrid):-
517 Param=['max_join', Grid1, Grid2, NGrid],
518 if(exist_params(Param, Grid), NGrid=Grid,
519 (
520 graph_relations(Grid1, Rl1), graph_relations(Grid2, Rl2),
521 comn_relsj(Rl1, Rl2, Rel1, Rel2), (Rel1= [];Rel2 =[]),
522 compareconsj(Rl1, Rl2, _RelC), all_un(Rl1, Rl2, U),
523 graph_clinks(Grid1, Link1), graph_clinks(Grid2, Link2),
524 un_process(U, Rl1, Rl2, NR1, NR2),
525 un_processl(U, Link1, Link2, L1, L2),
526 append(NR1, NR2, NR), clean(NR, NRels),
527 clean_help(NRels, R), !,
528 (R\=[] -> (to_string('This graph is received from graphs ', Grid1, Com1), to_string(' and ', Grid2, Com2),
529to_string(Com1, Com2, Com3),
530to_string(Com3, ' performing the maximal join operation', Comment),
531 append(L1, L2, L),
532 exist_cg(R, L, maximal_joined, Comment, Param, NGrid)),
533 assertz(params(Param))))).
534max_join(Grid1, Grid2, NGrid):-
535 Param=['max_join', Grid1, Grid2, NGrid],
536 if(exist_params(Param, Grid), NGrid=Grid,
537 (
538 graph_relations(Grid1, Rl1), graph_relations(Grid2, Rl2),
539 comn_relsj(Rl1, Rl2, Rel1, Rel2),
540 razlika(Rl1, Rel1, Rest1), razlika(Rl2, Rel2, Rest2),
541 comparetrsj(Rel1, Rel2), all_un(Rel1, Rel2, U),
542 graph_clinks(Grid1, Link1), graph_clinks(Grid2, Link2),
543 un_process(U, Rel1, Rel2, NR1, NR2),
544 un_processl(U, Link1, Link2, L1, L2),
545 un_process(U, Rest1, Rest2, NRest1, NRest2),
546 append(NR1, NR2, NR), clean(NR, NRels),
547 append(NRels, NRest1, S), append(S, NRest2, S1), clean(S1, NRel),
548 clean_help(NRel, R), !,
549 (R\=[] -> (to_string('This graph is received from graphs ', Grid1, Com1), to_string(' and ', Grid2, Com2),
550 to_string(Com1, Com2, Com3),
551 to_string(Com3, ' performing the maximal join operation', Comment),
552 append(L1, L2, L),
553 exist_cg(R, L, maximal_joined, Comment, Param, NGrid)),
554 assertz(params(Param))))).
556compareconsj(Rel1, Rel2, L):- rel_to_list(Rel1, L1), rel_to_list(Rel2, L2),
557 conceptsunify(L1, L2, Lm), !, clean(Lm, L).
558conceptsunify([], _, []).
559conceptsunify([H|L1], L2, L):- conceptun(H, L2, H1), conceptsunify(L1, L2, T), append(H1, T, L).
561conceptun(_, [], []).
562conceptun(C, [H|T], UC):- unifyconcepts(C, H, C1), conceptun(C, T, U1), append([C1], U1, UC).
563conceptun(C, [_H|T], UC):- conceptun(C, T, UC).
568gentype(T1, T2, Type):- suptype(T1, T2, Type), !;
569 if(min_super_type(T1, T2, T), Type=T, Type=[]).
573genref(R1, R2, R):- suprefs(Ref1, R1), suprefs(Ref2, R2), !,
574 sec(Ref1, Ref2, R).
577suprefs([], []).
578suprefs(L, [H|T]):- supRef(H1, [H]), suprefs(L1, T),
579 append(H1, L1, L).
581referents(R1, R2, R):- referents1(R1, R2, R).
582referents(R1, R2, R):- referents2(R1, R2, R).
585extend_conc(Cid1, Cid2, NCid):-
586ex_c(Cid1, Cid2, NCid), !.
587extend_conc(Cid1, Cid2, NCid):-
588extend_concept(Cid1, Cid2, NCid).
590extend_concept(Cid, Cid, Cid).
591extend_concept(Cid1, Cid2, NCid):-
592 (cgc(Cid1, simple, T1, R1, _),
593 cgc(Cid2, simple, T2, R2, _),
594 extend_simple(T1, R1, T2, R2, NCid),
595 assertz(ex_c(Cid1, Cid2, NCid))), !;
596 (cgc(Cid1, complex, T1, R1, _),
597 cgc(Cid2, complex, T2, R2, _),
598 extend_sit(T1, T2, R1, R2, NCid),
599 assertz(ex_c(Cid1, Cid2, NCid))).
601extend_simple(T1, R1, T2, R2, NCid):-
602 (gentype(T1, T2, T), T\=[],
603 genref(R1, R2, R), exist_cgc(simple, T, R, _, NCid));!, fail.
605extend_sit(T1, T2, R1, R2, NCid):-
606 (sub(T1, T2), exist_cgc(complex, T2, R2, _, NCid));
607 (sub(T2, T1), exist_cgc(complex, T1, R1, _, NCid));
608 (gentype(T1, T2, S), exist_cgc(complex, S, [], _, NCid));!, fail.
611comparel([], _, []).
612comparel(_, [], []).
613comparel([H|T], [H1|T1], [Id|L]):- extend_conc(H, H1, Id),
614 !, comparel(T, T1, L).
616help_links([], []).
617help_links([identity_line([H1, H2])|T], NL):- if((ex_c(H1, _, I1);ex_c(_, H1, I1)), NI1=I1, NI1=H1),
618 if((ex_c(H2, _, I2);ex_c(_, H2, I2)), NI2=I2, NI2=H2), help_links(T, T1),
619 append([identity_line([NI1, NI2])], T1, NL).
623generalization(Gid1, Gid1, Gid1).
624generalization(Grid1, Grid2, NGrid):-
625 Param=['generalization', Grid1, Grid2, NGrid],
626 if(exist_params(Param, Grid), NGrid=Grid,
627 (
628 comn_rels(Grid1, Grid2, Rel1, Rel2),
629 comparetrs(Rel1, Rel2, R1), clean_help(R1, R), !,
630 (R\=[] -> (to_string('This graph is received from graphs ', Grid1, Com1), to_string(' and ', Grid2, Com2),
631 to_string(Com1, Com2, Com3),
632 to_string(Com3, ' performing the generalization operation', Comment), graph_clinks(Grid1, L1), graph_clinks(Grid2, L2),
633 append(L1, L2, L3), help_links(L3, L),
634 exist_cg(R, L, generalized, Comment, Param, NGrid)),
635 assertz(params(Param))))).
638comn_rels(Grid1, Grid2, Rel1, Rel2):-
639 graph_relations(Grid1, R1), graph_relations(Grid2, R2),
640 comn(R1, R2, Rl2), comn(R2, R1, Rl1),
641 cleanr(Rl2, Rel2), cleanr(Rl1, Rel1).
643comn([], _, []).
644comn([cgr(N, _, _)|T], S, R):- new_list(S, N, S1), comn(T, S, S2), append(S1, S2, R), !.
646new_list([], _, []).
647new_list([cgr(N, S, _)|T], N, [cgr(N, S, _)|T1]):-
648 new_list(T, N, T1).
649new_list([_|T], N, L):- new_list(T, N, L).
652comparetrs([], _, []).
653comparetrs([H|T], R2, R):- new_trs(H, R2, S), comparetrs(T, R2, S1), append(S, S1, Rel), clean(Rel, R), !.
655new_trs(_, [], []).
656new_trs(cgr(N, R1, _), [cgr(N, R2, _)|T], [cgr(N, R, _)|Rl]):- comparel(R1, R2, R),
657 new_trs(cgr(N, R1, _), T, Rl).
658new_trs(cgr(N, R, _), [_|T], Rl):- new_trs(cgr(N, R, _), T, Rl).
663generalize_graph(GrID, NGrid):- Param=['generalize_graph', GrID, NGrid],
664 if(exist_params(Param, Grid), NGrid=Grid,
665 (
666 graph_relations(GrID, R), !,
667 gen_help(R, Gn), tripls(R, Rels, Gn), clean_help(Rels, Rel),
668 to_string('This graph is received from graph ', GrID, Com1),
669 to_string(Com1, ' performing the generalization operation', Comment),
670 graph_clinks(GrID, L), help_links1(L, Gn, NL),
671 exist_cg(Rel, NL, generalized, Comment, Param, NGrid),
672 assertz(params(Param)))).
674help_links1([], _, []).
675help_links1([identity_line([C1, C2])|T], Gn, L):-
676 if(memb_gen(C1, Gn, C3), NC1=C3, NC1=C1),
677 if(memb_gen(C2, Gn, C4), NC2=C4, NC2=C2),
678 help_links1(T, Gn, T1),
679 append([identity_line([NC1, NC2])], T1, L).
680memb_gen(C1, [gen(C1, C2)|_], C2).
681memb_gen(C1, [_|T], C2):- memb_gen(C1, T, C2).
683gen_help(R, PL):- rel_to_list(R, L), clean(L, L1), gen_tl(L1, PL).
684gen_tl([], []).
685gen_tl([C|T], PL):- apply_lbl(C, L), gen_tl(T, P), append([L], P, PL).
687apply_lbl(C, E):- cgc(C, K, T, F, Cm), !, isa_res(T, T1),
688 exist_cgc(K, T1, F, Cm, NC), E=gen(C, NC).
690isa_res(L, NL):- if((isa_cg(L, L1), top(U), dif(L1, U)), NL=L1, NL=L).
692tripls([], [], _).
693tripls([cgr(N, R1, _)|T1], [cgr(N, R2, _)|T2], Gn):-
694 list_css(R1, R2, Gn), tripls(T1, T2, Gn).
695list_css([], [], _).
696list_css([C1|R1], [C2|R], Gn):- member(gen(C1, C2), Gn),
697 list_css(R1, R, Gn).
701general_conc_in_graph(Grid, Lbl, NGrid):-
702 Param=['gen_conc_gr', Grid, Lbl, NGrid],
703 if(exist_params(Param, Grid1), NGrid=Grid1,
704 (
705 cg(Grid, Rel, _, _), rel_to_list(Rel, List),
706 (cgc(Cid, K, Lbl, Fs, _), member(Cid, List)), !,
707 isa_cg(Lbl, SLbl), exist_cgc(K, SLbl, Fs, _, Cid1),
708 cg_replace(Cid, Cid1, Rel, NR), clean_help(NR, NRel),
709 to_string('This graph is received from graph ', Grid, Com1),
710 to_string(' by generalizing the concept with label ', Lbl, Com2),
711 to_string(Com1, Com2, Comment), graph_clinks(Grid, L),
712 help_link(L, Cid, Cid1, NL),
713 exist_cg(NRel, NL, generalized, Comment, Param, NGrid),
714 assertz(params(Param)))).
718specialization(Grid1, Grid1, Grid1).
719specialization(Grid1, Grid2, NGrid):-
720 Param=['specialization', Grid1, Grid2, NGrid],
721 if(exist_params(Param, Grid), NGrid=Grid,
722 (
723 comn_rels(Grid1, Grid2, Rel1, Rel2),
724 comparetrs1(Rel1, Rel2, NR), clean_help(NR, R), !,
725 (R\=[] -> (to_string('This graph is received from graphs ', Grid1, Com1), to_string(' and ', Grid2, Com2),
726 to_string(Com1, Com2, Com3),
727 to_string(Com3, ' performing the specialization operation', Comment),
728 graph_clinks(Grid1, L1), graph_clinks(Grid2, L2),
729 append(L1, L2, L3), help_links_sp(L3, L),
730exist_cg(R, L, specialized, Comment, Param, NGrid)),
731 assertz(params(Param))))).
734comparetrs1([], _, []).
735comparetrs1([H|T], R2, R):- new_trs1(H, R2, S), comparetrs1(T, R2, S1), append(S, S1, R), !.
737new_trs1(_, [], []).
738new_trs1(cgr(N, R1, _), [cgr(N, R2, _)|T], [cgr(N, R, _)|Rl]):-
739 comparel_spec(R1, R2, R),
740 new_trs1(cgr(N, R1, _), T, Rl).
741new_trs1(cgr(N, R, _), [_|T], Rl):- new_trs1(cgr(N, R, _), T, Rl).
744comparel_spec([], _, []).
745comparel_spec(_, [], []).
746comparel_spec([H|T], [H1|T1], [Id|L]):- spec_conc(H, H1, Id),
747 !, comparel_spec(T, T1, L).
749spec_conc(Cid1, Cid2, NCid):-
750sp_c(Cid1, Cid2, NCid), !.
751spec_conc(Cid1, Cid2, NCid):-
752spec_concept(Cid1, Cid2, NCid).
754spec_concept(Cid, Cid, Cid).
755spec_concept(Cid1, Cid2, NCid):-
756 (cgc(Cid1, simple, T1, R1, _),
757 cgc(Cid2, simple, T2, R2, _),
758 spec_simple(T1, R1, T2, R2, NCid),
759 assertz(sp_c(Cid1, Cid2, NCid))), !;
760 (cgc(Cid1, complex, T1, R1, _),
761 cgc(Cid2, complex, T2, R2, _),
762 spec_sit(T1, T2, R1, R2, NCid),
763 assertz(sp_c(Cid1, Cid2, NCid))).
765spec_simple(T1, R1, T2, R2, NCid):-
766 (spectype(T1, T2, T), T\=[],
767 referents(R1, R2, R), exist_cgc(simple, T, R, _, NCid));!, fail.
768spec_sit(T1, T2, R1, R2, NCid):-
769 (sub(T1, T2), exist_cgc(complex, T1, R1, _, NCid));
770 (sub(T2, T1), exist_cgc(complex, T2, R2, _, NCid));
771 (spectype(T1, T2, S), exist_cgc(complex, S, [], _, NCid));!, fail.
772help_links_sp([], []).
773help_links_sp([identity_line([H1, H2])|T], NL):- if((sp_c(H1, _, I1);sp_c(_, H1, I1)), NI1=I1, NI1=H1),
774 if((sp_c(H2, _, I2);sp_c(_, H2, I2)), NI2=I2, NI2=H2),
775 help_links_sp(T, T1),
776 append([identity_line([NI1, NI2])], T1, NL).
780specialize_graph(GrID, NGrid):- Param=['spec_graph', GrID, NGrid],
781 if(exist_params(Param, Grid1), NGrid=Grid1,
782 (
783 graph_relations(GrID, R), !,
784 gen_help1(R, Sp), tripls1(R, Rh, Sp), clean_help(Rh, Rel),
785 to_string('This graph is received from graph ', GrID, Com1),
786 to_string(Com1, ' performing the specialization operation', Comment), graph_clinks(GrID, L),
787 help_links1_sp(L, Sp, NL),
788 exist_cg(Rel, NL, specialized, Comment, Param, NGrid),
789 assertz(params(Param)))).
791help_links1_sp([], _, []).
792help_links1_sp([identity_line([C1, C2])|T], Sp, L):-
793 if(memb_sp1(C1, Sp, C3), NC1=C3, NC1=C1),
794 if(memb_sp1(C2, Sp, C4), NC2=C4, NC2=C2),
795 help_links1_sp(T, Sp, T1),
796 append([identity_line([NC1, NC2])], T1, L).
797memb_sp1(C1, [spec(C1, C2)|_], C2).
798memb_sp1(C1, [_|T], C2):- memb_sp1(C1, T, C2).
800gen_help1(R, PL):- rel_to_list(R, L), clean(L, L1), gen_tl1(L1, PL).
801gen_tl1([], []).
802gen_tl1([C|T], PL):- apply_lbl1(C, L), gen_tl1(T, P), append([L], P, PL).
804apply_lbl1(C, E):- cgc(C, K, T, F, Cm), !, isa_res1(T, T1),
805 exist_cgc(K, T1, F, Cm, NC), E=spec(C, NC).
807isa_res1(L, NL):- if((isa_cg(L1, L), bottom(B), dif(L1, B)), NL=L1, NL=L).
809tripls1([], [], _).
810tripls1([cgr(N, R1, _)|T1], [cgr(N, R2, _)|T2], Sp):-
811 list_css1(R1, R2, Sp), tripls1(T1, T2, Sp).
812list_css1([], [], _).
813list_css1([C1|R1], [C2|R], Sp):- member(spec(C1, C2), Sp), list_css1(R1, R, Sp).
816special_conc_in_graph(Grid, Lbl, NGrid):-
817 Param=['spec_conc_gr', Grid, Lbl, NGrid],
818 if(exist_params(Param, Grid1), Grid1=NGrid,
819 (
820 cg(Grid, Rel, _, _), rel_to_list(Rel, List),
821 (cgc(Cid, K, Lbl, Fs, _), member(Cid, List)), !,
822 isa_cg(SLbl, Lbl), exist_cgc(K, SLbl, Fs, _, Cid1),
823 cg_replace(Cid, Cid1, Rel, NRels), clean_help(NRels, NRel),
824 to_string('This graph is received from graph ', Grid, Com1),
825 to_string(' by specializing the concept with label ', Lbl, Com2),
826 to_string(Com1, Com2, Comment), graph_clinks(Grid, L),
827 help_link(L, Cid, Cid1, NL),
828 exist_cg(NRel, NL, specialized, Comment, Param, NGrid),
829 assertz(params(Param)))).
832spectype(T1, T2, T):- if(max_sub_type(T1, T2, Type), T=Type, T=[]).
843projections_conc(Gid1, Gid2, NGids):-
844findall(NGid, projection_conc(Gid1, Gid2, NGid), NGids1),
845 (NGids1\=[]-> NGids=NGids1;
846 write('No projections')).
848projection_conc(Gid1, Gid2, NGrid):-
849 Param=['projection', Gid1, Gid2, NGrid],
850 if(exist_params(Param, Grid), NGrid=Grid,
851 (
852 if(common_relsp1(Gid1, Gid2, Rel1, Rel2),
853 (project1(Rel1, Rel2, NRel), clean_help(NRel, Rel),
854 (Rel\=[]->
855 (to_string('This graph is received from graphs ', Gid1, Com1), to_string(' and ', Gid2, Com2), to_string(Com1, Com2, Com3),
856to_string(Com3, ' by performing the projection operation', Comment),
857 graph_clinks(Gid2, L2), clean_links(L2, Rel2, L),
858 exist_cg(Rel, L, projected, Comment, Param, NGrid)))),
859 proj_simple(Gid1, Gid2, NGrid)))).
861proj_simple(Gid1, Gid2, C):- graph_relations(Gid1, R1),
862 graph_relations(Gid2, R2), rel_to_list(R1, L1),
863 rel_to_list(R2, L2), obh(L1, L2, C).
865obh([], _, _):- !, fail.
866obh([C1|_], L, C):- obh1(C1, L, C), !.
867obh([_|T], L, C):- obh1(T, L, C).
869obh1(_, [], _).
870obh1(C1, [C2|_], C):- cgc(C1, simple, T1, F1, _), cgc(C2, simple, T2, F2, _),
871 max_sub_type(T1, T2, T), !, project_referents(F1, F2),
872 exist_cgc(simple, T, F2, _, C).
873obh1(C1, [_|T], C):- obh1(C1, T, C).
875clean_links(L1, R, L):- rel_to_list(R, Lst), clean(Lst, Lst1), clean_lnk(L1, Lst1, L), !.
876clean_lnk([], _, []).
877clean_lnk([identity_line([C1, C2])|T], Lst, L):-
878 cgp_not_member(C1, Lst), cgp_not_member(C2, Lst),
879 clean_lnk(T, Lst, L).
880clean_lnk([H|T], Lst, L):- clean_lnk(T, Lst, L1), append([H], L1, L).
882common_relsp1(Gid1, Gid2, Rel1, Rel2):- graph_relations(Gid1, Rel1),
883 graph_relations(Gid2, R), result_trs(Rel1, R, Rel2).
885result_trs(R1, R2, R):- sub_trs(R1, R2, R), connect_rel(R).
887sub_trs([], _, []).
888sub_trs([cgr(N, _, _)|L], Sp, [E|L1]):- memb(cgr(N, _, _), Sp, E),
889 sub_trs(L, Sp, L1).
891memb(cgr(N, _, _), [cgr(N, R, A)|_], cgr(N, R, A)).
892memb(cgr(N, _, _), [_|L], E):- memb(cgr(N, _, _), L, E).
894connect_rel(R):- len(R, 1).
895connect_rel(R):- append(X, Y, R), ((X\=[], Y\=[])->
896 (rel_to_list(X, L1), rel_to_list(Y, L2),
897 sec1(L1, L2, R1), !, R1\=[]);fail).
899project1([], _, []).
900project1([H|T], R2, R):- new_prs(H, R2, S), project1(T, R2, S1), append(S, S1, R), !.
902new_prs(_, [], []).
903new_prs(cgr(N, R1, _), [cgr(N, R2, _)|T], [cgr(N, R, _)|Rl]):- spec(R1, R2, R),
904 new_prs(cgr(N, R1, _), T, Rl).
905new_prs(cgr(N, R, _), [_|T], Rl):- new_prs(cgr(N, R, _), T, Rl).
910spec(_, [], []).
911spec([], _, []).
912spec([H|R1], [H1|R2], [H1|R]):-
913 (cgc(H, simple, T1, F1, _), cgc(H1, simple, T2, F2, _),
914 sub(T2, T1), project_referents(F1, F2), spec(R1, R2, R)), !;
915 (cgc(H, complex, T1, _, _),
916 cgc(H1, complex, T2, _, _),
917 sub(T2, T1), spec(R1, R2, R)).
920project_referents(F1, F2):- razlika(F1, F2, L), (L=[];L=[fs(quant, lambda)]).
921project_referents(F1, _Dmiles_F2):-
922 (member_check(fs(quant, every), F1);member_check(fs(num, _), F1)),
923 cgp_not_member(fs(quant, lambda), F1), cgp_not_member(fs(type, quest), F1),
924 cgp_not_member(fs(type, def), F1), cgp_not_member(fs(type, meas), F1),
925 cgp_not_member(fs(name, _), F1), cgp_not_member(fs(refID, _), F1),
926 cgp_not_member(fs(set_type, _), F1).
929extended_projections(Gid1, Gid2, NGids):-
930 findall(NGid, ext_proj(Gid1, Gid2, NGid), NGids2),
931 clean_help(NGids2, NGids1),
932 (NGids1\=[]-> NGids=NGids1;
933 write('No projections')).
935ext_proj(Gid1, Gid2, NGrid):-
936 Param=['ext_projection', Gid1, Gid2, NGrid],
937 if(exist_params(Param, Grid), NGrid=Grid,
938 (
939 projection_conc(Gid1, Gid2, PGid),
940 graph_relations(PGid, Rel1),
941 relsp(Gid1, Gid2, Rel2), append(Rel1, Rel2, NRel),
942 clean_help(NRel, Rel),
943 to_string('This graph is received from graphs ', Gid1, Com1), to_string(' and ', Gid2, Com2), to_string(Com1, Com2, Com3),
944to_string(Com3, ' by performing the extended projection operation', Comment),
945 graph_clinks(Gid1, L),
946 exist_cg(Rel, L, ext_projected, Comment, Param, NGrid),
947 assertz(params(Param)))).
949relsp(Gid1, Gid2, Rel2):-
950 graph_relations(Gid1, S1), graph_relations(Gid2, S2),
951 sec2(S2, S1, Rel1), razlika(S2, Rel1, Rel2).
955contract_type(Gid, TDef, NGrid):-
956 Param=['contract_type', Gid, TDef, NGrid],
957 if(exist_params(Param, Grid1), NGrid=Grid1,
958 (
959 cg(TDef, [cgr(def, [Conc, Lexp], _)], _, [fs(kind, typedef)|_]),
960 cgc(Lexp, complex, _, [GTid], _),
961 projection_conc(GTid, Gid, PrId),
962 findgenus(GTid, Cid), find_prgenus(Cid, PrId, Gen),
963 cgc(Gen, simple, _, Ref, _), exist_cgc(simple, Conc, Ref, _, Id1),
964 graph_relations(PrId, Rel1), graph_relations(Gid, Rel2),
965 razlika(Rel2, Rel1, Rel),
966 cg_replace(Gen, Id1, Rel, Rel4), clean_help(Rel4, Rel3),
967 to_string('This graph is received from graph ', Gid, Com1), to_string(' by performing the contract_type operation of type: ', Conc, Com2), to_string(Com1, Com2, Comment),
968 exist_cg(Rel3, _, cotracted_type, Comment, Param, NGrid),
969 assertz(params(Param)))).
971type_contraction(Gid, TLbl, NGrid):-
972 Param=['type_contraction', Gid, TLbl, NGrid],
973 if(exist_params(Param, Grid1), NGrid=Grid1,
974 (
975 cg(_Top_ID, [cgr(def, [Conc, Lexp], _)], _, [fs(kind, typedef)|_]),
976 cgc(Conc, _, TLbl, _Fs, _),
977 cgc(Lexp, complex, _, [GTid], _),
978 projection_conc(GTid, Gid, PrId),
979 findgenus(GTid, Cid), find_prgenus(Cid, PrId, Gen),
980 cgc(Gen, simple, _, Ref, _), exist_cgc(simple, TLbl, Ref, _, Id1),
981 graph_relations(PrId, Rel1), graph_relations(Gid, Rel2),
982 razlika(Rel2, Rel1, Rel),
983 cg_replace(Gen, Id1, Rel, Rel4), clean_help(Rel4, Rel3),
984 to_string('This graph is received from graph ', Gid, Com1), to_string(' by performing the type_contraction operation of type: ', TLbl, Com2), to_string(Com1, Com2, Comment),
985 exist_cg(Rel3, _, type_contracted, Comment, Param, NGrid),
986 assertz(params(Param)))).
988findgenus(Gid, Cid):- graph_relations(Gid, Rels),
989 rel_to_list(Rels, List),
990 find_lambda(List, Cid).
992rel_to_list([], []).
993rel_to_list([cgr(_, L1, _)|T], L):- rel_to_list(T, T1),
994 append(L1, T1, L).
996find_lambda([C|_], C):- cgc(C, _, _, F, _),
997 member(fs(quant, lambda), F), !.
998find_lambda([_|T], C):- find_lambda(T, C).
1000find_prgenus(Gen, PrGraph, PrGen):-
1001 graph_relations(PrGraph, Rel),
1002 rel_to_list(Rel, List),
1003 listfind(Gen, List, PrGen).
1005listfind(Gen, [H|_], H):- spec([Gen], [H], _).
1006listfind(Gen, [_|T], G):- listfind(Gen, T, G).
1008findconc([], _, _):- !, fail.
1009findconc([H|_], L, H):- member(H, L), !.
1010findconc([_|T], L, C):- findconc(T, L, C).
1012razlika([], _, []).
1013razlika([H|L1], L2, [H|L]):- cgp_not_member(H, L2), !,
1014 razlika(L1, L2, L).
1015razlika([_|L1], L2, L):- razlika(L1, L2, L).
1020type_exp(Grid, T, Relg1, Reld1):-
1021 cgc(Concept, _, T, _Fs, _),
1022 cg(_, [cgr(def, [Concept, Lexp], _)], _, [fs(kind, typedef)|_]),
1023 cgc(Lexp, _, _, [Gr], _),
1024 graph_relations(Gr, Reld),
1025 graph_relations(Grid, Relg), findgenus(Gr, Gen),
1026 findc_number(Relg, T, Num), cgc(Num, simple, T, F, _),
1027 cgc(Gen, _, T1, _, _), exist_cgc(simple, T1, F, _, Id),
1028 cg_replace(Num, Id, Relg, Relg1),
1029 cg_replace(Gen, Id, Reld, Reld1).
1031type_expansion(Grid, T, NGrid):-
1032 Param=['type_expansion', Grid, T, NGrid],
1033 if(exist_params(Param, Grid1), NGrid=Grid1,
1034 (
1035 type_exp(Grid, T, Rg, Rd),
1036 sec(Rd, Rg, R),
1037 (R=[] -> (append(Rd, Rg, Rh), clean_help(Rh, Rel));
1038 (type_exp1(Rd, Rg, R, Rh), clean_help(Rh, Rel))),
1039 to_string('This graph is received from graph ', Grid, Com1), to_string(' and definition graph of type with label: ', T, Com2), to_string(Com1, Com2, Com3),
1040to_string(Com3, ' by performing the type_expansion operation', Comment),
1041 exist_cg(Rel, _, type_expanded, Comment, Param, NGrid),
1042 assertz(params(Param)))).
1043type_exp1(Reld, Relg, Rels, Rel):-
1044 findrep(Rels, Relg, Rep),
1045 replacement(Rep, Reld, Reld1),
1046 append(Relg, Reld1, Rel).
1048type_expan(Grid, TGrid, Relg1, Reld1):-
1049 cg(TGrid, [cgr(def, [Concept, Lexp], _)], _, [fs(kind, typedef)|_]),
1050 cgc(Lexp, _, _, [Gr], _),
1051 cgc(Concept, _, T, _Fs, _),
1052 graph_relations(Gr, Reld),
1053 graph_relations(Grid, Relg), findgenus(Gr, Gen),
1054 findc_number(Relg, T, Num), cgc(Num, simple, T, F, _),
1055 cgc(Gen, _, T1, _, _), exist_cgc(simple, T1, F, _, Id),
1056 cg_replace(Num, Id, Relg, Relg1),
1057 cg_replace(Gen, Id, Reld, Reld1).
1059expand_type(Grid, TGrid, NGrid):-
1060 Param=['expand_type', Grid, TGrid, NGrid],
1061 if(exist_params(Param, Grid1), NGrid=Grid1,
1062 (
1063 type_expan(Grid, TGrid, Rg, Rd),
1064 sec(Rd, Rg, R),
1065 (R=[] -> (append(Rd, Rg, Rh), clean_help(Rh, Rel));
1066 (type_exp1(Rd, Rg, R, Rh), clean_help(Rh, Rel))),
1067 to_string('This graph is received from graph ', Grid, Com1), to_string(' and type definition graph ', TGrid, Com2),
1068 to_string(Com1, Com2, Com3),
1069 to_string(Com3, ' by performing the expand_type operation', Comment),
1070 exist_cg(Rel, _, expanded_type, Comment, Param, NGrid),
1071 assertz(params(Param)))).
1074findc_number(L, T, Num):-
1075rel_to_list(L, L1), (member(Num, L1), cgc(Num, simple, T, _, _)).
1077com_rel(_, [], []).
1078com_rel(cgr(N, [C|C1], _), [cgr(N, [C|C2], _)|L], R):-
1079 com_rel(cgr(N, [C|C1], _), L, L1),
1080 append([rep(C1, C2)], L1, R).
1081com_rel(cgr(N, [C1|C], _), [cgr(N, [C2|C], _)|L], R):-
1082 com_rel(cgr(N, [C1|C], _), L, L1),
1083 append([rep(C1, C2)], L1, R).
1084com_rel(cgr(N, [C|C1], _), [_|L], L1):-
1085 com_rel(cgr(N, [C|C1], _), L, L1).
1088findrep([], _, []):- !.
1089findrep([cgr(N, [C|C1], _)|T], L, R):-
1090 com_rel(cgr(N, [C|C1], _), L, L1), !, findrep(T, L, L2),
1091 append(L1, L2, R).
1092findrep([_|T], L, T1):- findrep(T, L, T1).
1094replacement([], _, []).
1095replacement([rep(C1, C2)|L], Reld, Reld1):-
1096 (replace1(C1, C2, Reld, R1), !;
1097 cg_replace(C1, C2, Reld, R1)),
1098 replacement(L, Reld, R2),
1099 append(R1, R2, Reld1).
1101replace1([C1], [C2], R1, R2):- cg_replace(C1, C2, R1, R2).
1103copygraph(GrID, NGrID):- grounded(id(g), GrID),
1104 cg(GrID, Rels, Idl, Fs),
1105 newId(NGrID),
1106 assertz(cg(NGrID, Rels, Idl, Fs)).
1110get_concept(Cid, Cgc):- grounded(id(c), Cid), cgc(Cid, K, T, F, A),
1111 Cgc=cgc(Cid, K, T, F, A).
1112get_cgcType(Cid, Type):- grounded(id(c), Cid), cgc(Cid, Type, _, _, _).
1113get_cgcName(Cid, Name):- grounded(id(c), Cid), cgc(Cid, _, Name, _, _).
1114get_cgcFeature(Cid, Fs):- grounded(id(c), Cid), cgc(Cid, _, _, Fs, _).
(Cid, Com):- grounded(id(c), Cid), cgc(Cid, _, _, _, Com).
1117get_graph(Gid, Cg):- grounded(id(g), Gid), cg(Gid, Rel, CoL, Fs),
1118 Cg=cg(Gid, Rel, CoL, Fs).
1119get_cgRelations(Gid, Rel):- grounded(id(g), Gid), cg(Gid, Rel, _, _).
1120get_cgCoreference(Gid, CoL):- grounded(id(g), Gid), cg(Gid, _, CoL, _).
(Gid, Com):- grounded(id(g), Gid), cg(Gid, _, _, Com).
1123get_RelfromCg(Gid, Rname, Rels):- graph_relations(Gid, R),
1124 new_list(R, Rname, Rels).
1125get_RelwithConc(Gid, Cid, Rels):- graph_relations(Gid, R),
1126 findall(cgr(N, L, A), (member(cgr(N, L, A), R), member(Cid, L)), Rels).
1129getValue(Ref, F, V ):- grounded(ref, Ref), grounded(feature, F),
1130 var(V), member(fs(F, V), Ref).
1133getFeauture(Ref, F, V):- grounded(ref, Ref), grounded(value, V),
1134 var(F), member(fs(F, V), Ref).
1137getVal(Ref, F, V):- grounded(ref, Ref), var(F),
1138 var(V), member(fs(F, V), Ref).
1141setValue(Ref, F, V, NRef):- grounded(ref, Ref),
1142 grounded(feature, F), grounded(value, V), ( member(fs(F, V), Ref) -> NRef=Ref )
1143 ;( (member(fs(F, V1), Ref), V1\==V) ->
1144 changeValue(Ref, F, V, NRef) )
1145 ; (append(fs(F, V), Ref, Ref1),
1146 sort(Ref1, NRef)).
1149changeValue(Ref, F, V, Ref1):- grounded(ref, Ref), grounded(feature, F), grounded(value, V),
1150 (member(fs(F, V1), Ref), V1\==V)->
1151 del(fs(F, _), Ref, Ref2),
1152 append([fs(F, V)], Ref2, Ref3), sort(Ref3, Ref1).
1155getRefNum(Ref, Num):- grounded(ref, Ref), var(Num),
1156 member(fs(num, Num), Ref).
1159setRefNum(RfIn, Num, RfOut):- grounded(ref, RfIn), grounded(id(g), Num), var(RfOut),
1160 find_rep(fs(num, _), fs(num, Num), RfIn, RfOut).
1163getRefType(Ref, Type):- grounded(ref, Ref), var(Type),
1164 member(fs(type, Type), Ref).
1166setRefType(RfIn, Type, RfOut):- grounded(ref, RfIn), grounded(type, Type), var(RfOut),
1167 find_rep(fs(type, _), fs(type, Type), RfIn, RfOut).
1169addCgFuture(Gid, F1, V1, Fs):- grounded(id(g), Gid), grounded(feature, F1), grounded(value, V1),
1170 cg(Gid, _, _, Fs1), append(Fs1, [fs(F1, V1)], Fs).
1172to_string(S1, S2, S):- name(S1, L1), name(S2, L2), append(L1, L2, L),
1173 name(S, L).
1175paths_up(X, Y, P):- findall(P1, path_up(X, Y, P1), P).
1177paths_down(X, Y, P):- findall(P1, path_down(X, Y, P1), P).
1179sec([], _, []).
1180sec([H|T], S2, [H|S]):- member(H, S2), !, sec(T, S2, S).
1181sec([H|T], S2, S):- non_member(H, S2), !, sec(T, S2, S).
1183cgp_not_member(E, L):- non_member(E, L).
1185non_member(E, L):- member(E, L), !, fail.
1186non_member(_, _).
1188union1([], L, L).
1189union1([H|T], L, L1):- member(H, L), !, union1(T, L, L1).
1190union1([H|T], L, [H|L1]):- union(T, L, L1).
1193len([], 0).
1194len([_|T], N):- len(T, N1), N is N1+1.
1196last_el([H], [H]).
1197last_el([_|T], E):- last_el(T, E).
1199not_last(L, E):- last_el(L, E), !, fail.
1200not_last(_, _).
1202del(E, [E|T], T1):- del(E, T, T1).
1203del(E, [H|T], [H|T1]):- del(E, T, T1).
1204del(_, [], []).
1206inRels([], []).
1207inRels([H|T], [H1|T1]):- inRel(H, H1), inRels(T, T1).
1208 outRels([], []).
1209outRels([H|T], [H1|T1]):- outRel(H, H1), outRels(T, T1).
1212not_sub(X, Y):- sub(X, Y), !, fail.
1213not_sub(_, _).
1216not_son(X):- isa_cg(X, _), !, fail.
1219find_top(X):- isa_cg(_, X), not_son(X), !, assertz(top(X)).
1221:- find_top(_X). 1222
1223not_father(X):- isa_cg(_, X), !, fail.
1226find_bottom(X):- isa_cg(X, _), not_father(X), !, assertz(bottom(X)).
1228:- find_bottom(_X). 1229
1230depth(Y, 0):- top(Y), !.
1231depth(X, N):- isa_cg(X, Y), !, depth(Y, N1), N is N1+1.
1233depth1(Y, 0):- bottom(Y).
1234depth1(X, N):- isa_cg(Y, X), !, depth1(Y, N1), N is N1+1.
1241sec1([], _, []).
1242sec1([H|T], L, [H|L1]):- member(H, L), sec1(T, L, L1).
1243sec1([_|T], L, L1):- sec1(T, L, L1).
1245sec2([], _, []).
1246sec2([H|T], L, [H|L1]):- member1(H, L), !, sec2(T, L, L1).
1247sec2([_|T], L, L1):- sec2(T, L, L1).
1248member1(cgr(N, _, _), [cgr(N, _, _)|_]).
1249member1(cgr(N, L, _), [_|T]):- member1(cgr(N, L, _), T).
1251super_type_labels(L, []):- top(L).
1252super_type_labels(L, S):- isa_cg(L, S1), super_type_labels(S1, S2),
1253 append([S1], S2, S).
1254sub_type_labels(L, []):- bottom(L).
1255sub_type_labels(L, S):- isa_cg(S1, L), sub_type_labels(S1, S2),
1256 append([S1], S2, S).
1258clean_help(R, Rel):- rel_point_to_same_conc(R, RC), razlika(R, RC, RR),
1259 new_r(RC, NRC), f_rep(NRC, Rep), frepl(Rep, RR, NRR),
1260 append(NRC, NRR, Rel).
1262rel_point_to_same_conc(R, NR):- serv(R, R1), help1(R1, R, NR).
1264serv(R1, R):- subserv(R1, R2), !, clean(R2, R).
1265subserv([], []).
1266subserv([H|L], L1):- memb_spec(H, L, E), !, subserv(L, L2), append([E], L2, L1).
1267subserv([_|L], L1):- subserv(L, L1).
1268memb_spec(cgr(N, [_, C], _), [cgr(N, [_, C], _)|_], E):-
1269 E=eqrel(N, C).
1270memb_spec(cgr(N, [C1, C], _), [_|T], E):- memb_spec(cgr(N, [C1, C], _), T, E).
1272help1([], _, []).
1273help1([eqrel(N, C)|T], R, L):- get_RelwSCN(C, N, R, L1), help1(T, R, L2),
1274 append(L1, L2, L).
1276get_RelwSCN(Cid, N, R, Rels):-
1277 findall(cgr(N, [C1, Cid], A), member(cgr(N, [C1, Cid], A), R), Rels).
1279new_r([], []).
1280new_r([H|T], NRel):- new_crel(H, H1), new_r(T, R), append([H1], R, NRel).
1281new_crel(cgr(N, [C, C1], A), cgr(N, [C, C2], A)):- cgc(C1, Kd, Lb, Fs, _),
1282 newId(C2), assertz(cgc(C2, Kd, Lb, Fs, rep(C1, C2))).
1283f_rep(Rel, Rep):- rel_to_list(Rel, Lst),
1284 findall(rep(C1, C), (member(C, Lst), cgc(C, _, _, _, rep(C1, C)), grounded(id(c), C1)), Rep).
1285frepl([], R, R).
1286frepl([rep(C1, C)|T], R, Rel):- cg_replace(C1, C, R, R1), frepl(T, R1, Rel).
1288member_check(E, [E|_]):- !.
1289member_check(E, [_|T]):- member_check(E, T).
1291check_idline(identity_line([C1, C2]), L):- member_check(C1, L);
1292 member_check(C2, L).
1295comn_relsj(R1, R2, Rel1, Rel2):-
1296 comn(R1, R2, Rl2), comn(R2, R1, Rl1),
1297 cleanr(Rl2, Rel2), cleanr(Rl1, Rel1).
1300comparetrsj([], _).
1301comparetrsj([H|T], R2):- new_trsj(H, R2), comparetrsj(T, R2), !.
1303new_trsj(_, []).
1304new_trsj(cgr(N, R1, _), [cgr(N, R2, _)|T]):-
1305 comparel_mj(R1, R2),
1306 new_trsj(cgr(N, R1, _), T).
1307new_trsj(cgr(N, R, _), [_|T]):- new_trsj(cgr(N, R, _), T).
1309comparel_mj([], _).
1310comparel_mj(_, []).
1311comparel_mj([H|T], [H1|T1]):- unifyconcepts(H, H1, _),
1312 !, comparel_mj(T, T1).
1314all_un(R1, R2, L):- findall(u_conc(C1, C2, K), (u_conc(C1, C2, K), memb_rel(C1, R1),
1315 memb_rel(C2, R2)), L).
1317memb_rel(C, R):- rel_to_list(R, L), member_check(C, L).
1318un_process([], R1, R2, R1, R2).
1319un_process([u_conc(C1, C2, Id)|T], R1, R2, NR1, NR2):- cg_replace(C1, Id, R1, R11), cg_replace(C2, Id, R2, R22),
1320 un_process(T, R11, R22, NR1, NR2).
1322un_processl([], L1, L2, L1, L2).
1323un_processl([u_conc(C1, C2, Id)|T], L1, L2, NL1, NL2):-
1324 help_link(L1, C1, Id, L11), help_link(L2, C2, Id, L22),
1325 un_processl(T, L11, L22, NL1, NL2).
1326exist_params(Param, Grid):- params(Param), take_last(Param, Grid),
1327 grounded(id(g), Grid).
1328not_exist_params(Param, Grid):- exist_params(Param, Grid), !, fail.
1329not_exist_params(_, _).
1330take_last(L, E):- append(_, [E], L).
1332:- fixup_exports. 1333