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Pack logtalk -- logtalk-3.82.0/docs/_sources/set_1.rst.txt

.. index:: set(Type) .. _set/1:

.. rst-class:: right



Set predicates with elements constrained to a single type and custom comparing rules.

| Availability: | logtalk_load(sets(loader))

| Author: Paulo Moura and Adrian Arroyo | Version: 1:24:0 | Date: 2022-02-03

| Compilation flags: | static, context_switching_calls

| Extends: | public :ref:`set <set/0>` | Uses: | :ref:`list <list/0>`

| Remarks: | (none)

| Inherited public predicates: |  :ref:comparingp/0::(<)/2  :ref:comparingp/0::(=:=)/2  :ref:comparingp/0::(=<)/2  :ref:comparingp/0::(=\=)/2  :ref:comparingp/0::(>)/2  :ref:comparingp/0::(>=)/2  :ref:setp/0::as_list/2  :ref:setp/0::as_set/2  :ref:termp/0::check/1  :ref:setp/0::delete/3  :ref:termp/0::depth/2  :ref:setp/0::disjoint/2  :ref:setp/0::empty/1  :ref:setp/0::equal/2  :ref:termp/0::ground/1  :ref:setp/0::insert/3  :ref:setp/0::insert_all/3  :ref:setp/0::intersect/2  :ref:setp/0::intersection/3  :ref:setp/0::intersection/4  :ref:setp/0::member/2  :ref:setp/0::memberchk/2  :ref:termp/0::new/1  :ref:termp/0::numbervars/1  :ref:termp/0::numbervars/3  :ref:termp/0::occurs/2  :ref:setp/0::powerset/2  :ref:setp/0::product/3  :ref:setp/0::select/3  :ref:setp/0::selectchk/3  :ref:termp/0::singletons/2  :ref:setp/0::size/2  :ref:setp/0::subset/2  :ref:termp/0::subsumes/2  :ref:termp/0::subterm/2  :ref:setp/0::subtract/3  :ref:setp/0::symdiff/3  :ref:setp/0::union/3  :ref:setp/0::union/4  :ref:termp/0::valid/1  :ref:termp/0::variables/2  :ref:termp/0::variant/2  :ref:termp/0::varnumbers/2  :ref:termp/0::varnumbers/3  

.. contents:: :local: :backlinks: top

Public predicates

(no local declarations; see entity ancestors if any)

Protected predicates

(no local declarations; see entity ancestors if any)

Private predicates

.. index:: sort/2 .. _set/1::sort/2:

sort/2 ^^^^^^^^^^

Sorts a list in ascending order.

| Compilation flags: | static

| Template: | sort(List,Sorted) | Mode and number of proofs: | sort(+list,-list) - one

.. index:: partition/4 .. _set/1::partition/4:

partition/4 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

List partition in two sub-lists using a pivot.

| Compilation flags: | static

| Template: | partition(List,Pivot,Lowers,Biggers) | Mode and number of proofs: | partition(+list,+nonvar,-list,-list) - one

