1/*   ontodot.pl
    2     Author: Giménez, Christian.
    4     Copyright (C) 2019 Giménez, Christian
    6     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    7     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    8     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    9     at your option) any later version.
   11     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   12     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   14     GNU General Public License for more details.
   16     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   17     along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
   19     11 oct 2019
   23:- module(ontodot, [
   24              load_ttl/1,
   25              draw_all/1,
   26              draw_graph/2,
   27              draw_prefix/2,
   28              draw_hierarchy/1,
   29              list_nodes/1,
   30              dot_all/1,
   31              dot_prefix/2,
   32              dot_graph/2,
   33              dot_hierarchy/1
   34          ]).

Graph KB: Make graphs with the input ontology.

- Christian Gimenez
- GPLv3 */
   42:- use_module(library(semweb/turtle)).   43:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf11)).   44% :- ensure_loaded(library(semweb/rdf_db)).
   47:- rdf_load(library(semweb/rdfs)).   48:- rdf_register_prefix(mm, 'http://mm.fi.uncoma.edu.ar/kb/journals#').   49:- rdf_register_prefix(owl, 'http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#').   50:- rdf_register_prefix(swrc, 'http://swrc.ontoware.org/ontology#').
 load_ttl(+File:term) is det
Load a turtle file into a default graph.

This is an easy predicate for using the rdf_load/1 predicate.

File- The file path. */
   62load_ttl(File) :-
   63    rdf_default_graph(_Old, graph),
   64    rdf_load(File).
 get_objects(+Node:term, -Objects:list) is det
Return the objects node of the graph associated to the given Node.

In other words, return the Objects from the (Node, Pred, Object) tripples that appear in the graph. Prefer the abbreviated form of each Subject if it exists.

Node- The node IRI or prefix:suffix form.
Subjects- A list of triples (S,P,O) that are associated with the given Node. Node is S in the triple. */
   79get_objects(Node, Objects) :-
   80    rdf_subject(Node),
   81    findall((Node,B,C), rdf(Node, B, C), Objects).
 get_subjects(+Node:term, -Subjects:list) is det
Return the subjects node of the graph associated to the given Node.

In other words, return the Subjects from the (Subject, Pred, Node) tripples that appear in the graph. Prefer the abbreviated form of each Subject if it exists.

Node- The node IRI or prefix:suffix form.
Subjects- A list of triples (S,P,O) that are associated with the given Node. Node is O in the triple. */
   97get_subjects(Node, Subjects) :-
   98    rdf_object(Node),
   99    findall((A, B, Node), rdf(A, B, Node), Subjects).
 get_associated(+Node:term, -Associations:list) is det
Return the the nodes associated the given one.

In other words, return the Subjects from the (Subject, Pred, Node) tripples and the Objects from the (Node, Pred, Object) that appear in the graph. Prefer the abbreviated form of each Subject and Object if it exists.

Node- The node IRI or prefix:suffix form.
Associations- A list of triples (S,P,O) that are associated with the given Node. Node is O or S in the triple. */
  115get_associated(Node, Associations) :-
  116    rdf_global_id(Node, NodeAbbrv),
  117    get_subjects(NodeAbbrv, Subjects),
  118    get_objects(NodeAbbrv, Objects),
  119    append(Subjects, Objects, Associations).
 get_isa_subjects(+Node:term, -Assocs:list)
Get all the children of the given node.
Node- A prefix:suffix term or an URI.
Assocs- A list of triples (S, rdfs:subClassOf, Node). */
  130get_isa_subjects(Node, Assocs) :-
  131    rdf_object(Node),
  132    findall((A,rdfs:subClassOf,Node),
  133            rdf(A,rdfs:subClassOf,Node),
  134            Assocs).
 get_isa_objects(+Node:term, -Assocs:list)
Get all the parents of the given node.
Node- A prefix:suffix term or an URI.
Assocs- A list of triples (Node, rdfs:subClassOf, O). */
  144get_isa_objects(Node, Assocs) :-
  145    rdf_subject(Node),
  146    findall((Node,rdfs:subClassOf,A),
  147            rdf(Node,rdfs:subClassOf,A),
  148            Assocs).
 get_isa(+Node:term, -Assocs:list)
Assocs is the list of triples where Node parent or child of a subclass.
Node- a Prefix:Suffix or an URL term.
Assocs- A list of triples like (S, rdfs:subClassOf, Node) or (Node, rdfs:subClassOf, O). */
  159get_isa(Node, Assocs) :-
  160    rdf_global_id(Node, NodeAbbrv),
  161    get_isa_subjects(NodeAbbrv, Assocs1),
  162    get_isa_objects(NodeAbbrv, Assocs2),
  163    append(Assocs1, Assocs2, Assocs).
 abbrev_name(+Name:term, ?Abbrev:term)
Return the abbreviated name if it exists.

Return the prefix:suffix form of Name if it exists, if not, return the IRI.

Name- The IRI to abbreviate.
Abbrev- The abbreviated prefix:suffix form. */
  176abbrev_name(Name, Abbrev) :-
  177    rdf_global_id(Abbrev, Name), !.
  178abbrev_name(Name, Name).
 draw_node(+Node:term, -Str:string) is det
Generate a dot representation of the Node.

Generate a dot graph node of the given RDF graph Node. Change the representation according to the type of the node.

If it is a datatype (is not an IRI), use a box node. If it is an IRI, use an ellipse node.

Node- A prefix:suffix form or IRI.
Str- The resulting dot string. */
  195draw_node(Node, Str) :-
  196    \+ rdf_is_iri(Node), !,
  197    format(string(Str), '"~w" [shape=box, color=blue];', [Node]).    
  198draw_node(Node, Str) :-
  199    abbrev_name(Node, Name),
  200    (Name = owl:_Suffix ; Name = rdf:_Suffix ; Name = rdfs:_Suffix), !,
  201    format(string(Str), '"~w" [color=red, shape=ellipse];', [Name]).
  202draw_node(Node, Str) :-
  203    rdf(Node, rdf:type, owl:'NamedIndividual'),!,
  204    abbrev_name(Node, Name),
  205    format(string(Str), '"~w" [color=blue];', [Name]).
  206draw_node(Node, Str) :-
  207    rdf(Node, rdf:type, owl:'Class'),!,
  208    abbrev_name(Node, Name),
  209    format(string(Str), '"~w" [shape=ellipse];', [Name]).
  210draw_node(Node, Str) :-
  212    abbrev_name(Node, Name),
  213    format(string(Str), '"~w" [shape=box, color=blue];', [Name])
 draw_edge(+Triple:term, -Str:string) is det
Generate a dot representation of the given edge.

Use the Triple to create a dot representation of the edge of the graph. The node dot string is generated with draw_node/1.

Tripe- A (Subject, Pred, Object) triple representation.
Str- The resulting dot string. */
  226draw_edge((A, B, C), Str) :-
  227    abbrev_name(B, rdfs:subClassOf),
  228    abbrev_name(A, A2),
  229    abbrev_name(C, C2),
  230    format(
  231        string(Str),
  232        'edge [label="~w", style=solid, arrowhead=none] "~w" -> "~w";\n',
  233        [rdfs:subclassOf, A2, C2]).
  234draw_edge((A, B, C), Str) :-
  235    abbrev_name(A, A2),
  236    abbrev_name(B, B2),
  237    abbrev_name(C, C2),
  238    format(
  239        string(Str),
  240        'edge [label="~w", style=dashed, arrowhead=normal] "~w" -> "~w";\n',
  241        [B2, A2, C2]).
 draw_edges_noprops(+Assocs:list, -Str:string)
Draw all edges that has no properties as object.
Assocs- A list of (S,P,O) triples.
See also
- draw_edge/1 */
  251draw_edges_noprops([], "") :- !.
  252draw_edges_noprops([(_A, _B, C)|Rest], Str) :-
  253    % Ignore if it is an IRI, is probably a property.
  254    \+ rdf_is_iri(C), !,
  255    draw_edges_noprops(Rest, Str)
  256draw_edges_noprops([Edge|Rest], Str) :-
  257    draw_edge(Edge, Str),
  258    draw_edges_noprops(Rest, RestStr),
  259    string_concat(Str, RestStr, Str).
 draw_edges(+Triples:list, -Str:string) is det
Draw all the edges on the list using draw_edge/1.
Triples- A list of (S, P, O) terms. */
  268draw_edges([], "") :- !.
  269draw_edges([Assoc|Rest], Str) :-
  270    draw_edge(Assoc, EdgeStr),
  271    draw_edges(Rest, RestStr),
  272    string_concat(EdgeStr, RestStr, Str).
 draw_nodes(+Triples:list) is det
Draw all the nodes on the list using draw_nodes/1.

Use the subject and object nodes only.

Triples- A list of (S, P, O) terms. */
  285draw_nodes([], "") :- !.
  286draw_nodes([(S, _P, O)|Rest], Str) :-
  287    draw_node(S, SubjectStr), 
  288    draw_node(O, ObjectStr),
  290    draw_nodes(Rest, NodesStr),
  292    format(string(Str), '~s~n~s~n~s',
  293           [SubjectStr, ObjectStr, NodesStr]).
 draw_graph(+Node:term, -Str:string) is det
Generate a dot syntax with a graph with the given Node as a center concept.

Generate all associations related to the give Node (all subjects and objects related to it).

Node- A prefix:suffix term or an IRI.
Str- The resulting dot string. */
  307draw_graph(Node, Str) :-
  308    get_associated(Node, Assocs),
  310    draw_nodes(Assocs, NodesStr),
  311    draw_edges(Assocs, EdgesStr),
  313    format(string(Str),
  314           'digraph {~n~s~n~n~s}~n',
  315           [NodesStr,EdgesStr]).
 abbrev_nodes(?Node:pred) is semidet
Node is the most abbreviated form.

Use findall/3 for searching all the nodes in the graph in its abbreviated form. The prefix is obtained according to the registered ones. Use rdf_register_prefix/2 to register new prefixes.

Node- An IRI or a prefix:term that represent a node in the most abbreviated form. */
  330abbrev_nodes(Node) :-
  331    rdf_iri(Node1),
  332    rdf_node(Node1),
  333    abbrev_name(Node1, Node).
 list_nodes(-Nodes) is det
Nodes is a list of nodes in its most abbreviated form.

Return all the nodes in the RDF graph in its abbreviated form. The current registered prefixes are used for making abbreviations. */

  344list_nodes(Nodes) :-
  345    findall(Node, abbrev_nodes(Node), Nodes).
 get_all_assocs(+Nodes:list, -Assocs:list)
Get all associations. */
  352get_all_assocs([], []) :- !.
  353get_all_assocs([Node|NRest], Lst) :-
  354    get_all_assocs(NRest, Lst1),
  355    (get_associated(Node, Assocs); Assocs = []),
  356    append(Assocs, Lst1, Lst).
 get_all_isa(+Nodes:list, -Assocs:list)
Given a list of nodes, make Assocs a list of triples with their is-a associations.

Assocs will have an is-a relationship whose each node is a parent or child of other node.

Nodes- A list of prefix:suffix or IRIs.
Assocs- A list of triples with the rdfs:subClassOf relationship.
See also
- get_isa/2 */
  371get_all_isa([], []) :- !.
  372get_all_isa([Node|NRest], Lst) :-
  373    get_all_isa(NRest, Lst1),
  374    (get_isa(Node, Assocs); Assocs = []),
  375    append(Assocs, Lst1, Lst).
Generate the dot string that represent the default RDF graph.

Generate a dot representation of the default RDF graph. To improve readability, property objects are not represented associated with the other subjects. See draw_edges_noprops/1 for more information.

This predicate can be used with load_ttl/1. For instance:

?- load_ttl('my_kb.ttl'), draw_all(Str).
Str- The resulting dot string. */
  392draw_all(Str) :-
  393    list_nodes(Nodes),
  394    get_all_assocs(Nodes, Assocs),
  396    draw_nodes(Assocs, NodesStr), 
  397    draw_edges_noprops(Assocs, EdgesStr),
  399    format(string(Str),
  400           'digraph {~n~s~n~n~s}~n',
  401           [NodesStr, EdgesStr]).
 nodes_with_prefix(+Prefix:term, -Nodes:list)
Nodes is a list of all prefix:suffixs declared to be in the namespace/prefix given.
Prefix- The prefix term.
Nodes- A list of Prefix:Name terms. */
  413nodes_with_prefix(Prefix, Nodes) :-
  414    list_nodes(AllNodes),
  415    findall(Prefix:Name, member(Prefix:Name, AllNodes), Nodes).
 draw_prefix(+Prefix:term, -Str:string)
Generate the dot text with the relations of all the nodes with a certain prefix.
Prefix- A term.
Str- The resulting dot string. */
  426draw_prefix(Prefix, Str) :-
  427    nodes_with_prefix(Prefix, Nodes),
  428    get_all_assocs(Nodes, Assocs),
  430    draw_nodes(Assocs, NodesStr),
  431    draw_edges(Assocs, EdgesStr),
  433    format(
  434        string(Str),
  435        'digraph {~n~s~n~n~s}~n',
  436        [NodesStr, EdgesStr]).
Generate a dot text with the hierarchy is-a relation of all nodes.
Str- The resulting dot string. */
  445draw_hierarchy(Str) :-
  446    list_nodes(AllNodes),
  447    get_all_isa(AllNodes, Assocs),
  449    draw_nodes(Assocs, NodesStr),
  450    draw_edges(Assocs, EdgesStr),
  452    format(
  453        string(Str),
  454        'digraph {~n~s~n~n~s}~n',
  455        [NodesStr, EdgesStr]).
 prepare_cmd(+File:term, -Stream:term)
Start the dot command for receiving the dot file from stdin.

The type of the image to generate is determined by the File name extension.

File- The file where the image file is created.
Stream- The stream opened for providing the dot. This is setted as the default output. */
  468prepare_cmd(File, Stream) :-
  469    file_name_extension(_Base, Type, File),
  470    dot_command(Type, File, CMD),
  471    open(pipe(CMD), write, Stream).    
 dot_command(+Type:term, +File:term, -CMD:term)
Create the dot command for exporting an image file at the given File path.
Type- The type of the output file. See dot manpage.
File- The image file path.
CMD- The resulting command.
See also
- dot manpage for available types. */
  484dot_command(Type, File, CMD) :-
  485    format(atom(CMD), 'dot -T~s -o \'~w\'', [Type, File]).
 dot_graph(+Node:term, +File:term)
Create an image file with all the relationships of a given node.

The image type is deduce by the File extension. 'example.png' will create a PNG image.

Node- The prefix:suffix or IRI.
File- The path to the image file to be generated. */
  498dot_graph(Node, File) :-
  499    prepare_cmd(File, Stream),
  500    draw_graph(Node, Str),
  501    write(Stream, Str),
  502    close(Stream).
Create an image file with all the relationships of all the nodes.

The image type is deduce by the File extension. 'example.png' will create a PNG image.

File- The path to the image file to be generated. */
  514dot_all(File) :-
  515    prepare_cmd(File, Stream),
  516    draw_all(Str),
  517    write(Stream, Str),
  518    close(Stream).
 dot_prefix(+Prefix:term, +File:term)
Create an image file with all the nodes from a namespace/prefix and their relations.

The image type is deduce by the File extension. 'example.png' will create a PNG image.

Prefix- The prefix term.
File- The path to the image file to be generated. */
  532dot_prefix(Prefix, File) :-
  533    prepare_cmd(File, Stream),
  534    draw_prefix(Prefix, Str),
  535    write(Stream, Str),
  536    close(Stream).
Create an image file with all the nodes and their is-a relationships.

The image type is deduce by the File extension. 'example.png' will create a PNG image.

File- The path to the image file to be generated. */
  548dot_hierarchy(File) :-
  549    prepare_cmd(File, Stream),
  550    draw_hierarchy(Str),
  551    write(Stream, Str),
  552    close(Stream)