- getinfo_codes(+S:atom/string, -R:codes) is det
- True if R is unified with a standard output in codes of shell command S.
- getinfo_string(+S:atom/string, -R:string) is det
- R is unified with a string for the standard output codes
of a shell command S.
- getinfo(+S:atom/string, -R:atom/string) is det
- True if
R is unified with an atom/string as standard output of the
shell command S.
- assemble(L:list, F:stream) is det
- True when all elements of L have been written to F.
-- T as text.
-- the contents of G
region -- the current buffer region
buffer -- the current whole buffer
- counter(+P, +X, -Y) is det
- Perform action P on a file X to unify Y with the result.
- new_file(+X, -Y) is det
- Create a new file according to X, and unify Y with the result.
- new_base_name(+X, -Y) is det
- Create a new file according to X, and unify Y with the result.
- expand_cgi_path(+X, -Y) is det
- Expand a CGI path in X, and unify Y with X.
- include_text(+X, -Y) is det
- Read as string from a file X into Y.
- include_text(+L, -Y) is det
- Read as strings from all files in X into Y.
- dired(?X, ?Y) is det
- Get a directory from lisp by completing-read with
candidate list 'dir-set', expand the directory name, and
ask lisp to open by 'dired' command. Y is unified with X.
Undocumented predicates
The following predicates are exported, but not or incorrectly documented.
- boomerang(Arg1, Arg2)
- getstring(Arg1)
- file_string(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)
- sh(Arg1)
- xsh(Arg1)
- pshell(Arg1)
- pshell(Arg1, Arg2)
- qshell(Arg1)
- vector_term(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)
- perform(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4)
- apply3(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)
- choose_files(Arg1)
- choose_folder(Arg1)
- run_shell(Arg1, Arg2)
- run_shell(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)
- dir(Arg1)