1:- module(
    2  cli_arguments,
    3  [
    4    cli_arguments/5 % +Usages, +LongSpecs, +ShortSpecs, -Options, -PositionalArguments
    5  ]

Command-line argument parsing


   12:- use_module(library(apply)).   13:- use_module(library(error)).   14:- use_module(library(lists)).   15:- use_module(library(pairs)).   16
   17:- use_module(library(dcg)).   18:- use_module(library(dict)).   19:- use_module(library(string_ext)).
 cli_arguments(+Usages:list(list(atom)), +LongSpecs:dict, +ShortSpecs:dict, -Options:options, -PositionalArguments:list(atom)) is det
Parse the arguments Arguments (as list of atoms) according to Specs. Any runtime arguments (typically terminated by '--') are assumed to be removed already.
An options dictionary containing the parsed flags.
The remaining non-flag or ‘positional’ arguments.  Positional
arguments are allows to appear interspersed with flag
arguments (although it is good practice to put positional
arguments last).
- Dashed args not in Specs are not permitted and will raise an error.
   47cli_arguments(Usages, LongSpecs, ShortSpecs, Options, PosArgs) :-
   48  current_prolog_flag(argv, Atoms),
   49  parse_arguments(LongSpecs, ShortSpecs, Atoms, Pairs1, PosArgs),
   50  usage_arguments(Usages, PosArgs),
   51  set_default_options(LongSpecs, ShortSpecs, Pairs1, Pairs2),
   52  dict_pairs(Options, Pairs2).
 parse_arguments(+LongSpecs:dict, +ShortSpecs:dict, +Arguments:list(atom), -Pairs:list(pair(atom,term)), -PositionalArguments:list(atom)) is det
   60% done
   61parse_arguments(_, _, [], [], []) :- !.
   62% flag argument
   63parse_arguments(LongSpecs, ShortSpecs, [H1|T1], [H2|T2], L3) :-
   64  atom_phrase(parse_flag(LongSpecs, ShortSpecs, H2), H1), !,
   65  parse_arguments(LongSpecs, ShortSpecs, T1, T2, L3).
   66% positional argument
   67parse_arguments(LongSpecs, ShortSpecs, [Arg|T1], L2, [Arg|T3]) :-
   68  parse_arguments(LongSpecs, ShortSpecs, T1, L2, T3).
 parse_flag(+LongSpecs:dict, +ShortSpecs:dict, -Pair:pair(atom,term))//
   72% Long negative flag: Boolean false.
   73parse_flag(LongSpecs, _, Key-false) -->
   74  "--no-", !,
   75  {must_be_key_type_(LongSpecs, Key, boolean)},
   76  remainder_as_atom(Key).
   77% Long explicit flag: the specified type.
   78parse_flag(LongSpecs, _, Key-Value) -->
   79  "--",
   80  '...'(Codes),
   81  "=", !,
   82  {atom_codes(Key, Codes)},
   83  {key_type_(LongSpecs, Key, Type)},
   84  parse_value(Type, Value).
   85% Long implicit flag: Boolean true.
   86parse_flag(LongSpecs, _, Key-true) -->
   87  "--", !,
   88  remainder_as_atom(Key),
   89  {must_be_key_type_(LongSpecs, Key, boolean)}.
   90% Short explicit flag: the specified type.
   91parse_flag(_, ShortSpecs, Key-Value) -->
   92  "-",
   93  dcg_char(Key),
   94  "=", !,
   95  {key_type_(ShortSpecs, Key, Type)},
   96  parse_value(Type, Value).
   97% Short implicit flag: Boolean true.
   98parse_flag(_, ShortSpecs, Key-true) -->
   99  "-", !,
  100  dcg_char(Key),
  101  {must_be_key_type_(ShortSpecs, Key, boolean)}.
  103key_type_(Specs, Key, Type) :-
  104  dict_get(Key, Specs, Spec), !,
  105  dict_get(type, Spec, Type).
  106key_type_(_, Key, _) :-
  107  existence_error(cli_key(Key), cli_unspecified_key).
  109must_be_key_type_(Specs, Key, SyntacticType) :-
  110  key_type_(Specs, Key, SemanticType),
  111  (   SemanticType = SyntacticType
  112  ->  true
  113  ;   syntax_error(cli_type_conflict(Key,SyntacticType,SemanticType))
  114  ).
 parse_value(+Type:term, -Value:term)// is det
  118parse_value(atom, Value) --> !,
  119  remainder_as_atom(Value).
  120parse_value(boolean, Value) --> !,
  121  dcg_boolean(Value).
  122parse_value(oneof(Values), Value) --> !,
  123  remainder_as_atom(Value),
  124  {must_be(oneof(Values), Value)}.
  125parse_value(string, Value) -->
  126  remainder_as_string(Value).
 set_default_options(+LongSpecs:list(dict), +ShortSpecs:list(dict), +Pairs1:pair(atom,term), -Pairs2:pair(atom,term)) is det
  133set_default_options(LongSpecs, ShortSpecs, L2, L3) :-
  134  maplist(dict_pairs, [LongSpecs,ShortSpecs], L0),
  135  append(L0, L1),
  136  set_default_options_(L1, L2, L3).
  138% done
  139set_default_options_([], _, []) :- !.
  140% explicit value
  141set_default_options_([Key-_|T1], L2, [Key-Value|T3]) :-
  142  memberchk(Key-Value, L2), !,
  143  set_default_options_(T1, L2, T3).
  144% default value
  145set_default_options_([Key-Spec|T1], L2, [Key-Default|T3]) :-
  146  optionSpec{default: Default} :< Spec, !,
  147  set_default_options_(T1, L2, T3).
  148% skip
  149set_default_options_([_|T1], L2, L3) :-
  150  set_default_options_(T1, L2, L3).
 usage_arguments(+Usages:list(list(atom)), +PosArgs1:list(atom)) is det
  155% A special case for zero arguments (e.g., `myTool --help` or `myTool
  156% --version`).
  157usage_arguments(_, []) :- !.
  158% A recognized usage.
  159usage_arguments(Usages, PosArgs) :-
  160  length(PosArgs, Len),
  161  length(Pattern, Len),
  162  memberchk(Pattern, Usages), !.
  163% Not a recognized usage.
  164usage_arguments(_, PosArgs) :-
  165  length(PosArgs, Arity),
  166  syntax_error(cli_args(Arity,PosArgs))