1:- encoding(utf8).
    2:- module(
    3  http_client2,
    4  [
    5    http_call/2,                   % +Uri, :Goal_1
    6    http_call/3,                   % +Uri, :Goal_1, +Options
    7    http_download/1,               % +Uri
    8    http_download/2,               % +Uri, ?File
    9    http_download/3,               % +Uri, ?File, +Options
   10    http_head2/2,                  % +Uri, +Options
   11    http_header_name_label/2,      % +Name, -Label
   12    http_last_modified/2,          % +Uri, -Time
   13    http_metadata_content_type/2,  % +Metas, -MediaType
   14    http_metadata_file_name/2,     % +Metas, -File
   15    http_metadata_final_uri/2,     % +Metas, -Uri
   16    http_metadata_last_modified/2, % +Metas, -Time
   17    http_metadata_link/3,          % +Metas, +Relation, -Uri
   18    http_metadata_status/2,        % +Metas, -Status
   19    http_open2/2,                  % +CurrentUri, -In
   20    http_open2/3,                  % +CurrentUri, -In, +Options
   21    http_status_reason/2,          % ?Status, ?Reason
   22    http_sync/1,                   % +Uri
   23    http_sync/2,                   % +Uri, ?File
   24    http_sync/3,                   % +Uri, ?File, +Options
   25  % DEBUGGING
   26    curl/0,
   27    nocurl/0
   28  ]

HTTP Client

Alternative to the HTTP client that is part of the SWI-Prolog standard library.


The following debug flags are used:


   45:- use_module(library(aggregate)).   46:- use_module(library(apply)).   47:- use_module(library(debug)).   48:- use_module(library(error)).   49:- use_module(library(http/http_client), []).   50:- use_module(library(http/http_cookie), []).   51:- use_module(library(http/http_json)).   52:- use_module(library(http/http_path)).   53:- use_module(library(http/json)).   54:- use_module(library(yall)).   55:- use_module(library(zlib)).   56
   57:- use_module(library(atom_ext)).   58:- use_module(library(call_ext)).   59:- use_module(library(dcg)).   60:- use_module(library(dict)).   61:- use_module(library(file_ext)).   62:- use_module(library(list_ext)).   63:- use_module(library(media_type)).   64:- use_module(library(stream_ext)).   65:- use_module(library(string_ext)).   66:- use_module(library(uri_ext)).   67
   68:- use_module(http/http_open_cp, []).   69
   70:- meta_predicate
   71    http_call(+, 1),
   72    http_call(+, 1, +).   73
   74:- multifile
   75    http:encoding_filter/3,
   76    http_header:status_comment//1,
   77    http_header:status_number_fact/2,
   78    http:post_data_hook/3.   79
   80http:encoding_filter('application/gzip', In1, In2) :-
   81  http:encoding_filter(gzip, In1, In2).
   82http:encoding_filter('x-gzip', In1, In2) :-
   83  http:encoding_filter(gzip, In1, In2).
   85error:has_type(http_status, Status) :-
   86  http_header:status_number_fact(_, Status).
   88http_header:status_number_fact(522, 522).
   89http_header:status_number_fact(523, 523).
   91http_header:status_comment(522) -->
   92  "CloudFlare: Connection timed out".
   93http_header:status_comment(523) -->
   94  "CloudFlare: Origin is unreachable".
   96:- public
   97    ssl_verify/5.   98
   99ssl_verify(_SSL, _ProblemCertificate, _AllCertificates, _FirstCertificate, _Error).
 http_accept_value(+MediaTypes:list(media_type), -Accept:atom) is det
Create an atomic HTTP Accept header value out of a given list of Media Types (from most to least acceptable).
Accept = #( media-range [ accept-params ] )
media-range = ( "*/*"
              / ( type "/" "*" )
              / ( type "/" subtype )
              ) *( OWS ";" OWS parameter )
parameter = token "=" ( token / quoted-string )
accept-params  = weight *( accept-ext )
weight = OWS ";" OWS "q=" qvalue
accept-ext = OWS ";" OWS token [ "=" ( token / quoted-string ) ]
  120http_accept_value(MediaTypes, Accept) :-
  121  length(MediaTypes, NumMediaTypes),
  122  Interval is 1.0 / NumMediaTypes,
  123  atom_phrase(accept_(MediaTypes, Interval, Interval), Accept).
  125accept_([], _, _) --> !, "".
  126accept_([H|T], N1, Interval) -->
  127  media_type(H),
  128  weight_(N1),
  129  {N2 is N1 + Interval},
  130  ({T = []} -> "" ; ", "),
  131  accept_(T, N2, Interval).
  133weight_(N) -->
  134  {format(atom(Atom), ";q=~3f", [N])},
  135  atom(Atom).
 http_call(+Uri:or([atom,compound]), :Goal_1) is nondet
 http_call(+Uri:or([atom,compound]), :Goal_1, +Options:options) is nondet
Uses URIs that appear with the ‘next’ keyword in HTTP Link headers to non-deterministically call Goal_1 for all subsequent input streams.

Detects cycles in HTTP Link header referals, in which case the cyclic_link_header/1 is thrown.

Goal_1- The following call is made: `call(Goal_1, In)'.
Options- The following options are supported:
  157http_call(Uri, Goal_1) :-
  158  http_call(Uri, Goal_1, options{}).
  161http_call(FirstUri0, Goal_1, Options1) :-
  162  ensure_uri_(FirstUri0, FirstUri),
  163  State = state(FirstUri),
  164  % Non-deterministically enumerate over URIs that appear in HTTP Link
  165  % headers with the ‘next’ keyword.
  166  repeat,
  167  State = state(CurrentUri),
  168  merge_dicts(options{next: NextUri}, Options1, Options2),
  169  (   http_open2(CurrentUri, In, Options2)
  170  ->  (   % There is a next URI: keep the choicepoint open.
  171          atom(NextUri)
  172      ->  State = state(CurrentUri),
  173          % Detect directly cyclic `Link' headers.
  174          (   CurrentUri == NextUri
  175          ->  throw(error(http_error(cyclic_link_header,NextUri),http_call/3))
  176          ;   nb_setarg(1, State, NextUri)
  177          )
  178      ;   % There is no next URI: abandon choicepoint.
  179          !
  180      ),
  181      call_cleanup(
  182        call(Goal_1, In),
  183        close(In)
  184      )
  185  ;   !, fail
  186  ).
 http_download(+Uri:or([atom,compound])) is det
 http_download(+Uri:or([atom,compound]), +File:atom) is det
http_download(+Uri:or([atom,compound]), -File:atom) is det
 http_download(+Uri:or([atom,compound]), +File:atom, +Options:options) is det
http_download(+Uri:or([atom,compound]), -File:atom, +Options:options) is det
  196http_download(Uri) :-
  197  http_download(Uri, _).
  200http_download(Uri, File) :-
  201  http_download(Uri, File, options{}).
  204http_download(Uri, File, Options) :-
  205  uri_to_file_(Uri, File),
  206  http_download_(Uri, File, Options).
 http_head2(+Uri:atom, +Options:options) is det
  212http_head2(Uri, Options1) :-
  213  merge_dicts(options{method: head}, Options1, Options2),
  214  http_call(Uri, true, Options2).
 http_header_name_label(+Name:atom, -Label:string) is det
  220http_header_name_label(Name, Label) :-
  221  atomic_list_concat(Atoms, -, Name),
  222  maplist(atom_capitalize, Atoms, CAtoms),
  223  atomics_to_string(CAtoms, " ", Label).
 http_last_modified(+Uri:or([atom,compound]), -Time:float) is det
  229http_last_modified(Uri, Time) :-
  230  http_head2(Uri, options{metadata: Metas}),
  231  http_metadata_last_modified(Metas, Time).
 http_metadata_content_type(+Metas:list(dict), -MediaType:media_type) is semidet
We cannot expect that an HTTP `Content-Type' header is present:
  247http_metadata_content_type(Metas, MediaType) :-
  248  Metas = [Meta|_],
  249  dict_get('content-type', Meta.headers, [ContentType|T]),
  250  assertion(T == []),
  251  atom_phrase(media_type(MediaType), ContentType).
 http_metadata_file_name(+Metas:list(dict), -File:atom) is semidet
  257http_metadata_file_name(Metas, File) :-
  258  Metas = [Meta|_],
  259  dict_get('content-disposition', Meta.headers, [ContentDisposition|T]),
  260  assertion(T == []),
  261  split_string(ContentDisposition, ";", " ", ["attachment"|Params]),
  262  member(Param, Params),
  263  split_string(Param, "=", "\"", ["filename",File0]), !,
  264  atom_string(File, File0).
 http_metadata_final_uri(+Metas:list(dict), -Uri:atom) is det
  270http_metadata_final_uri(Metas, Uri) :-
  271  first(Metas, Meta),
  272  http{uri: Uri} :< Meta.
 http_metadata_last_modified(+Metas:list(dict), -Time:float) is det
  278http_metadata_last_modified(Metas, Time) :-
  279  first(Metas, Meta),
  280  dict_get('last-modified', Meta.headers, [LMod]),
  281  parse_time(LMod, Time).
 http_metadata_link(+Metas:list(dict), +Relation:atom, -Uri:atom) is semidet
  287http_metadata_link(Metas, Relation, Uri) :-
  288  [Meta|_] = Metas,
  289  dict_get(link, Meta.headers, Links),
  290  % This header may appear multiple times.
  291  atomic_list_concat(Links, ;, Link),
  292  atom_string(Relation, Relation0),
  293  split_string(Link, ",", " ", Comps),
  294  member(Comp, Comps),
  295  split_string(Comp, ";", "<> ", [Uri0|Params]),
  296  member(Param, Params),
  297  split_string(Param, "=", "\"", ["rel",Relation0]), !,
  298  atom_string(Uri, Uri0).
 http_metadata_status(+Metas:list(dict), -Success:between(100,599)) is det
  304http_metadata_status(Metas, Status) :-
  305  Metas = [Meta|_],
  306  Status = Meta.status.
 http_open2(+CurrentUri:or([atom,compound]), -In:istream) is det
 http_open2(+CurrentUri:or([atom,compound]), -In:istream, +Options:options) is det
Alternative to http_open/3 in the SWI standard library with the following additons:
Meta- A list of dictionaries, each of which describing an HTTP(S) request/reply interaction as well metadata about the stream.
Options- The following options are supported:
  • accept(+Accept:term) Accept is either a registered file name extension, a Media Type compound term, or a list of Media Type compounds.
  • failure(+Status:or([oneof([warning]),between(400,599)])) Status code that is mapped onto Prolog silent failure. Default is `400'.
  • final_uri(-Uri:atom)
  • metadata(-Metas:list(dict))
  • number_of_hops(+positive_integer) The maximum number of consecutive redirects that is followed. The default is 5.
  • number_of_retries(+positive_integer) The maximum number of times the same HTTP request is retried upon receiving an HTTP error code (i.e., HTTP status codes 400 through 599). The default is 1.
  • status(-between(100,599)) Returns the final status code. When present, options failure/1 and success/1 are not processed.
  • success(+Status:between(200,299)) Status code that is mapped onto Prolog success. Default is `200'.
  • Other options are passed to http_open/3.
  373http_open2(CurrentUri, In) :-
  374  http_open2(CurrentUri, In, options{}).
  377http_open2(CurrentUri0, In, Options1) :-
  378  ensure_uri_(CurrentUri0, CurrentUri),
  379  % Allow the next/1 option to be instantiated later.
  380  ignore(option{next: NextUri} :< Options1),
  381  % Allow the metadata/1 optiont to be instantiated later.
  382  ignore(dict_get(metadata, Options1, Metas)),
  383  http_options_(CurrentUri, Options1, State, Options2),
  384  http_open2_(CurrentUri, In, State, Metas0, Options2),
  385  reverse(Metas0, Metas),
  386  % Instantiate the next/1 option.
  387  ignore(http_metadata_link(Metas, next, NextUri)),
  388  first(Metas, Meta),
  389  http{status: Status, uri: FinalUri} :< Meta,
  390  ignore(option{final_uri: FinalUri} :< Options1),
  391  (   option{status: Status} :< Options1
  392  ->  true
  393  ;   http_status_(In, Status, FinalUri, Options1)
  394  ).
 http_status_(+In:istream, +Status:between(100,599), +FinalUri:atom, +Options:options) is det
  401http_status_(In, Status, FinalUri, Options) :-
  402  dict_get(failure, Options, 400, Failure),
  403  dict_get(success, Options, 200, Success),
  404  (   % HTTP failure codes.
  405      between(400, 599, Status)
  406  ->  call_cleanup(
  407        read_string(In, 1 000, Content),
  408        close(In)
  409      ),
  410      (   Failure == warning
  411      ->  print_message(
  412            warning,
  413            error(http_error(status,Status,Content,FinalUri),http_status_error/3)
  414          )
  415      ;   must_be(between(400,599), Failure),
  416          Status =:= Failure
  417      ->  fail
  418      ;   % Throw an exception, indicating an error.
  419          throw(error(http_error(status,Status,Content,FinalUri),http_status_error/3))
  420      )
  421  ;   % HTTP success codes.  The asserion indicates that we do not
  422      % expect a 1xx or 3xx status code here.
  423      assertion(between(200, 299, Status))
  424  ->  (number(Success) -> Status =:= Success ; true)
  425  ).
  427http_options_(Uri, Options1, State, Options3) :-
  428  (   dict_select(accept, Options1, Options2, Accept)
  429  ->  http_open2_accept_(Accept, Atom)
  430  ;   Atom = '*/*',
  431      Options2 = Options1
  432  ),
  433  merge_dicts(options{request_header: 'Accept'=Atom}, Options2, Options3),
  434  dict_get(number_of_hops, Options3, 5, MaxHops),
  435  dict_get(number_of_retries, Options3, 1, MaxRetries),
  436  State = state{
  437    maximum_number_of_hops: MaxHops,
  438    maximum_number_of_retries: MaxRetries,
  439    number_of_retries: 1,
  440    visited: [Uri]
  441  }.
  443http_open2_(Uri, In2, State1, [Meta|Metas], Options1) :-
  444  (   debugging(http(send_request)),
  445      options{post: RequestBody} :< Options1
  446  ->  debug(http(send_request), "REQUEST BODY\n~w\n", [RequestBody])
  447  ;   true
  448  ),
  449  merge_dicts(
  450    options{
  451      cert_verify_hook: cert_accept_any,
  452      raw_headers: HeaderLines,
  453      redirect: false,
  454      status_code: Status,
  455      timeout: 60,
  456      version: Major-Minor
  457    },
  458    Options1,
  459    Options2
  460  ),
  461  get_time(Start),
  462  dict_terms(Options2, Options3),
  463  http_open_cp:http_open(Uri, In1, Options3),
  464  ignore(options{status_code: Status} :< Options2),
  465  get_time(End),
  466  http_lines_pairs(HeaderLines, HeaderPairs),
  467  (   memberchk(location-[Location], HeaderPairs)
  468  ->  State2 = State1.put(_{location: Location})
  469  ;   State2 = State1
  470  ),
  471  dict_pairs(HeadersMeta, HeaderPairs),
  472  Meta = http{
  473    headers: HeadersMeta,
  474    status: Status,
  475    timestamp: Start-End,
  476    uri: Uri,
  477    version: version{major: Major, minor: Minor}
  478  },
  479  State3 = State2.put(_{meta: Meta}),
  480  % Print status codes and reply headers as debug messages.
  481  % Use curl/0 to show these debug messages.
  482  (   debugging(http(receive_reply))
  483  ->  debug(http(receive_reply), "", []),
  484      http_status_reason(Status, Reason),
  485      debug(http(receive_reply), "< ~d (~s)", [Status,Reason]),
  486      maplist(debug_header, HeaderPairs),
  487      debug(http(receive_reply), "", [])
  488  ;   true
  489  ),
  490  (   dict_get('content-type', HeadersMeta, [ContentType|_]),
  491      atom_phrase(media_type(MediaType), ContentType),
  492      media_type_encoding(MediaType, Encoding)
  493  ->  set_stream(In1, encoding(Encoding))
  494  ;   true
  495  ),
  496  http_open2_(Uri, In1, Status, State3, In2, Metas, Options1).
  498debug_header(Key-Values) :-
  499  maplist(debug_header(Key), Values).
  501debug_header(Key, Value) :-
  502  debug(http(receive_reply), "< ~a: ~w", [Key,Value]).
 http_open2_accept_(+Accept:or([atom,list(media_type),media_type]), -Atom:atom) is det
  508% list of Media Types
  509http_open2_accept_(MediaTypes, Atom) :-
  510  is_list(MediaTypes), !,
  511  http_accept_value(MediaTypes, Atom).
  512% file name extension
  513http_open2_accept_(Ext, Atom) :-
  514  atom(Ext), !,
  515  (   media_type_extension(MediaType, Ext)
  516  ->  http_open2_accept_([MediaType], Atom)
  517  ;   existence_error(media_type_extension, Ext)
  518  ).
  519% Media Type
  520http_open2_accept_(MediaType, Atom) :-
  521  http_open2_accept_([MediaType], Atom).
  523% succes status code
  524http_open2_(Uri, In1, Status, State, In2, [], _) :-
  525  between(200, 299, Status), !,
  526  http_open2_success_(Uri, In1, State, In2).
  527% redirect status code
  528http_open2_(Uri1, In1, Status, State1, In2, Metas, Options) :-
  529  between(300, 399, Status), !,
  530  close(In1),
  531  _{location: Location, visited: Visited1} :< State1,
  532  uri_resolve(Location, Uri1, Uri2),
  533  Visited2 = [Uri2|Visited1],
  534  (   length(Visited2, NumVisited),
  535      _{maximum_number_of_hops: MaxHops} :< State1,
  536      NumVisited >= MaxHops
  537  ->  Metas = [],
  538      reverse(Visited2, Visited3),
  539      % Wait until redirect loops have reached the maximum number of
  540      % hops.  The same URI can sometimes be legitimately requested
  541      % more than once, e.g., without and with a cookie.
  542      (   memberchk(Uri2, Visited1)
  543      ->  throw(error(http_error(redirect_loop,Visited3),http_open2_/7))
  544      ;   throw(error(http_error(max_redirect,NumVisited,Visited3),http_open2_/7))
  545      )
  546  ;   State2 = State1.put(_{visited: Visited2}),
  547      http_open2_(Uri2, In2, State2, Metas, Options)
  548  ).
  549% authentication error status code
  550http_open2_(_, In, Status, _, In, [], _) :-
  551  Status =:= 401, !.
  552% non-authentication error status code
  553http_open2_(Uri, In1, Status, State1, In2, Metas, Options) :-
  554  between(400, 599, Status), !,
  555  _{
  556    maximum_number_of_retries: MaxRetries,
  557    number_of_retries: Retries1
  558  } :< State1,
  559  Retries2 is Retries1 + 1,
  560  (   Retries2 >= MaxRetries
  561  ->  In2 = In1,
  562      Metas = []
  563  ;   close(In1),
  564      State2 = State1.put(_{number_of_retries: Retries2}),
  565      http_open2_(Uri, In2, State2, Metas, Options)
  566  ).
  567% unrecognized status code
  568http_open2_(_, In, Status, _, _, [], _) :-
  569  close(In),
  570  domain_error(http_status, Status).
  572% Change the input stream encoding based on the value of the
  573% `Content-Type' header.
  574http_open2_success_(_, In, State, In) :-
  575  _{meta: Meta} :< State,
  576  http_metadata_content_type([Meta], _), !,
  577  (   debugging(http(peek))
  578  ->  peek_string(In, 1 000, String),
  579      debug(http(peek), "~s", [String])
  580  ;   true
  581  ).
  582% If there is no `Content-Type' header, then there MUST be no content
  583% either.
  584http_open2_success_(Uri, In, _, In) :-
  585  (   at_end_of_stream(In)
  586  ->  true
  587  ;   print_message(warning, error(http_error(no_content_type,Uri),http_open2_success_/4))
  588  ).
  590http_lines_pairs(Lines, Groups) :-
  591  aggregate_all(
  592    set(Key-Value),
  593    (
  594      member(Line, Lines),
  595      % HTTP header parsing may fail, e.g., due to obsolete line
  596      % folding (where one header is spread over multiple lines).
  597      phrase(http_parse_header_simple(Key, Value), Line)
  598    ),
  599    Pairs
  600  ),
  601  group_pairs_by_key(Pairs, Groups).
 http_parse_header_simple(-Key:atom, -Value:atom)// is semidet
header-field = field-name ":" OWS field-value OWS
field-name = token
OWS = *( SP | HTAB )
  611http_parse_header_simple(Key, Value) -->
  612  string_without(":", KeyCodes),
  613  ":",
  614  {
  615    atom_codes(Key0, KeyCodes),
  616    downcase_atom(Key0, Key)
  617  },
  618  remainder_as_string(String0),
  619  {
  620    string_strip(String0, "\s\t", String),
  621    atom_string(Value, String)
  622  }, !.
  624http:post_data_hook(string(String), Out, HdrExtra) :-
  625  atom_string(Atom, String),
  626  http_header_cp:http_post_data(atom(Atom), Out, HdrExtra).
  627http:post_data_hook(string(MediaType,String), Out, HdrExtra) :-
  628  atom_string(Atom, String),
  629  http_header_cp:http_post_data(atom(MediaType,Atom), Out, HdrExtra).
 http_status_reason(+Status:between(100,523), +Reason:string) is semidet
http_status_reason(+Status:between(100,523), -Reason:string) is det
http_status_reason(-Status:between(100,523), +Reason:string) is det
http_status_reason(-Status:between(100,523), -Reason:string) is multi
  638http_status_reason(100, "Continue").
  639http_status_reason(101, "Switching Protocols").
  640http_status_reason(200, "OK").
  641http_status_reason(201, "Created").
  642http_status_reason(202, "Accepted").
  643http_status_reason(203, "Non-Authoritative Information").
  644http_status_reason(204, "No Content").
  645http_status_reason(205, "Reset Content").
  646http_status_reason(206, "Partial Content").
  647http_status_reason(300, "Multiple Choices").
  648http_status_reason(301, "Moved Permanently").
  649http_status_reason(302, "Moved Temporarily").
  650http_status_reason(303, "See Other").
  651http_status_reason(304, "Not Modified").
  652http_status_reason(305, "Use Proxy").
  653http_status_reason(306, "Switch Proxy").
  654http_status_reason(307, "Temporary Redirect").
  655http_status_reason(400, "Bad Request").
  656http_status_reason(401, "Unauthorized").
  657http_status_reason(402, "Payment Required").
  658http_status_reason(403, "Forbidden").
  659http_status_reason(404, "Not Found").
  660http_status_reason(405, "Method Not Allowed").
  661http_status_reason(406, "Not Acceptable").
  662http_status_reason(407, "Proxy Authentication Required").
  663http_status_reason(408, "Request Time-out").
  664http_status_reason(409, "Conflict").
  665http_status_reason(410, "Gone").
  666http_status_reason(411, "Length Required").
  667http_status_reason(412, "Precondition Failed").
  668http_status_reason(413, "Request Entity Too Large").
  669http_status_reason(414, "Request-URI Too Large").
  670http_status_reason(415, "Unsupported Media Type").
  671http_status_reason(500, "Internal Server Error").
  672http_status_reason(501, "Not Implemented").
  673http_status_reason(502, "Bad Gateway").
  674http_status_reason(503, "Service Unavailable").
  675http_status_reason(504, "Gateway Time-out").
  676http_status_reason(505, "HTTP Version not supported").
  677http_status_reason(522, "CloudFlare: Connection timed out").
  678http_status_reason(523, "CloudFlare: Origin is unreachable").
 http_sync(+Uri:or([atom,compound])) is det
 http_sync(+Uri:or([atom,compound]), +File:atom) is det
http_sync(+Uri:or([atom,compound]), -File:atom) is det
 http_sync(+Uri:or([atom,compound]), +File:atom, +Options:options) is det
http_sync(+Uri:or([atom,compound]), -File:atom, +Options:options) is det
Like http_download/[1-3], but does not download File if it already exists.
  691http_sync(Uri) :-
  692  http_sync(Uri, _).
  695http_sync(Uri, File) :-
  696  http_sync(Uri, File, options{}).
  699http_sync(Uri0, File, Options) :-
  700  ensure_uri_(Uri0, Uri),
  701  uri_to_file_(Uri, File),
  702  (exists_file(File) -> true ; http_download_(Uri, File, Options)).
  708% DEBUGGING %
 curl is det
Enable detailed, cURL-like debug messages.
  714curl :-
  715  debug(http(receive_reply)),
  716  debug(http(send_request)).
 nocurl is det
Disable detailed, cURL-like debug messages.
  724nocurl :-
  725  nodebug(http(receive_reply)),
  726  nodebug(http(send_request)).
  732% GENERICS %
 ensure_uri_(+Input:or([atom,compound]), -Uri:atom) is det
Allows URIs to be input as atom or as compounds.
  738ensure_uri_(uri(Scheme,Authority,Segments,Query,Fragment), Uri) :- !,
  739  uri_comps(Uri, uri(Scheme,Authority,Segments,Query,Fragment)).
  740ensure_uri_(Uri, Uri) :-
  741  must_be(atom, Uri).
 http_download_(+Uri:atom, +File:atom, +Options:options) is det
  747http_download_(Uri, File, Options) :-
  748  file_name_extensions(File, Name, Exts),
  749  file_name_extensions(TmpFile, Name, [tmp|Exts]),
  750  write_to_file(
  751    TmpFile,
  752    http_download_stream_(Uri, Options),
  753    options{type: binary}
  754  ),
  755  rename_file(TmpFile, File).
  757http_download_stream_(Uri, Options, Out) :-
  758  http_call(Uri, {Out}/[In0]>>copy_stream_data(In0, Out), Options).
 uri_to_file_(+Uri:atom, +File:atom) is det
uri_to_file_(+Uri:atom, -File:atom) is det
  765uri_to_file_(_, File) :-
  766  ground(File), !,
  767  must_be(atom, File).
  768uri_to_file_(Uri, File) :-
  769  uri_data_file(Uri, data, File)