1:-include(library('ec_planner/ec_test_incl')).    2:-expects_dialect(pfc).    3 %  loading(always,'ecnet/PlayNeed.e').
    5%; Copyright (c) 2005 IBM Corporation and others.
    6%; All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
    7%; are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
    8%; which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
    9%; http://www.eclipse.org/legal/cpl-v10.html
   11%; Contributors:
   12%; IBM - Initial implementation
   14%; A complete story understanding program will require representations
   15%; of common human needs \fullcite{SchankAbelson:1977}.
   17%; @book{SchankAbelson:1977,
   18%;   author = "Schank, Roger C. and Abelson, Robert P.",
   19%;   year = "1977",
   20%;   title = "Scripts, Plans, Goals, and Understanding: An Inquiry into Human Knowledge Structures",
   21%;   address = "Hillsdale, NJ",
   22%;   publisher = "Lawrence Erlbaum",
   23%; }
   25%; The PlayNeed representation deals with one type of need, the need
   26%; to play.
   27%; Our underlying theory of human needs consists of the following sequence:
   28%; (1) A need is unsatisfied.
   29%; (2) Given certain stimuli and an unsatisfied need, an intention
   30%; to satisfy the need is activated.
   31%; (3) The intention is acted upon.
   32%; (4) The need is satisfied.
   33%; agent has an unsatisfied need to play.
   35% fluent HungryToPlay(agent)
   36 %  fluent(hungryToPlay(agent)).
   37==> mpred_prop(hungryToPlay(agent),fluent).
   38==> meta_argtypes(hungryToPlay(agent)).
   41% From /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/small_adventure_games/prolog/ec_planner/ecnet/PlayNeed.e:33
   42%; agent has the intention to play outside.
   44% fluent IntentionToPlay(agent,outside)
   45 %  fluent(intentionToPlay(agent,outside)).
   46% From /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/small_adventure_games/prolog/ec_planner/ecnet/PlayNeed.e:35
   47==> mpred_prop(intentionToPlay(agent,outside),fluent).
   48==> meta_argtypes(intentionToPlay(agent,outside)).
   51% From /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/small_adventure_games/prolog/ec_planner/ecnet/PlayNeed.e:35
   52%; agent has a satisfied need to play.
   54% fluent SatiatedFromPlay(agent)
   55 %  fluent(satiatedFromPlay(agent)).
   56% From /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/small_adventure_games/prolog/ec_planner/ecnet/PlayNeed.e:37
   57==> mpred_prop(satiatedFromPlay(agent),fluent).
   58==> meta_argtypes(satiatedFromPlay(agent)).
   61% From /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/small_adventure_games/prolog/ec_planner/ecnet/PlayNeed.e:38
   62%; At any time, an agent is in one of three states with respect
   63%; to the need to play:
   65% From /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/small_adventure_games/prolog/ec_planner/ecnet/PlayNeed.e:40
   66% xor HungryToPlay, IntentionToPlay, SatiatedFromPlay
   67% From /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/small_adventure_games/prolog/ec_planner/ecnet/PlayNeed.e:41
   69%; agent intends to play at location outside.
   71% From /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/small_adventure_games/prolog/ec_planner/ecnet/PlayNeed.e:43
   72% event IntendToPlay(agent,outside)
   73 %  event(intendToPlay(agent,outside)).
   74% From /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/small_adventure_games/prolog/ec_planner/ecnet/PlayNeed.e:44
   75==> mpred_prop(intendToPlay(agent,outside),event).
   76==> meta_argtypes(intendToPlay(agent,outside)).
   79% From /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/small_adventure_games/prolog/ec_planner/ecnet/PlayNeed.e:44
   80%; agent plays at location outside.
   82% event Play(agent,outside)
   83 %  event(play(agent,outside)).
   84% From /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/small_adventure_games/prolog/ec_planner/ecnet/PlayNeed.e:46
   85==> mpred_prop(play(agent,outside),event).
   86==> meta_argtypes(play(agent,outside)).
   89% From /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/small_adventure_games/prolog/ec_planner/ecnet/PlayNeed.e:47
   90%; agent acts on the intention to play outside.
   92% fluent ActOnIntentionToPlay(agent,outside)
   93 %  fluent(actOnIntentionToPlay(agent,outside)).
   94% From /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/small_adventure_games/prolog/ec_planner/ecnet/PlayNeed.e:49
   95==> mpred_prop(actOnIntentionToPlay(agent,outside),fluent).
   96==> meta_argtypes(actOnIntentionToPlay(agent,outside)).
   98% noninertial ActOnIntentionToPlay
   99% From /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/small_adventure_games/prolog/ec_planner/ecnet/PlayNeed.e:50
  100==> noninertial(actOnIntentionToPlay).
  101%; A trigger axiom activates an intention for an agent to play when
  102%; the agent has an unsatisfied need for play, the agent likes snow,
  103%; the agent is awake, and
  104%; the agent is in a room that looks out onto an outside area where it
  105%; is snowing:
  106% [agent,room,outside,time]
  107% From /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/small_adventure_games/prolog/ec_planner/ecnet/PlayNeed.e:57
  108% HoldsAt(HungryToPlay(agent),time) &
  109% HoldsAt(LikeSnow(agent),time) &
  110% HoldsAt(At(agent,room),time) &
  111% LookOutOnto(room)=outside &
  112% HoldsAt(Awake(agent),time) &
  113% HoldsAt(Snowing(outside),time) ->
  114% Happens(IntendToPlay(agent,outside),time).
  115% From /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/small_adventure_games/prolog/ec_planner/ecnet/PlayNeed.e:63
  116axiom(happens(intendToPlay(Agent, Outside), Time),
  118    [ holds_at(hungryToPlay(Agent), Time),
  119      holds_at(likeSnow(Agent), Time),
  120      holds_at(at(Agent, Room), Time),
  121      equals(lookOutOnto(Room), Outside),
  122      holds_at(awake(Agent), Time),
  123      holds_at(snowing(Outside), Time)
  124    ]).
  127% From /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/small_adventure_games/prolog/ec_planner/ecnet/PlayNeed.e:65
  128%; A story understanding program will need a detailed representation
  129%; of intention \fullcite{CohenLevesque:1990}.
  131%; @article{CohenLevesque:1990,
  132%;   author = "Philip R. Cohen and Hector J. Levesque",
  133%;   year = "1990",
  134%;   title = "Intention is choice with commitment",
  135%;   journal = "Artificial Intelligence",
  136%;   volume = "42",
  137%;   pages = "213--261",
  138%; }
  140%; In our simplified representation, once an intention to
  141%; perform $e$ is activated, it persists until it is acted
  142%; upon. Intentions are represented by inertial fluents.
  143%; If an intention to perform $e$ is active at time point $t$,
  144%; the agent may or may not perform $e$ at time point $t$.
  145%; That is, we do not know exactly when the agent will act on the
  146%; intention.
  147%; This is a case of nondeterminism,
  148%; which we handle by introducing a noninertial fluent corresponding
  149%; to each intention fluent that
  150%; indicates whether the agent does or does not in fact act
  151%; on an intention at a given time.
  152%; Since each ground term of the new noninertial fluent multiplies the
  153%; number of models by $2^{n}$ where $n$ is the number of time points,
  154%; in practice we may constrain the truth value of the fluent
  155%; at various time points.
  156%; In the case of the need to play,
  157%; HoldsAt(ActOnIntentionToPlay(agent, outside), time)
  158%; represents that
  159%; HoldsAt(IntentionToPlay(agent, outside), time) is acted
  160%; upon at time.
  161%; Effect axioms state that
  162%; if an agent intends to play in an outside area,
  163%; the agent will have an intention to play in the outside area
  164%; and will no longer be in the hungry-to-play state:
  165% [agent,outside,time]
  166% From /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/small_adventure_games/prolog/ec_planner/ecnet/PlayNeed.e:104
  167% Initiates(IntendToPlay(agent,outside),IntentionToPlay(agent,outside),time).
  168axiom(initiates(intendToPlay(Agent, Outside), intentionToPlay(Agent, Outside), Time),
  169    []).
  172% From /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/small_adventure_games/prolog/ec_planner/ecnet/PlayNeed.e:106
  173% [agent,outside,time]
  174% Terminates(IntendToPlay(agent,outside),HungryToPlay(agent),time).
  175% From /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/small_adventure_games/prolog/ec_planner/ecnet/PlayNeed.e:107
  176axiom(terminates(intendToPlay(Agent, Outside), hungryToPlay(Agent), Time),
  177    []).
  180% From /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/small_adventure_games/prolog/ec_planner/ecnet/PlayNeed.e:109
  181%; A trigger axiom states that if an agent has the intention
  182%; to play in an outside area,
  183%; the agent acts on the intention to play in the outside area, and
  184%; the agent is at the outside area,
  185%; the agent plays in the outside area:
  186% [agent,outside,time]
  187% From /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/small_adventure_games/prolog/ec_planner/ecnet/PlayNeed.e:115
  188% HoldsAt(IntentionToPlay(agent,outside),time) &
  189% HoldsAt(ActOnIntentionToPlay(agent,outside),time) &
  190% HoldsAt(At(agent,outside),time) ->
  191% Happens(Play(agent,outside),time).
  192% From /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/small_adventure_games/prolog/ec_planner/ecnet/PlayNeed.e:118
  193axiom(happens(play(Agent, Outside), Time),
  195    [ holds_at(intentionToPlay(Agent, Outside), Time),
  196      holds_at(actOnIntentionToPlay(Agent, Outside), Time),
  197      holds_at(at(Agent, Outside), Time)
  198    ]).
  201% From /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/small_adventure_games/prolog/ec_planner/ecnet/PlayNeed.e:120
  202%; Effect axioms state that if an agent plays in an
  203%; outside area, the agent will be satiated from play
  204%; and will no longer have an intention to play in
  205%; the outside area:
  206% [agent,outside,time]
  207% From /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/small_adventure_games/prolog/ec_planner/ecnet/PlayNeed.e:125
  208% Initiates(Play(agent,outside),SatiatedFromPlay(agent),time).
  209axiom(initiates(play(Agent, Outside), satiatedFromPlay(Agent), Time),
  210    []).
  213% From /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/small_adventure_games/prolog/ec_planner/ecnet/PlayNeed.e:127
  214% [agent,outside,time]
  215% Terminates(Play(agent,outside),IntentionToPlay(agent,outside),time).
  216% From /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/small_adventure_games/prolog/ec_planner/ecnet/PlayNeed.e:128
  217axiom(terminates(play(Agent, Outside), intentionToPlay(Agent, Outside), Time),
  218    []).
  221% From /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/small_adventure_games/prolog/ec_planner/ecnet/PlayNeed.e:130
  222%; End of file.