32:- module( r_session,
33 [
34 r_open/0, r_open/1, r_start/0,
35 r_close/0, r_close/1,
36 r_in/1, r_in/2,
37 r_push/1, r_push/2,
38 r_out/2, r_out/3,
39 r_err/3, r_err/4,
40 r_print/1, r_print/2,
41 r_lines_print/1, r_lines_print/2, r_lines_print/3,
42 r_lib/1, r_lib/2,
43 r_flush/0, r_flush/1,
44 r_flush_onto/2, r_flush_onto/3,
45 current_r_session/1, current_r_session/3,
46 default_r_session/1,
47 r_session_data/3, r_streams_data/3,
48 r_history/0, r_history/1, r_history/2,
49 r_session_version/1,
50 r_bin/1,
51 r_bin_version/1, r_bin_version/2,
52 r_verbosity/1,
53 '<-'/2,
54 op( 950, xfx, (<-) )
55 ] ). 56
57:- use_module( library(lists) ). 58:- use_module( library(readutil) ). 59:- set_prolog_flag(double_quotes, codes). 60
61:- ( current_predicate(r_verbosity_level/1) -> true;
62 assert(r_verbosity_level(0)) ). 63
64:- dynamic( r_bin_location/1 ). 65:- dynamic( r_session/3 ). 66:- dynamic( r_session_history/2 ). 67:- dynamic( r_old_bin_warning_issued/1 ). 68:- dynamic( r_bin_takes_interactive/2 ). 69
70:- multifile settings/2. 71
72settings( '$r_internal_ignore', true ). 74:- ensure_loaded( library(process) ). 75:- at_halt( r_close(all) ).
156r_bin( Rbin ) :-
157 var( Rbin ),
158 !,
159 ( r_bin_location(Rbin) ->
160 true
161 ;
162 ( locate_rbin_file(Rbin) ->
163 M = 'There is no registered R executable. Using the one found by searching.',
164 r_verbose( M, 1 )
165 ;
166 M = 'There is no registered or default R executatble. Use, r_bin(+Rbin).',
167 fail_term( M )
168 )
169 ).
170r_bin( retract ) :-
171 !,
172 retractall( r_bin_location(_) ).
173r_bin( test ) :-
174 !,
175 r_bin_location(_).
176r_bin( Rbin ) :-
177 retractall( r_bin_location(_) ),
178 assert( r_bin_location(Rbin) ).
184r_open :-
185 r_open( [] ).
191r_start :-
192 default_r_session( _R ),
193 !.
194r_start :-
195 r_open.
254r_open( Opts ) :-
255 findall( S, r_session:settings(r_open_opt,S), Set ),
256 append( Opts, Set, All ),
257 r_open_1( All, _R, false ).
263r_close :-
264 ( default_r_session( Alias ) ->
265 r_close( Alias )
266 ;
267 fail_term( no_default_open_r_session_could_be_found_to_close )
268 ).
274r_close( All ) :-
275 All == all,
276 !,
277 findall( Alias, ( retract( r_session(Alias,Streams,Data) ),
278 r_close_session( Alias, Streams, Data ) ), _AllAls ).
279 280r_close( Alias ) :-
281 ( retract( r_session(Alias,Streams,Data) ) ->
282 r_close_session( Alias, Streams, Data )
283 ;
284 fail_term( no_open_r_session_could_be_found_to_close_at:Alias )
285 ).
292r_in( This ) :-
293 default_r_session( R ),
294 r_in( R, This, _ ).
300r_in( R, PrvThis ) :-
301 r_in( R, PrvThis, _ ).
307r_push( This ) :-
308 default_r_session( R ),
309 r_push( R, This ).
315r_push( R, RCmd ) :-
316 current_r_session( R, Streams, Data ),
317 r_session_data( copy_to, Data, CopyTo ),
318 r_session_data( copy_this, Data, CopyThis ),
319 r_streams( input, Streams, Ri ),
320 r_input_normative( RCmd, RNrm ),
321 write( Ri, RNrm ), nl( Ri ),
322 flush_output( Ri ),
323 r_record_term( CopyThis, CopyTo, RNrm ).
330r_out( This, Read ) :-
331 default_r_session( R ),
332 r_out( R, This, Read ).
338r_out( R, RCmd, RoLns ) :-
339 r_push( R, RCmd, Rplc, RoLns, ReLns, Halt, HCall ),
340 r_lines_print( ReLns, error, user_error ),
341 r_record_history( Halt, R, RCmd ),
342 r_out_halted_record( Halt, R, RoLns ),
343 replace_variables( Rplc ),
344 call( HCall ).
351r_err( This, Read, ErrRead ) :-
352 default_r_session( R ),
353 r_err( R, This, Read, ErrRead ).
359r_err( R, RCmd, RoLns, ReLns ) :-
360 r_push( R, RCmd, Rplc, RoLns, ReLns, Halt, HCall ),
361 r_lines_print( ReLns, error, user_error ),
362 r_record_history( Halt, R, RCmd ),
363 r_out_halted_record( Halt, R, RoLns ),
364 replace_variables( Rplc ),
365 call( HCall ).
371r_print( This ) :-
372 default_r_session( R ),
373 r_print( R, This ).
379r_print( R, This ) :-
380 r_out( R, This, Read ),
381 r_lines_print( Read, output ).
388r_lines_print( Lines ) :-
389 r_lines_print( Lines, output, user_output ).
397r_lines_print( Lines, Type ) :-
398 r_lines_print_type_stream( Type, Stream ),
399 r_lines_print( Lines, Type, Stream ).
405r_lines_print( [], _Type, _Stream ).
406r_lines_print( [H|T], Type, Stream ) :-
407 atom_codes( Atm, H ),
408 r_lines_print_prefix( Type, Stream ),
409 write( Stream, Atm ), nl( Stream ),
410 r_lines_print( T, Type, Stream ).
416r_lib( Lib ) :-
417 default_r_session( R ),
418 r_lib( R, Lib ).
424r_lib( R, Lib ) :-
425 r_in( R, library(Lib) ).
431r_flush :-
432 default_r_session( R ),
433 r_flush( R ).
439r_flush( R ) :-
440 r_flush_onto( R, [output,error], [Li,Le] ),
441 r_lines_print( Li, output ),
442 r_lines_print( Le, error ).
449r_flush_onto( RinStreamS, OntoS ) :-
450 default_r_session( R ),
451 r_flush_onto( R, RinStreamS, OntoS ).
457r_flush_onto( R, RinStreams, Ontos ) :-
458 ( is_list(RinStreams) -> RStreams = RinStreams; RStreams=[RinStreams] ),
459 460 r_input_streams_list( RStreams ),
461 r_flush_onto_1( RStreams, R, ROntos ),
462 ( is_list(RinStreams) -> Ontos = ROntos; Ontos=[ROntos] ).
468current_r_session( R ) :-
469 var( R ),
470 !,
471 r_session( R, _Session, _Data ).
472current_r_session( R ) :-
473 r_session( R, _Session, _Data ),
474 !.
475current_r_session( R ) :-
476 fail_term( 'Could not find session':R ).
483current_r_session( Alias, R, Data ) :-
484 r_session( Alias, R, Data ).
490default_r_session( R ) :-
491 ( var(R) ->
492 ( r_session(R,_Cp1,_Wh1) ->
493 true
494 ;
495 fail_term( no_default_open_r_session_was_found )
496 )
497 ;
498 ( r_session(R,_Cp2,_Wh2) ->
499 true
500 ;
501 fail_term( no_open_r_session_at(R) )
502 )
503 ).
511r_streams_data( input, r(Ri,_,_), Ri ).
512r_streams_data( output, r(_,Ro,_), Ro ).
513r_streams_data( error, r(_,_,Re), Re ).
523r_session_data( copy_to, rsdata(Copy,_,_,_,_,_), Copy ).
524r_session_data( copy_this, rsdata(_,This,_,_,_,_), This ).
525r_session_data( at_r_halt, rsdata(_,_,RHalt,_,_,_), RHalt ).
526r_session_data( interactive, rsdata(_,_,_,Ictv,_,_), Ictv).
527r_session_data( version, rsdata(_,_,_,Vers,_,_), Vers ).
528r_session_data( opts, rsdata(_,_,_,_,_,Opts), Opts ).
534r_history :-
535 default_r_session( R ),
536 r_session_history( R, History ),
537 reverse( History, Hicory ),
538 write( history(R) ), nl, write('---' ), nl,
539 ( (member(H,Hicory),write(H),nl,fail) -> true; true ),
540 write( '---' ), nl.
547r_history( History ) :-
548 default_r_session( R ),
549 r_session_history( R, History ).
556r_history( R, History ) :-
557 r_session_history( R, History ).
563r_session_version( 1:1:0 ).
567r_verbose( What, CutOff ) :-
568 r_verbosity_level( Level ),
569 ( CutOff > Level ->
570 true
571 ;
572 write( What ), nl
573 ).
582r_verbosity( Level ) :-
583 var( Level ),
584 !,
585 r_verbosity_level( Level ).
586r_verbosity( Level ) :-
587 ( Level == true ->
588 Numeric is 3
589 ;
590 ( Level == false ->
591 Numeric is 0
592 ;
593 ( integer(Level) ->
594 ( Level < 0 ->
595 write( 'Adjusting verbosity level to = 0. ' ), nl,
596 Numeric is 0
597 ;
598 ( Level > 3 ->
599 write( 'Adjusting verbosity level to = 3. ' ), nl,
600 Numeric is 3
601 ;
602 Numeric is Level
603 )
604 )
605 ;
606 fail_term( 'Unknown verbosity level. Use : true, false, 0-3' )
607 )
608 )
609 ),
610 retractall( r_verbosity_level(_) ),
611 assert( r_verbosity_level(Numeric) ).
618r_bin_version( Version ) :-
619 r_bin( R ),
620 r_bin_version( R, Version ).
627r_bin_version( R, Version ) :-
628 r_bin_version_pl( R, Version ).
630'<-'( X, Y ) :-
631 r_in( X <- Y ).
666r_open_1( Opts, Alias, Rcv ) :-
667 ssh_in_options_to_which( Opts, Host, Dir, Ssh ),
668 ( (memberchk(rbin(Rbin),Opts);locate_rbin(Ssh,Rbin)) ->
669 true
670 ;
671 fail_term( 'Use rbin/1 in r_open/n, or r_bin(\'Rbin\') or set R_BIN.' )
672 ),
673 r_bin_arguments( Opts, Rbin, OptRArgs, Interactive ),
674 675 ssh_conditioned_exec_and_args( Rbin, OptRArgs, Ssh, Dir, Host, Exec, Args ),
676 r_verbose( r_process( Exec, Args, Ri, Ro, Re ), 3 ),
677 r_process( Exec, Args, Ri, Ro, Re ),
678 RStreams = r(Ri,Ro,Re),
679 r_streams_set( Ri, Ro, Re ),
680 r_process_was_successful( Ri, Ro, Re, Interactive ),
681 r_open_opt_copy( Opts, CpOn, CpWh, Rcv ),
682 r_open_opt_at_r_halt( Opts, RHalt ),
683 opts_alias( Opts, Alias ),
684 r_bin_version( Rbin, RbinV ),
685 RData = rsdata(CpOn,CpWh,RHalt,Interactive,RbinV,Opts),
686 opts_assert( Opts, Alias, RStreams, RData ),
687 AtRH = at_r_halt(reinstate),
688 ( (memberchk(history(false),Opts),\+memberchk(AtRH,Opts)) ->
689 true
690 ;
691 retractall( r_session_history(Alias,_) ),
692 assert( r_session_history(Alias,[]) )
693 ),
694 !. 695
696ssh_in_options_to_which( Opts, Host, Dir, Ssh ) :-
697 ( options_have_ssh(Opts,Host,Dir) ->
698 ( current_prolog_flag(windows,true) ->
699 fail_term( ssh_option_not_supported_on_ms_windows )
700 ;
701 which( ssh, Ssh )
702 )
703 ;
704 true
705 ).
707ssh_conditioned_exec_and_args( Rbin, OptRArgs, Ssh, Dir, Host, Exec, Args ) :-
708 ( var(Ssh) ->
709 Exec = Rbin, Args = OptRArgs
710 ;
711 Exec = Ssh,
712 713 atoms_concat( ['cd ',Dir,'; '], Cd ),
714 PreArgs = [Cd,Rbin|OptRArgs],
715 double_quote_on_yap( PreArgs, TailArgs ),
716 Args = [Host|TailArgs]
717 718 ).
720opts_alias( Opts, Alias ) :-
721 ( memberchk(alias(Alias),Opts) ->
722 ( var(Alias) ->
723 r_session_skolem( Alias, 1 )
724 ;
725 ( r_session(Alias,_,_) ->
726 fail_term( 'Session already exists for alias':Alias )
727 ;
728 true
729 )
730 )
731 ;
732 r_session_skolem( Alias, 1 )
733 ).
735opts_assert( Opts, Alias, RStreams, RData ) :-
736 ( memberchk(assert(Assert),Opts) ->
737 ( Assert == a ->
738 asserta( r_session(Alias,RStreams,RData) )
739 ;
740 ( Assert == z ->
741 assertz( r_session(Alias,RStreams,RData) )
742 ;
743 fail_term( 'Cannot decipher argument to assert/1 option':Assert )
744 )
745 )
746 ;
747 asserta( r_session(Alias,RStreams,RData) )
748 ).
750r_close_session( Alias, Streams, Data ) :-
751 r_streams_data( input, Streams, Ri ),
752 r_streams_data( output,Streams, Ro ),
753 r_streams_data( error, Streams, Re ),
754 r_session_data( copy_to, Data, CopyTo ),
755 r_session_data( copy_this, Data, CopyThis ),
756 write( Ri, 'q()' ), nl( Ri ),
757 flush_output( Ri ),
758 sleep(0.25),
759 760 761 r_record_term( CopyThis, CopyTo, 'q()' ),
762 ( (CopyTo=stream(CopyS),stream_property(CopyS,file_name(CopyF)),CopyF\==user)->
763 close(CopyS)
764 ;
765 true
766 ),
767 close( Ri ),
768 close( Ro ),
769 close( Re ),
770 retractall( r_session_history(Alias,_) ).
772r_in( R, RCmd, Halt ) :-
773 r_push( R, RCmd, Rplc, RoLns, ReLns, Halt, HCall ),
774 r_out_halted_record( Halt, R, RoLns ),
775 r_lines_print( RoLns, output, user_output ),
776 r_lines_print( ReLns, error, user_error ),
777 r_record_history( Halt, R, RCmd ),
778 replace_variables( Rplc ),
779 call( HCall ),
780 !. 781
782r_push( R, RCmd, Rplc, RoLns, ReLns, Halt, HCall ) :-
783 current_r_session( R, Streams, Data ),
784 r_session_data( copy_to, Data, CopyTo ),
785 r_session_data( copy_this, Data, CopyThis ),
786 r_session_data( interactive, Data, Ictv ),
787 r_streams( input, Streams, Ri ),
788 r_streams( output, Streams, Ro ),
789 r_input_normative( RCmd, R, 0, RNrm, Rplc, _ ),
790 791 write( Ri, RNrm ), nl( Ri ),
792 flush_output( Ri ),
793 consume_interactive_line( Ictv, _, Ro ),
794 r_record_term( CopyThis, CopyTo, RNrm ),
795 r_lines( Streams, error, Ictv, [], ReLns, IjErr ),
796 r_halted( ReLns, R, Halt, HCall ),
797 ( Halt == true ->
798 r_read_lines( Ro, [], [], RoLns )
799 ;
800 r_lines( Streams, output, Ictv, IjErr, RoLns, [] )
801 ),
802 803 r_record_lines( RoLns, output, CopyTo ),
804 r_record_lines( ReLns, error, CopyTo ),
805 ( (Halt==true,CopyTo=stream(Cl)) -> close(Cl); true ).
807r_out_halted_record( true, _Alias, [] ).
808r_out_halted_record( false, _Alias, Lines ) :-
809 r_session_data( copy_this, Data, CopyThis ),
810 r_session_data( copy_to, Data, CopyTo ),
811 ( (CopyThis==out;CopyThis==both) ->
812 r_record_lines( Lines, output, CopyTo )
813 ;
814 true
815 ).
817r_flush_onto_1( [], _R, [] ).
818r_flush_onto_1( [H|T], R, [HOn|TOns] ) :-
819 current_r_session( R, Streams, Data ),
820 r_session_data( interactive, Data, Ictv ),
821 r_lines( Streams, output, Ictv, [], H, HOn ),
822 823 r_flush_onto_1( T, R, TOns ).
825replace_variables( [] ).
826replace_variables( [arp(R,Pv,Rv)|T] ) :-
827 r_out( R, Rv, Lines ),
828 r_read_obj( Lines, Pv ),
829 830 replace_variables( T ).
834 835 836
837r_input_streams_list( Rins ) :-
838 ( select(output,Rins,NoInpIns) -> true; NoInpIns=Rins ),
839 ( select(error,NoInpIns,NoErrIns) -> true; NoErrIns=NoInpIns ),
840 ( NoErrIns = [] ->
841 true
842 ;
843 ( (memberchk(input,NoErrIns);memberchk(error,NoErrIns)) ->
844 fail_term( 'duplicate entries in input streams list':Rins )
845 ;
846 fail_term( 'superfluous entries in input streams list':Rins )
847 )
848 ).
851ro_empty( R, Rcmd ) :-
852 r_out( R, Rcmd, [] ).
854r_input_normative( (A;B), R, I, This, Rplc, OutI ) :-
855 !,
856 r_input_normative( A, R, I, ThisA, RplcA, NxI ),
857 r_input_normative( B, R, NxI, ThisB, RplcB, OutI ),
858 atoms_concat( [ThisA,'; ',ThisB], This ),
859 append( RplcA, RplcB, Rplc ).
862 863 864 865 866 867 868
869r_input_normative( Obj<-Call, R, I, This, Rplc, NxI ) :-
870 !,
871 ( var(Obj) ->
872 Rplc = [arp(R,Obj,ThisObj)],
873 atomic_list_concat([pl_Rv_, I], ThisObj),
874 NxI is I + 1
875 ;
876 Rplc = [],
877 r_input_normative( Obj, ThisObj ),
878 NxI is I
879 ),
880 r_input_normative( Call, ThisCall ),
881 atoms_concat( [ThisObj,' <- ',ThisCall], This ).
882r_input_normative( PrvThis, _R, I, This, [], I ) :-
883 r_input_normative( PrvThis, This ).
885r_input_normative( Var, This ) :-
886 var(Var),
887 !,
888 This = Var.
889r_input_normative( Opt=Val, This ) :-
890 !,
891 r_input_normative( Opt, ThisOpt ),
892 r_input_normative( Val, ThisVal ),
893 atoms_concat( [ThisOpt,'=',ThisVal], This ).
895r_input_normative( List, This ) :-
896 is_list( List ),
897 pl_list_to_r_combine( List, This ),
898 !.
899r_input_normative( PrvThis, This ) :-
900 ( (\+ var(PrvThis),(PrvThis = [_|_];PrvThis=[])) ->
901 append( PrvThis, [0'"], ThisRight ),
902 atom_codes( This, [0'"|ThisRight] )
903 ;
904 ( compound(PrvThis) ->
905 PrvThis =.. [Name|Args],
906 ( (current_op(_Pres,Asc,Name),
907 atom_codes(Asc,[_,0'f,_]),
908 Args = [Arg1,Arg2]
909 ) ->
910 r_input_normative( Arg1, Arg1Nrm ),
911 r_input_normative( Arg2, Arg2Nrm ),
912 atoms_concat( [Arg1Nrm,Name,Arg2Nrm], This )
913 ;
914 r_function_has_default_args( Name, Defs ),
915 cohese_r_function_args( Args, Defs, AllArgs ),
916 r_input_normative_tuple( AllArgs, Tuple ),
917 atoms_concat( [Name,'(',Tuple,')'], This )
918 )
919 ;
920 ( number(PrvThis) ->
921 number_codes( PrvThis, ThisCs ),
922 atom_codes( This, ThisCs )
923 ;
924 ( ( atom_concat(Name,'()',PrvThis) ;
925 (settings(atom_is_r_function,PrvThis),Name=PrvThis) )
926 ->
927 r_function_has_default_args_tuple( Name, Tuple ),
928 ( Tuple \== '' ->
929 atoms_concat( [Name,'(',Tuple,')'], This )
930 ;
931 This = PrvThis
932 )
933 ;
934 This = PrvThis
935 )
936 )
937 )
938 ).
940r_function_has_default_args_tuple( This, Tuple ) :-
941 r_function_has_default_args( This, Args ),
942 r_input_normative_tuple( Args, Tuple ).
944r_function_has_default_args( This, Flat ) :-
945 findall( A, r_session:settings(r_function_def(This),A), Args ),
946 flatten( Args, Flat ).
948r_input_normative_tuple( [], '' ).
949r_input_normative_tuple( [H|T], Tuple ) :-
950 r_input_normative_tuple( T, Psf ),
951 r_input_normative( H, HNorm ),
952 ( Psf == '' -> Tuple = HNorm
953 ; atoms_concat([HNorm,',',Psf], Tuple) ).
955pl_list_to_r_combine( [H|T], This ) :-
956 number_atom_to_atom( H, Hatm ),
957 atom_concat( 'c(', Hatm, Pfx ),
958 pl_list_to_r_combine( T, Pfx, This ).
960pl_list_to_r_combine( [], Pfx, This ) :-
961 atom_concat( Pfx, ')', This ).
962pl_list_to_r_combine( [H|T], Pfx, This ) :-
963 number_atom_to_atom( H, Hatm ),
964 atom_concat( Pfx, ',', PfxComma ),
965 atom_concat( PfxComma, Hatm, Nxt ),
966 pl_list_to_r_combine( T, Nxt, This ).
968number_atom_to_atom( NorA, Atom ) :-
969 number_atom_to_codes( NorA, Codes ),
970 atom_codes( Atom, Codes ).
972number_atom_to_codes( NorA, Codes ) :-
973 number( NorA ),
974 !,
975 number_codes( NorA, Codes ).
976number_atom_to_codes( NorA, Codes ) :-
977 atom( NorA ),
978 !,
979 atom_codes( NorA, Codes ).
981r_read_lines( Ro, Ij, TermLine, Lines ) :-
982 read_line_to_codes( Ro, Line ),
983 r_read_lines_1( Line, TermLine, Ij, Ro, Lines ).
985r_halted( Lines, R, Halted, HCall ) :-
986 last( Lines, "Execution halted" ),
987 !,
988 Halted = true,
989 findall( rs(Alias,Streams,Data), retract(r_session(Alias,Streams,Data)), Sessions),
990 \+ var(R),
991 r_halted_recovery( Sessions, R, HCall ).
992r_halted( _, _R, false, true ).
994r_halted_recovery( [], R, Which ) :-
995 ( var(Which) ->
996 fail_term( internal_error_in_recovering_from_halt(R) )
997 ;
998 true
999 ).
1000r_halted_recovery( [rs(AliasH,StreamsH,DataH)|T], R, Which ) :-
1001 ( R == AliasH ->
1002 r_session_data( at_r_halt, DataH, AtHalt ),
1003 r_halted_recovery_action( AtHalt, AliasH, StreamsH, DataH, Which )
1004 ;
1005 assertz(r_session(AliasH,StreamsH,DataH))
1006 ),
1007 r_halted_recovery( T, R, Which ).
1009r_halted_recovery_action( restart, Alias, _Streams, Data, RecCall ) :-
1010 Mess = 'at_r_halt(restart): restarting r_session ':Alias,
1011 RecCall = (write( user_error, Mess ),nl( user_error )),
1012 r_session_data( opts, Data, Opts ),
1013 ( memberchk(copy(CopyTo,_),Opts) ->
1014 r_halted_restart_copy(CopyTo)
1015 ;
1016 true
1017 ),
1018 r_open_1( Opts, Alias, true ),
1019 current_r_session( Alias, Streams, Data ),
1020 r_session_data( interactive, Data, Ictv ),
1021 r_lines( Streams, output, Ictv, [], _H, _ ).
1022 1023r_halted_recovery_action( reinstate, Alias, _Streams, Data, RecCall ) :-
1024 ( r_session_history(Alias,History) ->
1025 r_session_data( opts, Data, Opts ),
1026 r_open_1( Opts, Alias, true ),
1027 reverse( History, Hicory ),
1028 r_halted_recovery_rollback( Hicory, Alias )
1029 ;
1030 fail_term( 'at_r_halt(reinstate): cannnot locate history for':Alias )
1031 ),
1032 Mess = 'at_r_halt(reinstate): reinstating r_session ':Alias,
1033 RecCall = (write( user_error, Mess ), nl( user_error ) ).
1034r_halted_recovery_action( abort, _Alias, _Streams, _Data, RecCall ) :-
1035 Mess = 'at_r_halt(abort): R session halted by slave',
1036 RecCall = (write( user_error, Mess ),nl( user_error ),abort).
1037r_halted_recovery_action( fail, Alias, _Streams, _Data, Call ) :-
1038 retractall( r_session_history(Alias,_) ),
1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 L='at_r_halt(fail): failure due to execution halted by slave on r_session',
1047 Call = fail_term( L:Alias ).
1048r_halted_recovery_action( call(Call), _Alias, Streams, _Data, Call ) :-
1049 Call = call( Call, Streams ).
1050r_halted_recovery_action( call_ground(Call), _Alias, _Streams, _Data, Call) :-
1051 Call = call( Call ).
1053r_halted_restart_copy( CopyTo ) :-
1054 ((atomic(CopyTo),File=CopyTo);CopyTo=once(File)),
1055 File \== user, 1056 !,
1057 open( File, read, Dummy ),
1058 stream_property( Dummy, file_name(Full) ),
1059 close( Dummy ),
1060 ( stream_property(OpenStream,file_name(Full)) ->
1061 write( close(OpenStream) ), nl,
1062 close( OpenStream )
1063 ;
1064 true
1065 ).
1066r_halted_restart_copy( _CopyTo ).
1068r_halted_recovery_rollback( [], _Alias ).
1069r_halted_recovery_rollback( [H|T], Alias ) :-
1070 r_in( Alias, H, _Halted ),
1071 r_halted_recovery_rollback( T, Alias ).
1074r_record_history( true, _Alias, _This ).
1075r_record_history( false, Alias, This ) :-
1076 r_session_history( Alias, Old ),
1077 !,
1078 retractall( r_session_history(Alias,_) ),
1079 assert( r_session_history(Alias,[This|Old]) ).
1080r_record_history( false, _, _ ). 1081
1082r_read_lines_1( eof, _TermLine, Ij, _Ro, Lines ) :-
1083 !,
1084 interject_error( Ij ),
1085 Lines = [].
1086r_read_lines_1( end_of_file, _TermLine, _Ij, _Ro, Lines ) :- !, Lines = [].
1087r_read_lines_1( [255], _TermLine, _Ij, _Ro, Lines ) :- !, Lines = [].
1088 1089r_read_lines_1( TermLine, TermLine, Ij, _Ro, Lines ) :-
1090 !,
1091 interject_error( Ij ),
1092 Lines = [].
1093r_read_lines_1( Line, TermLine, Ij, Ro, Lines ) :-
1094 ( select(Line,Ij,RIj) ->
1095 1096 Lines = TLines,
1097 read_line_to_codes( Ro, NewLine )
1098 ;
1099 RIj = Ij,
1100 read_line_to_codes( Ro, NewLine ),
1101 Lines = [Line|TLines]
1102 ),
1103 r_read_lines_1( NewLine, TermLine, RIj, Ro, TLines ).
1105interject_error( [] ).
1106interject_error( [H|T] ) :-
1107 findall( X, (member(X,[H|T]),write(x(X)),nl), Xs ),
1108 length( Xs, L ),
1109 fail_term( above_lines_not_found_in_output(L) ).
1111r_boolean( Boo, Rboo ) :-
1112 ( memberchk(Boo,[t,true,'TRUE']) ->
1113 Rboo = 'TRUE'
1114 ;
1115 memberchk(Boo,[f,false,'FALSE']),
1116 Rboo = 'FALSE'
1117 ).
1123r_read_obj( [L|Ls], Pv ) :-
1124 r_head_line_recognizes_and_reads( L, Ls, Pv ).
1127r_head_line_recognizes_and_reads( [0'[,0'[|T], Ls, Pv ) :-
1128 !,
1129 break_list_on( T, 0'], Lname, RList ),
1130 RList = [0']], 1131 1132 r_read_obj_nest( Ls, Nest, Rem ),
1133 name( K, Lname ),
1134 Pv = [K-Nest|Rest],
1135 r_read_list_remainder( Rem, Rest ).
1137r_head_line_recognizes_and_reads( Line, Ls, Pv ) :-
1138 delete_leading( Line, 0' , NeLine ),
1139 NeLine = [0'[|_],
1140 !,
1141 r_read_vect( [NeLine|Ls], PvPrv ),
1142 ( PvPrv = [Pv] -> true; Pv = PvPrv ).
1145r_head_line_recognizes_and_reads( [0' |T], Ls, Pv ) :-
1146 1147 r_read_vect_line( T, Cnames, [] ),
1148 ( break_list_on(Ls,[0' |T1],Left,Right) ->
1149 1150 read_table_section( Left, Rnames, Entries ),
1151 r_head_line_recognizes_and_reads( [0' |T1], Right, PvT ),
1152 1153 clean_up_matrix_headers( Rnames, NRnames ),
1154 PvT = tbl(NRnames,CnamesR,MatR),
1155 append_matrices_on_columns( Entries, MatR, Mat ),
1156 append( Cnames, CnamesR, CnamesAll ),
1157 clean_up_matrix_headers( CnamesAll, NCnamesAll ),
1158 Pv = tbl(NRnames,NCnamesAll,Mat)
1160 1161 1162 ;
1163 read_table_section( Ls, Rnames, Entries ),
1164 clean_up_matrix_headers( Rnames, NRnames ),
1165 clean_up_matrix_headers( Cnames, NCnames ),
1166 Pv = tbl(NRnames,NCnames,Entries)
1167 ).
1169r_read_obj_nest( Ls, Nest, Rem ) :-
1170 break_list_on( Ls, [], Left, Rem ),
1171 r_read_obj( Left, Nest ).
1173r_read_vect( [], [] ).
1174r_read_vect( [PreH|T], List ) :-
1175 delete_leading( PreH, 0' , H ),
1176 ( H = [0'[|Hrm] ->
1177 break_list_on( Hrm, 0'], _, Hprv ),
1178 delete_leading( Hprv, 0' , Hproper )
1179 ;
1180 Hproper = H
1181 ),
1182 r_read_vect_line( Hproper, List, ConTail ),
1183 r_read_vect( T, ConTail ).
1185r_read_vect_line( [], List, List ).
1186r_read_vect_line( [0' |RRead], List, ConTail ) :-
1187 !,
1188 r_read_vect_line( RRead, List, ConTail ).
1189r_read_vect_line( [Fst|RRead], [H|List], ConTail ) :-
1190 break_list_on( RRead, 0' , RemCs, RemNumCs ),
1191 !,
1192 1193 name( H, [Fst|RemCs] ),
1194 r_read_vect_line( RemNumCs, List, ConTail ).
1195r_read_vect_line( [Fst|RemCs], [H|List], List ) :-
1196 name( H, [Fst|RemCs] ).
1197 1198
1199r_read_list_remainder( [], [] ).
1200r_read_list_remainder( [H|T], Rest ) :-
1201 H = [0'[,0'[|_],
1202 r_head_line_recognizes_and_reads( H, T, Rest ).
1204read_table_section( [], [], [] ).
1205read_table_section( [L|Ls], [H|Hs], [Es|TEs] ) :-
1206 r_read_vect_line( L, [H|Es], [] ),
1207 read_table_section( Ls, Hs, TEs ).
( [], [] ).
1210clean_up_matrix_headers( [H|T], [F|R] ) :-
1211 ( (atom_concat('[',X,H),atom_concat(Y,',]',X)) ->
1212 atom_codes( Y, YCs ),
1213 number_codes( F, YCs )
1214 ;
1215 ( (atom_concat('[,',X,H),atom_concat(Y,']',X)) ->
1216 atom_codes( Y, YCs ),
1217 number_codes( F, YCs )
1218 ;
1219 F=H
1220 )
1221 ),
1222 clean_up_matrix_headers( T, R ).
1224append_matrices_on_columns( [], [], [] ).
1225append_matrices_on_columns( [H1|T1], [H2|T2], [H3|T3] ) :-
1226 append( H1, H2, H3 ),
1227 append_matrices_on_columns( T1, T2, T3 ).
1229r_streams( [], _R, [] ).
1230r_streams( [H|T], R, [SH|ST] ) :-
1231 !,
1232 r_stream( H, R, SH ),
1233 r_streams( T, R, ST ).
1235r_streams( Id, R, Stream ) :-
1236 r_stream( Id, R, Stream ).
1238r_stream( H, R, SH ) :-
1239 1240 ( var(H) ->
1241 fail_term( variable_stream_identifier )
1242 ;
1243 true
1244 ),
1245 ( r_streams_data( H, R, SH ) ->
1246 true
1247 ;
1248 fail_term( invalid_r_stream:H )
1249 ).
1270r_open_opt_copy( Opts, CpTerm, What, Rcv ) :-
1271 ( (memberchk(copy(Cp,CpWh),Opts),Cp \== null) ->
1272 1273 ( ((catch(is_stream(Cp),_,fail),CpS=Cp);Cp=stream(CpS)) -> 1274 CpTerm = stream(CpS)
1275 ;
1276 ( atomic(Cp) ->
1277 ( Rcv==true -> Mode = append; Mode = write ),
1278 open( Cp, Mode, CpStream ),
1279 CpTerm = stream(CpStream)
1280 ;
1281 ( Cp = once(CpFile) ->
1282 ( Rcv==true -> Mode = append; Mode = write ),
1283 open( CpFile, Mode, CpStream ),
1284 CpTerm = stream(CpStream)
1285 ;
1286 ( Cp = many(CpFile) ->
1287 CpTerm = file(CpFile)
1288 ;
1289 fail_term( 'I cannot decipher 1st argument of copy/2 option':Cp )
1290 )
1291 )
1292 )
1293 ),
1294 ( memberchk(CpWh,[both,none,in,out])->
1295 What = CpWh
1296 ;
1297 fail_term( 'I cannot decipher 2nd arg. to copy/2 option':CpWh )
1298 )
1299 ;
1300 CpTerm = null, What = none
1301 ).
1303r_open_opt_at_r_halt( Opts, RHalt ) :-
1304 ( memberchk(at_r_halt(RHalt),Opts) ->
1305 Poss = [restart,reinstate,fail,abort,call(_),call_ground(_)],
1306 ( memberchk(RHalt,Poss) ->
1307 true
1308 ;
1309 fail_term( 'Cannot decipher argument to at_r_halt option':RHalt )
1310 )
1311 ;
1312 RHalt = fail
1313 ).
1315r_bin_arguments( Opts, _Rbin, _RArgs ) :-
1316 member( with(With), Opts ),
1317 \+ memberchk(With, [environ,non_interactive,restore,save] ),
1318 !,
1319 fail_term( 'Cannot decipher argument to option with/1': With ).
1320r_bin_arguments( Opts, _Rbin, Args, Interactive ) :-
1321 ( current_prolog_flag(windows,true) ->
1322 Args = ['--ess','--slave'|RArgs],
1323 Interactive = false,
1324 NonIOpts = Opts
1325 ; 1326 1334 ( select(with(non_interactive),Opts,NonIOpts) ->
1335 Args = ['--slave'|RArgs],
1336 Interactive = false
1337 ;
1338 NonIOpts = Opts,
1339 Args = ['--interactive','--slave'|RArgs],
1340 Interactive = true
1341 )
1342 ),
1343 findall( W, member(with(W),NonIOpts), Ws ),
1344 sort( Ws, Sr ),
1345 length( Ws, WsL ),
1346 length( Sr, SrL ),
1347 ( WsL =:= SrL ->
1348 r_bin_arguments_complement( [environ,restore,save], Ws, RArgs )
1349 ;
1350 fail_term( 'Multiple identical args in with/1 option': Ws )
1351 ).
1354r_opt_exec_no( [], _Ws, [] ).
1355r_opt_exec_no( [H|T], Ws, Exec ) :-
1356 ( memberchk(H,Ws) ->
1357 TExec=Exec
1358 ;
1359 atom_concat( '--no-', H, NoH ),
1360 Exec=[NoH|TExec]
1361 ),
1362 r_opt_exec_no( T, Ws, TExec ).
1364r_bin_arguments_complement( [], Ws, [] ) :-
1365 ( Ws == [] ->
1366 true
1367 ;
1368 write( user_error, unrecognized_with_opts(Ws) ),
1369 nl( user_error )
1370 ).
1371r_bin_arguments_complement( [H|T], Ws, Args ) :-
1372 ( memberchk(H,Ws) ->
1373 Args = TArgs
1374 ;
1375 atom_concat( '--no-', H, NoH ),
1376 Args = [NoH|TArgs]
1377 ),
1378 r_bin_arguments_complement( T, Ws, TArgs ).
1380r_record_lines( [], _Type, _CopyTo ) :- !.
1381r_record_lines( Lines, Type, CopyTo ) :-
1382 ( CopyTo == null ->
1383 true
1384 ;
1385 copy_stream_open( CopyTo, CopyStream ),
1386 r_lines_print( Lines, Type, CopyStream )
1387 ).
1389r_record_term( CopyThis, CopyTo, This ) :-
1390 ( CopyThis == in; CopyThis == both),
1391 CopyTo \== null,
1392 !,
1393 copy_stream_open( CopyTo, CopyOn ),
1394 write( CopyOn, This ),
1395 nl( CopyOn ),
1396 copy_stream_close( CopyTo ).
1397r_record_term( _CopyThis, _CopyTo, _This ).
1399copy_stream_open( stream(CopyStream), CopyStream ).
1400copy_stream_open( file(File), CopyStream ) :-
1401 open( File, append, CopyStream ).
1403copy_stream_close( Atom ) :-
1404 atomic( Atom ),
1405 !,
1406 ( Atom == user ->
1407 true
1408 ;
1409 close( Atom )
1410 ).
1411copy_stream_close( CopyTo ) :-
1412 copy_stream_close_non_atomic( CopyTo ).
1414copy_stream_close_non_atomic( file(CopyTo) ) :- close( CopyTo ).
1415copy_stream_close_non_atomic( once(CopyTo) ) :- close( CopyTo ).
1416copy_stream_close_non_atomic( many(CopyTo) ) :- close( CopyTo ).
1417copy_stream_close_non_atomic( stream(_) ).
1427fail_term( Term ) :-
1428 ( Term = What:Which ->
1429 write( user_error, What ),
1430 write( user_error, ': ' ),
1431 write( user_error, Which )
1432 ;
1433 write( user_error, Term )
1434 ),
1435 nl( user_error ), fail.
1437r_lines( Streams, ROstream, Interactive, InJ, Lines, ToInterj ) :-
1438 r_streams_data( input, Streams, Ri ),
1439 r_streams_data( ROstream, Streams, Ro ),
1440 ( ROstream == error ->
1441 Mess = 'message("prolog_eoc")',
1442 Trmn = "prolog_eoc",
1443 r_streams_data( output, Streams, _Ruo ),
1444 AllIj = InJ
1445 ;
1446 Mess = 'print("prolog_eoc")',
1447 Trmn = "[1] \"prolog_eoc\"",
1448 ( Interactive == true ->
1449 append( InJ, ["print(\"prolog_eoc\")"], AllIj )
1450 ;
1451 AllIj = InJ
1452 )
1453 ),
1454 Excp = error(io_error(write, _), context(_,_)),
1455 catch( (write(Ri,Mess),nl(Ri),flush_output(Ri)), Excp, true ),
1456 atom_codes( Mess, MessLine ),
1457 r_read_lines( Ro, AllIj, Trmn, Lines ),
1458 1459 1460 ( (Interactive == true, ROstream == error) ->
1461 ToInterj = [MessLine]
1462 ;
1463 1464 ToInterj = []
1465 ).
1467r_lines_print_type_stream( output, user_output ).
1468r_lines_print_type_stream( error, user_error ).
1470r_lines_print_prefix( error, Stream ) :- write( Stream, '! ' ).
1471r_lines_print_prefix( output, _Stream ).
1473r_session_skolem( Alias, I ) :-
1474 Alias = '$rsalias'(I),
1475 \+ r_session( Alias, _, _ ),
1476 !.
1477r_session_skolem( Alias, I ) :-
1478 NxI is I + 1,
1479 r_session_skolem( Alias, NxI ).
1481r_process_was_successful( Ri, Ro, Re, Interactive ) :-
1482 Mess = 'message("prolog_eoc")',
1483 Trmn = "prolog_eoc",
1484 catch( (write(Ri,Mess),nl(Ri),flush_output(Ri)), Excp, true ),
1485 r_read_lines( Re, [], Trmn, Lines ),
1486 consume_interactive_line( Interactive, Mess, Ro ),
1487 r_lines_print( Lines, error, user_error ),
1488 ( (var(Excp),Lines==[]) ->
1489 true
1490 ;
1491 ( Excp = error(io_error(write, _), context(_,_)) ->
1492 true
1493 ;
1494 print_message( error, Excp )
1495 ),
1496 close( Ri ), close( Ro ), close( Re ),
1497 fail_term( failed_to_open_session )
1498 ).
1508break_list_on( [X|Xs], X, [], Xs ) :-
1509 !.
1510break_list_on( [X|Xs], Xa, [X|XLa], XRa ) :-
1511 break_list_on( Xs, Xa, XLa, XRa ).
1513delete_leading( [], _Chop, [] ).
1514delete_leading( [H|T], Chop, Clean ) :-
1515 ( H == Chop ->
1516 R = T,
1517 Clean = TClean
1518 ;
1519 R = [],
1520 Clean = [H|T]
1521 ),
1522 delete_leading( R, Chop, TClean ).
1524options_have_ssh( Opts, Host, Dir ) :-
1525 ( memberchk(ssh(Host),Opts) ->
1526 Dir = '/tmp'
1527 ;
1528 memberchk( ssh(Host,Dir), Opts )
1529 ).
1531locate_rbin( Ssh, RBin ) :-
1532 locate_rbin_file( File ),
1533 ( var(Ssh) ->
1534 ( current_prolog_flag(windows,true),
1535 ( atom_concat(_,exe,File) ->
1536 RBin = File 1537 1538 ;
1539 file_name_extension( File, exe, RBin )
1540 )
1541 ;
1542 RBin = File
1543 ),
1544 exists_file( RBin )
1545 ;
1546 1547 1548 File = RBin
1549 ),
1550 r_verbose( using_R_bin(RBin), 1 ).
1553locate_rbin_file( RBin ) :-
1554 1555 r_bin_location( RBin ).
1556locate_rbin_file( RBin ) :-
1557 environ( 'R_BIN', RBin ).
1558locate_rbin_file( RBin ) :-
1559 current_prolog_flag( unix, true ),
1560 which( 'R', RBin ).
1561locate_rbin_file( RBin ) :-
1562 current_prolog_flag( windows, true ),
1563 r_bin_wins( RBin ).
1565r_bin_wins( Rbin ) :-
1566 r_expand_wins_rterm( Stem, Candidates ),
1567 r_verbose( wins_candidates(Candidates), 3 ),
1568 Candidates \== [],
1569 ( Candidates = [Rbin] ->
1570 true
1571 ;
1572 maplist( atom_concat(Stem), Tails, Candidates ),
1573 maplist( atom_codes, Tails, TailsCs ),
1574 cur_tail_candidates_with_pair( TailsCs, Candidates, Pairs ),
1575 keysort( Pairs, Sorted ),
1576 reverse( Sorted, [_-Rbin|_] )
1577 ),
1578 !.
1580cur_tail_candidates_with_pair( [], [], [] ).
1581cur_tail_candidates_with_pair( [H|T], [F|R], [Hnum-F|TPairs] ) :-
1582 ( break_list_on( H, 0'/, Hlft, _ ) -> true; break_list_on( H, 0'\\, Hlft, _) ),
1583 break_list_on( Hlft, 0'., MjCs, NonMjCs ),
1584 break_list_on( NonMjCs, 0'., MnCs, FxCs ),
1585 maplist( number_codes, Nums, [MjCs,MnCs,FxCs] ),
1586 integers_list_to_integer( Nums, 2, 1000, 0, Hnum ),
1587 cur_tail_candidates_with_pair( T, R, TPairs ).
1589integers_list_to_integer( [], _Pow, _Spc, Int, Int ).
1590integers_list_to_integer( [H|T], Pow, Spc, Acc, Int ) :-
1591 Nxt is Acc + ( H * (Spc ** Pow) ),
1592 Red is Pow - 1,
1593 integers_list_to_integer( T, Red, Spc, Nxt, Int ).
1595r_bin_warning :-
1596 write('Flag --interactive which is used when starting R sessions,'),
1597 nl,
1598 write( 'is not behaving as expected on your installed R binary.' ), nl,
1599 write( 'R sessions with this binary will be started without this flag.' ),
1600 nl,
1601 write( 'As a result, graphic windows will suffer and the connection is' ),
1602 write( ' more flaky.' ), nl,
1603 write( 'If you want to overcome these limitations we strongly suggest' ),
1604 nl,
1605 write( 'the installation of R from sources.' ), nl, nl.
1607r_bin_takes_interactive( Rbin ) :-
1608 r_bin_takes_interactive( Rbin, Bool ),
1609 !,
1610 Bool == true.
1611r_bin_takes_interactive( Rbin ) :-
1612 Args = ['--interactive','--slave','--no-environ','--no-restore','--no-save'],
1613 r_process( Rbin, Args, Ri, Ro, Re ),
1614 r_streams_set( Ri, Ro, Re ),
1615 1616 write( Ri, 'print("whatever")' ), nl( Ri ),
1617 flush_output( Ri ),
1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 read_line_to_codes( Ro, RoLn ),
1623 ( append("print", _, RoLn ) ->
1624 r_bin_warning,
1625 Bool = false
1626 ;
1627 Bool = true
1628 ),
1629 assert( r_bin_takes_interactive(Rbin,Bool) ),
1630 write( Ri, 'q()' ), nl( Ri ),
1631 flush_output( Ri ),
1632 read_line_to_codes( Re, _ReLn ),
1633 1634 close( Ri ), close( Ro ), close( Re ),
1635 Bool == true.
1637consume_interactive_line( true, Line, Rstream ) :-
1638 read_line_to_codes( Rstream, Codes ),
1639 atom_codes( Found, Codes ),
1640 1641 ( Found = Line ->
1642 true
1643 ;
1644 fail_term(could_not_conusme_specific_echo_line(Line)-Found )
1645 ).
1646consume_interactive_line( false, _, _ ).
1648cohese_r_function_args( [], Defs, Defs ).
1649cohese_r_function_args( [H|T], Defs, [H|R] ) :-
1650 ( (\+ var(H), H = (N=_V),select(N=_V1,Defs,RemDefs)) ->
1651 true
1652 ;
1653 RemDefs = Defs
1654 ),
1655 cohese_r_function_args( T, RemDefs, R ).
1674atoms_concat( Atoms, Concat ) :-
1675 atomic_list_concat( Atoms, Concat ).
1677which( Which, This ) :-
1678 absolute_file_name( path(Which), This,
1679 [ extensions(['',exe]),
1680 access(exist)
1681 ]),
1682 r_verbose( which(Which,This), 2 ).
1684r_streams_set( Ri, Ro, Re ) :-
1685 set_stream( Ri, buffer(false) ), set_stream( Ri, close_on_abort(true) ),
1686 set_stream( Ro, buffer(false) ), set_stream( Ro, close_on_abort(true) ),
1687 set_stream( Re, buffer(false) ), set_stream( Re, close_on_abort(true) ).
1689r_process( R, Args, Ri, Ro, Re ) :-
1690 Streams = [stdin(pipe(Ri)),stdout(pipe(Ro)),stderr(pipe(Re))],
1691 process_create( R, Args, Streams ),
1692 r_verbose( created(R,Args,Streams), 3 ).
1694r_bin_version_pl( R, Vers ) :-
1695 Streams = [stdout(pipe(Ro))],
1696 r_bin_version_pl_stream( R, Streams, Ro, Vers ),
1697 !.
1699r_bin_version_pl( R, Vers ) :-
1700 Streams = [stderr(pipe(Ro))],
1701 r_bin_version_pl_stream( R, Streams, Ro, Vers ).
1703r_bin_version_pl_stream( R, Streams, Ro, Mj:Mn:Fx ) :-
1704 process_create( R, ['--version'], Streams ),
1705 1706 read_line_to_codes( Ro, Codes ),
1707 break_list_on( Codes, 0' , _R, Psf1 ),
1708 break_list_on( Psf1, 0' , _V, Psf2 ),
1709 break_list_on( Psf2, 0' , VersionCs, _ ),
1710 break_list_on( VersionCs, 0'., MjCs, VPsf1Cs ),
1711 break_list_on( VPsf1Cs, 0'., MnCs, FxCs ),
1712 number_codes( Mj, MjCs ),
1713 number_codes( Mn, MnCs ),
1714 number_codes( Fx, FxCs ).
1716r_expand_wins_rterm( Stem, Candidates ) :-
1717 Stem = 'C:/Program Files/R/R-',
1718 Psfx = '*/bin/Rterm.exe',
1719 atom_concat( Stem, Psfx, Search ),
1720 expand_file_name( Search, Candidates1 ),
1721 1722 Psfx2= '*/bin',
1723 atom_concat( Stem, Psfx2, SearchBin ),
1724 expand_file_name( SearchBin, BinFolders ),
1725 findall( CandidateList, (
1726 member(Bin,BinFolders),
1727 atom_concat( Bin, '/*/Rterm.exe', NestSearch ),
1728 expand_file_name( NestSearch, CandidateList )
1729 ),
1730 NestedCandidates ),
1731 flatten( [Candidates1|NestedCandidates], Candidates ).
1733environ( Var, Val ) :-
1734 \+ var(Var),
1735 ( var(Val) ->
1736 getenv(Var,Val)
1737 ;
1738 setenv(Var,Val)
1739 ).
1741double_quote_on_yap( A, A )
R session
This library facilitates interaction with the R system for statistical computing. It assumes an R executable in $PATH or can be given a location to a functioning R executable (see r_bin/1 and r_open/1 for details on how R is located). R is ran as a slave with Prolog writing on and reading from the associated streams. Multiple sessions can be managed simultaneously. Each has 3 main components: a name or alias, a term structure holding the communicating streams and a number of associated data items.
The library attempts to ease the translation between prolog terms and R inputs. Thus, Prolog term
x <- c(1,2,3)
is translated to atomic'x <- c(1,2,3)'
which is then passed on to R. That is,<-
is a defined/recognised operator.X <- c(1,2,3)
, where X is a variable, instantiates X to the list[1,2,3]
. Also 'Atom' <- [x1,...,xn] translates to R code: Atom <-c(x1,...,xn)
. Currently vectors, matrices and (R)-lists are translated in this fashion. The goal "A <- B" translates tor_in( A <- B )
.Although the library is primarily meant to be used as a research tool, it still provides access to many functions of the R system that may render it useful to a wider audience. The library provides access to R's plethora of vector and scalar functions. We adicipate that of particular interest to Prolog programmers might be the fact that the library can be used to create plots from Prolog objects. Notably creating plots from lists of numbers.
There is a known issue with X11 when R is started without --interactive.
runs by default the --interactive flag and try to surpress echo output. If you do get weird output, try giving to r_open, optionwith(non_interactive)
. This is suboptimal for some tasks, but might resolve other issues. There is a issue with Macs, where --interactive doesnot work. On Macs, you should usewith(non_interactive)
. This can also be achieved using settings/2.These capabilities are illustrated in the following example :