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Pack rocksdb -- prolog/rocksdb.pl
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RocksDB is an embeddable persistent key-value store for fast storage. The store can be used only from one process at the same time. It may be used from multiple Prolog threads though. This library provides a SWI-Prolog binding for RocksDB. RocksDB just associates byte arrays. This interface defines several mappings between Prolog datastructures and byte arrays that may be configured to store both keys and values. See rocks_open/3 for details.

See also
- http://rocksdb.org/
 rocks_open(+Directory, -RocksDB, +Options) is det
Open a RocksDB database in Directory and unify RocksDB with a handle to the opened database. In general, this predicate throws an exception on failure; if an error occurs in the rocksdb library, the error term is of the form rocks_error(Message) or rocks_error(Message,Blob).

Most of the DBOptions in rocksdb/include/rocksdb/options.h are supported. create_if_exists defaults to true. Additional options are:

Give the database a name instead of using an anonymous handle. A named database is not subject to GC and must be closed explicitly. When the database is opened, RocksDB unifies with Name (the underlying handle can obtained using rocks_alias_lookup2).
 rocks_close(+RocksDB) is det
Destroy the RocksDB handle. Note that anonymous handles are subject to (atom) garbage collection, which will call rocks_close/1 as part of the garbage collection; however, there is no guarantee that an anonymous handle will be garbage collected, so it is suggested that at_halt/1 or setup_call_cleanup/3 is used to ensure that rocks_close/1 is called.

rocks_close/1 throws an existence error if RocksDB isn't a valid handle or alias from rocks_open/3. If RocksDB is an anonymous handle that has been closed, rocks_close/1 silently succeeds; if it's an alias name that's already been closed, an existence error is raised (this behavior may change in future).

If you call rocks_close/1 while there is an iterator open (e.g., from rocks_enum/3 that still has a choicepoint), the results are unpredicatable. The code attempts to avoid crashes by reference counting iterators and only allowing a close if there are no active iterators for a database.

 rocks_alias_lookup(+Name, -RocksDB) is semidet
Look up an alias Name (as specified in rocks_open/3 alias option and unify RocksDb with the underlying handle; fails if there is no open file with the alias Name.

This predicate has two uses:

  • The other predicates have slightly faster performance when the RocksDB handle is used instead of the Name.
  • Some extra debugging information is available when the blob is printed. Note that rocks_open(...,RocksDB,[alias(Name)]) unifies RocksDB with Name; if alias(Name) is not specified, RocksDB is unified with the underlying handle.
 rocks_put(+RocksDB, +Key, +Value) is det
 rocks_put(+RocksDB, +Key, +Value, Options) is det
Add Key-Value to the RocksDB database. If Key already has a value, the existing value is silently replaced by Value. If the value type is list(Type) or set(Type), Value must be a list. For set(Type) the list is converted into an ordered set.
 rocks_merge(+RocksDB, +Key, +Value) is det
 rocks_merge(+RocksDB, +Key, +Value, +Options) is det
Merge Value with the already existing value for Key. Requires the option merge(:Merger) or the value type to be one of list(Type) or set(Type) to be used when opening the database. Using rocks_merge/3 rather than rocks_get/2, update and rocks_put/3 makes the operation atomic and reduces disk accesses.

Options are the same as for rocks_put/4.

Merger is called as below, where two clauses are required: one with How set to partial and one with How set to full. If full, MergeValue is a list of values that need to be merged, if partial, MergeValue is a single value.

call(:Merger, +How, +Key, +Value0, +MergeValue, -Value)

If Key is not in RocksDB, Value0 is unified with a value that depends on the value type. If the value type is an atom, it is unified with the empty atom; if it is string or binary it is unified with an empty string; if it is int32 or int64 it is unified with the integer 0; and finally if the type is term it is unified with the empty list.

For example, if the value is a set of Prolog values we open the database with value(term) to allow for Prolog lists as value and we define merge_set/5 as below.

merge(partial, _Key, Left, Right, Result) :-
    ord_union(Left, Right, Result).
merge(full, _Key, Initial, Additions, Result) :-
    append([Initial|Additions], List),
    sort(List, Result).

If the merge callback fails or raises an exception the merge operation fails and the error is logged through the RocksDB logging facilities. Note that the merge callback can be called in a different thread or even in a temporary created thread if RocksDB decides to merge remaining values in the background.

- permission_error(merge, rocksdb RocksDB) if the database was not opened with the merge(Merger) option.
See also
- https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/wiki/Merge-Operator for understanding the concept of value merging in RocksDB.
 rocks_delete(+RocksDB, +Key) is semidet
 rocks_delete(+RocksDB, +Key, +Options) is semidet
Delete Key from RocksDB. Fails if Key is not in the database.

Options are the same as for rocks_put/4.

 rocks_get(+RocksDB, +Key, -Value) is semidet
 rocks_get(+RocksDB, +Key, -Value, +Options) is semidet
True when Value is the current value associated with Key in RocksDB. If the value type is list(Type) or set(Type) this returns a Prolog list.
 rocks_enum(+RocksDB, -Key, -Value) is nondet
 rocks_enum(+RocksDB, -Key, -Value, +Options) is nondet
True when Value is the current value associated with Key in RocksDB. This enumerates all keys in the database. If the value type is list(Type) or set(Type) Value is a list.

Options are the same as for rocks_get/4.

 rocks_enum_from(+RocksDB, -Key, -Value, +Prefix) is nondet
 rocks_enum_from(+RocksDB, -Key, -Value, +Prefix, +Options) is nondet
As rocks_enum/3, but starts enumerating from Prefix. The key type must be one of atom, string or binary. To only iterate all keys with Prefix, use rocks_enum_prefix/4 or the construct below.

Options are the same as for rocks_get/4.

    rocks_enum_from(DB, Key, Value, Prefix),
    (   sub_atom(Key, 0, _, _, Prefix)
    ->  handle(Key, Value)
    ;   !, fail
 rocks_enum_prefix(+RocksDB, -Suffix, -Value, +Prefix) is nondet
 rocks_enum_prefix(+RocksDB, -Suffix, -Value, +Prefix, +Options) is nondet
True for all keys that start with Prefix. Instead of returning the full key this predicate returns the suffix of the matching key. This predicate succeeds deterministically if no next key exists or the next key does not match Prefix.

Options are the same as for rocks_get/4.

 rocks_batch(+RocksDB, +Actions:list) is det
 rocks_batch(+RocksDB, +Actions:list, +Options) is det
Perform a batch of operations on RocksDB as an atomic operation.

Options are the same as for rocks_put/4.

Actions is a list of:

As rocks_delete/2.
put(+Key, +Value)
As rocks_put/3.

The following example is translated from the RocksDB documentation:

  rocks_get(RocksDB, key1, Value),
              [ delete(key1),
                put(key2, Value)
 rocks_property(+RocksDB, ?Property) is nondet

Undocumented predicates

The following predicates are exported, but not or incorrectly documented.

 rocks_put(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4)
 rocks_merge(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4)
 rocks_delete(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)
 rocks_batch(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)
 rocks_get(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4)
 rocks_enum(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4)
 rocks_enum_from(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5)
 rocks_enum_prefix(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5)