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Pack rolog -- src/rolog_cpp2.txt

#include <SWI-cpp2.h> #include "Rcpp.h" using namespace Rcpp ;

// Translate prolog expression to R // // [] -> NULL // real -> NumericVector // #(r1, r2, r3) -> NumericVector (# is a default, see option realvec) // ##(#(row1), #(row2), ...) -> Matrix // integer -> IntegerVector // %(i1, i2, i3) -> IntegerVector (see option intvec for the name) // %%(%(row1), %(row2), ...) -> Matrix // string -> CharacterVector // $$(s1, s2, s3) CharacterVector // $$$($$(row1), $$(row2), ...) -> Matrix // na (atom) -> NA // true, false (atoms) -> LogicalVector // !(l1, l2, l3) -> LogicalVector (see option boolvec) // !!(!(row1), !(row2), ...) -> Matrix // the empty atom -> "" // other atoms -> symbol/name // variable -> expression(variable name) // compound -> call (aka. "language") // list -> list // RObject pl2r(PlTerm pl, CharacterVector& names, PlTerm& vars, List options) ;

// Translate R expression to prolog // // NULL -> [] // numeric vector of length 1 -> real (unless rolog.scalar == FALSE) // numeric vector of length > 1 -> e.g., #(1.0, 2.0, 3.0) (see rolog.realvec) // integer vector of length 1 -> integer // integer vector of length > 1 -> %(1, 2, 3) // character vector of length 1 -> string // character vector of length > 1 -> $("a", "b", "c") // logical vector of length 1 -> the atoms true, false or na // logical vector of length > 1 -> $(true, false, na) // other symbols/name -> atom // expression -> variable // call/language -> compound // list -> list // PlTerm r2pl(SEXP r, CharacterVector& names, PlTerm& vars, List options) ;

// Consult one or more files. If something fails, the procedure stops, and // will not try to consult the remaining files. // // [[Rcpp::export(.consult)]] LogicalVector consult_(CharacterVector files) { for(R_xlen_t i=0; i<files.size(); i++) { try { PlCall("consult", PlTermv(PlTerm_string(files(i)))); }

catch(PlException& ex) { String err(ex.as_string(PlEncoding::Locale)); PL_clear_exception() ; stop("failed to consult %s: %s", (char*) files(i), err.get_cstring()) ; } }

return true ; }

// Prolog -> R RObject pl2r_null() { return R_NilValue ; }

// TODO: use this and pl.eq_if_atom(ATOM_na) instead of // pl.is_atom() && pl == "na" // PlAtom ATOM_na("na");

// This helper function checks for na and then translates an individual PlTerm // to a double. double pl2r_double(PlTerm pl) { if(pl.is_atom() && pl.as_string() == "na") return NA_REAL ;

try { return pl.as_float() ; }

catch(PlException& ex) { warning("cannot convert %s to float: %s", pl.as_string(PlEncoding::Locale).c_str(), ex.as_string(PlEncoding::Locale).c_str()) ; PL_clear_exception() ; return NA_REAL ; } }

// Convert scalar real to DoubleVector of length 1 DoubleVector pl2r_real(PlTerm pl) { return DoubleVector::create(pl2r_double(pl)) ; }

// Convert vector of reals (e.g., #(1.0, 2.0, na)) to DoubleVector DoubleVector pl2r_realvec(PlTerm pl) { DoubleVector r(pl.arity()) ; for(size_t i=0; i<pl.arity(); i++) r(i) = pl2r_double(pl[i+1]) ;

return r ; }

// Convert matrix of reals (e.g., ##(#(1.0, 2.0), #(na, ...), ...)) NumericMatrix pl2r_realmat(PlTerm pl) { size_t nrow = pl.arity() ; size_t ncol = 0 ; if(nrow > 0) { for(size_t i=0; i<pl.arity(); i++) if(i == 0) ncol = pl[1].arity() ; else { if(pl[i+1].arity() != ncol) stop("cannot convert PlTerm to Matrix, inconsistent rows") ; } }

NumericMatrix r(nrow, ncol) ; for(size_t i=0; i<nrow; i++) r.row(i) = pl2r_realvec(pl[i+1]) ;

return r ; }

// See above for pl2r_double long pl2r_int(PlTerm pl) { if(pl.is_atom() && pl.as_string() == "na") return NA_INTEGER ;

try { return pl.as_long() ; }

catch(PlException& ex) { warning("Cannot convert %s to integer: %s", pl.as_string(PlEncoding::Locale).c_str(), ex.as_string(PlEncoding::Locale).c_str()) ; PL_clear_exception() ; return NA_INTEGER ; } }

IntegerVector pl2r_integer(PlTerm pl) { return IntegerVector::create(pl2r_int(pl)) ; }

IntegerVector pl2r_intvec(PlTerm pl) { IntegerVector r(pl.arity()) ; for(size_t i=0; i<pl.arity(); i++) r(i) = pl2r_int(pl[i+1]) ;

return r ; }

IntegerMatrix pl2r_intmat(PlTerm pl) { size_t nrow = pl.arity() ; size_t ncol = 0 ; if(nrow > 0) { for(size_t i=0; i<pl.arity(); i++) if(i == 0) ncol = pl[1].arity() ; else { if(pl[i+1].arity() != ncol) stop("cannot convert PlTerm to Matrix, inconsistent rows") ; } }

IntegerMatrix r(nrow, ncol) ; for(size_t i=0; i<nrow; i++) r.row(i) = pl2r_intvec(pl[i+1]) ;

return r ; }

// See above for pl2r_double String pl2r_string(PlTerm pl) { if(pl.is_atom() && pl.as_string() == "na") return NA_STRING ;

return pl.as_string(PlEncoding::Locale) ; }

CharacterVector pl2r_char(PlTerm pl) { return CharacterVector::create(pl2r_string(pl)) ; }

CharacterVector pl2r_charvec(PlTerm pl) { CharacterVector r(pl.arity()) ; for(size_t i=0; i<pl.arity(); i++) r(i) = pl2r_string(pl[i+1]) ;

return r ; }

CharacterMatrix pl2r_charmat(PlTerm pl) { size_t nrow = pl.arity() ; size_t ncol = 0 ; if(nrow > 0) { for(size_t i=0; i<pl.arity(); i++) if(i == 0) ncol = pl[1].arity() ; else { if(pl[i+1].arity() != ncol) stop("cannot convert PlTerm to Matrix, inconsistent rows") ; } }

CharacterMatrix r(nrow, ncol) ; for(size_t i=0; i<nrow; i++) r.row(i) = pl2r_charvec(pl[i+1]) ;

return r ; }

// Convert prolog atom to R symbol (handle na, true, false) RObject pl2r_symbol(PlTerm pl) { if(pl.as_string() == "na") return wrap(NA_LOGICAL) ;

if(pl.as_string() == "true") return wrap(true) ;

if(pl.as_string() == "false") return wrap(false) ;

// Empty symbols if(pl.as_string() == "") return Function("substitute")() ;

return as<RObject>(Symbol(pl.as_string(PlEncoding::UTF8))) ; // TODO: PlEncoding::Locale? }

// Forward declaration, needed below RObject pl2r_compound(PlTerm pl, CharacterVector& names, PlTerm& vars, List options) ;

// Convert prolog neck to R function RObject pl2r_function(PlTerm pl, CharacterVector& names, PlTerm& vars, List options) { PlTerm plhead = pl[1] ; PlTerm plbody = pl[2] ;

Language head("alist") ; for(unsigned int i=1 ; i<=plhead.arity() ; i++) { PlTerm arg = plhead[i] ;

// Compounds like mean=100 are translated to named function arguments if(arg.is_compound() && arg.name().as_string() == "=" && arg.arity() == 2) { PlTerm a1 = arg[1] ; PlTerm a2 = arg[2] ; if(a1.is_atom()) { head.push_back(Named(a1.as_string(PlEncoding::UTF8)) = pl2r(a2, names, vars, options)) ; continue ; } }

// the argument is the name head.push_back(Named(arg.as_string(PlEncoding::UTF8)) = pl2r_symbol(PlTerm_atom(""))) ; }

RObject body = pl2r_compound(plbody, names, vars, options) ; head.push_back(body) ;

Function as_function("as.function") ; return wrap(as_function(head)) ; }

LogicalVector pl2r_boolvec(PlTerm pl) { LogicalVector r(pl.arity()) ; for(size_t i=0; i<pl.arity(); i++) { PlTerm t = pl[i+1] ; if(t.is_atom()) { if(t.as_string() == "na") { r(i) = NA_LOGICAL ; continue ; }

if(t.as_string() == "true") { r(i) = 1 ; continue ; }

if(t.as_string() == "false") { r(i) = 0 ; continue ; } }

warning("r2pl_logical: invalid item %s, returning NA", t.as_string(PlEncoding::Locale).c_str()) ; r(i) = NA_LOGICAL ; }

return r ; }

LogicalMatrix pl2r_boolmat(PlTerm pl) { size_t nrow = pl.arity() ; size_t ncol = 0 ; if(nrow > 0) { for(size_t i=0; i<pl.arity(); i++) if(i == 0) ncol = pl[1].arity() ; else { if(pl[i+1].arity() != ncol) stop("cannot convert PlTerm to Matrix, inconsistent rows") ; } }

LogicalMatrix r(nrow, ncol) ; for(size_t i=0; i<nrow; i++) r.row(i) = pl2r_boolvec(pl[i+1]) ;

return r ; }

// Translate prolog variables to R expressions. RObject pl2r_variable(PlTerm pl, CharacterVector& names, PlTerm& vars) { // names and vars is a list of all the variables from the R query, // a typical member of names is something like X, a member of vars // is something like _1545. // // Search for the variable (e.g., _1545) in names and return its R name as an // expression (say, X). PlTerm_tail tail(vars) ; PlTerm_var v ; for(int i=0 ; i<names.length() ; i++) { PlCheckFail(tail.next(v)) ; if(v == pl) return ExpressionVector::create(Symbol(names(i))) ; }

// If the variable is not found, it's a new one created by Prolog, e.g., in // queries like member(1, Y), Y is unified with [1 | _NewVar ]. This variable // cannot be translated to a human-readable name, so it is returned as _1545. return ExpressionVector::create(Symbol(pl.as_string(PlEncoding::UTF8))) ; // TODO: PlEncoding::Locale? }

// Translate prolog compound to R call // // This function takes care of special compound names (#, %, $, !) for vector // objects in R, as well as "named" function arguments like "mean=100", in // rnorm(10, mean=100, sd=15). RObject pl2r_compound(PlTerm pl, CharacterVector& names, PlTerm& vars, List options) { // This function does not (yet) work for cyclic terms if(!PL_is_acyclic(pl.C_)) stop("pl2r: Cannot convert cyclic term %s", pl.as_string(PlEncoding::Locale).c_str()) ;

// Convert ##(#(...), ...) to NumericMatrix if(!strcmp(pl.name().as_string(PlEncoding::UTF8).c_str(), options("realmat"))) return pl2r_realmat(pl) ;

// Convert #(1.0, 2.0, 3.0) to DoubleVector (# given by options("realvec")) if(!strcmp(pl.name().as_string(PlEncoding::UTF8).c_str(), options("realvec"))) return pl2r_realvec(pl) ;

// Convert %%(%(...), ...) to IntegerMatrix if(!strcmp(pl.name().as_string(PlEncoding::UTF8).c_str(), options("intmat"))) return pl2r_intmat(pl) ;

// Convert %(1.0, 2.0, 3.0) to IntegerVector if(!strcmp(pl.name().as_string(PlEncoding::UTF8).c_str(), options("intvec"))) return pl2r_intvec(pl) ;

// Convert $$$($$(...), ...) to StringMatrix if(!strcmp(pl.name().as_string(PlEncoding::UTF8).c_str(), options("charmat"))) return pl2r_charmat(pl) ;

// Convert $$(1.0, 2.0, 3.0) to CharacterVector if(!strcmp(pl.name().as_string(PlEncoding::UTF8).c_str(), options("charvec"))) return pl2r_charvec(pl) ;

// Convert !!(!(...), ...) to LogicalMatrix if(!strcmp(pl.name().as_string(PlEncoding::UTF8).c_str(), options("boolmat"))) return pl2r_boolmat(pl) ;

// Convert !(1.0, 2.0, 3.0) to LogicalVector if(!strcmp(pl.name().as_string(PlEncoding::UTF8).c_str(), options("boolvec"))) return pl2r_boolvec(pl) ;

// Convert :- to function if(pl.name().as_string() == ":-") return pl2r_function(pl, names, vars, options) ;

// Other compounds Language r(pl.name().as_string(PlEncoding::UTF8).c_str()) ; for(unsigned int i=1 ; i<=pl.arity() ; i++) { PlTerm arg = pl[i] ;

// Compounds like mean=100 are translated to named function arguments if(arg.is_compound() && !strcmp(arg.name().as_string(PlEncoding::UTF8).c_str(), "=") && arg.arity() == 2) { PlTerm a1 = arg[1] ; PlTerm a2 = arg[2] ; if(a1.is_atom()) { r.push_back(Named(a1.name().as_string(PlEncoding::UTF8).c_str()) = pl2r(a2, names, vars, options)) ; continue ; } }

// argument has no name r.push_back(pl2r(arg, names, vars, options)) ; }

return as<RObject>(r) ; }

// Translate prolog list to R list // // This code allows for lists like [1, 2 | Tail] with variable tail. These // cannot be processed by PlTerm_tail, therefore, the code is a bit more // complicated, also because it can handle named arguments. // // Examples: // [1, 2, 3] -> list(1, 2, 3) // [1, 2 | X] -> `[|]`(1, `[|]`(2, expression(X))) // [a-1, b-2, c-3] -> list(a=1, b=2, c=3) // RObject pl2r_list(PlTerm pl, CharacterVector& names, PlTerm& vars, List options) { PlTerm head = pl[1] ;

// if the tail is a list or empty, return a normal list RObject tail = pl2r(pl[2], names, vars, options) ; if(TYPEOF(tail) == VECSXP || TYPEOF(tail) == NILSXP) { List r = as<List>(tail) ;

// convert prolog pair a-X to named list element if(head.is_compound() && !strcmp(head.name().as_string(PlEncoding::UTF8).c_str(), "-") && head.arity() == 2) { PlTerm a1 = head[1] ; PlTerm a2 = head[2] ; if(a1.is_atom()) { r.push_front(pl2r(a2, names, vars, options), a1.name().as_string(PlEncoding::UTF8).c_str()) ; return r ; } }

// element has no name r.push_front(pl2r(head, names, vars, options)) ; return r ; }

// if the tail is something else, return [|](head, tail) Language r(pl.name().as_string(PlEncoding::UTF8).c_str()) ;

// convert prolog pair a-X to named list element if(head.is_compound() && !strcmp(head.name().as_string(PlEncoding::UTF8).c_str(), "-") && head.arity() == 2) { PlTerm a1 = head[1] ; PlTerm a2 = head[2] ; if(a1.is_atom()) { r.push_back(Named(a1.name().as_string(PlEncoding::UTF8).c_str()) = pl2r(a2, names, vars, options)) ; r.push_back(tail) ; return as<RObject>(r) ; } }

// element has no name r.push_back(pl2r(head, names, vars, options)) ; r.push_back(tail) ; return as<RObject>(r) ; }

RObject pl2r(PlTerm pl, CharacterVector& names, PlTerm& vars, List options) { if(pl.type() == PL_NIL) return pl2r_null() ;

if(pl.is_integer()) return pl2r_integer(pl) ;

if(pl.is_float()) return pl2r_real(pl) ;

if(pl.is_string()) return pl2r_char(pl) ;

if(pl.is_atom()) return pl2r_symbol(pl) ;

if(pl.is_list()) return pl2r_list(pl, names, vars, options) ;

if(pl.is_compound()) return pl2r_compound(pl, names, vars, options) ;

if(pl.is_variable()) return pl2r_variable(pl, names, vars) ;

stop("pl2r: Cannot convert %s", pl.as_string(PlEncoding::Locale).c_str()) ; }

// Translate R expression to prolog // // Forward declarations PlTerm r2pl_real(NumericVector r, List options) ; PlTerm r2pl_logical(LogicalVector r, List options) ; PlTerm r2pl_integer(IntegerVector r, List options) ; PlTerm r2pl_string(CharacterVector r, List options) ;

// This returns an empty list PlTerm r2pl_null() { PlTerm_var pl ; PlCheckFail(PlTerm_tail(pl).close()) ; return pl ; }

// Prolog representation of R's NA. PlTerm r2pl_na() { return PlTerm_atom("na") ; }

// Translate to matrix ##(#(1.0, 2.0, 3.0), #(4.0, 5.0, 6.0)) PlTerm r2pl_matrix(Matrix<REALSXP> r, List aoptions) { List options(aoptions) ; options("scalar") = false ;

PlTermv rows(r.nrow()) ; for(int i=0 ; i<r.nrow() ; i++) PlCheckFail(rows[i].unify_term(r2pl_real(r.row(i), options))) ;

return PlCompound((const char*) options("realmat"), rows) ; }

// Translate to (scalar) real or compounds like #(1.0, 2.0, 3.0) PlTerm r2pl_real(NumericVector r, List options) { if(Rf_isMatrix(r)) return r2pl_matrix(as<Matrix<REALSXP>>(r), options) ;

if(r.length() == 0) return r2pl_null() ;

LogicalVector nan = is_nan(r) ; LogicalVector na = is_na(r) ;

// Translate to scalar if(as<LogicalVector>(options("scalar"))(0) && r.length() == 1) { if(na[0] && !nan[0]) return r2pl_na() ;

return PlTerm_float(r[0]); }

// Translate to vector #(1.0, 2.0, 3.0) size_t len = (size_t) r.length() ; PlTermv args(len) ; for(size_t i=0 ; i<len ; i++) { if(na[i] && !nan[i]) PlCheckFail(args[i].unify_term(r2pl_na())) ; else PlCheckFail(args[i].unify_float(r[i])) ; }

return PlCompound((const char*) options("realvec"), args) ; }

// Translate to matrix !!(!(true, false), !(false, true)) PlTerm r2pl_matrix(Matrix<LGLSXP> r, List aoptions) { List options(aoptions) ; options("scalar") = false ;

PlTermv rows(r.nrow()) ; for(int i=0 ; i<r.nrow() ; i++) PlCheckFail(rows[i].unify_term(r2pl_logical(r.row(i), options))) ;

return PlCompound((const char*) options("boolmat"), rows) ; }

// Translate to (scalar) boolean or compounds like !(true, false, na) PlTerm r2pl_logical(LogicalVector r, List options) { if(Rf_isMatrix(r)) return r2pl_matrix(as<Matrix<LGLSXP>>(r), options) ;

if(r.length() == 0) return r2pl_null() ;

LogicalVector na = is_na(r) ;

// scalar boolean if(as<LogicalVector>(options("scalar"))(0) && r.length() == 1) { if(na[0]) return r2pl_na() ;

return PlTerm_atom(r[0] ? "true" : "false") ; }

// LogicalVector !(true, false, na) size_t len = (size_t) r.length() ; PlTermv args(len) ; for(size_t i=0 ; i<len ; i++) { if(na[i]) PlCheckFail(args[i].unify_term(r2pl_na())) ; else PlCheckFail(args[i].unify_atom(r[i] ? "true" : "false")) ; // TODO: unify_bool() }

return PlCompound((const char*) options("boolvec"), args) ; }

// Translate to matrix %%(%(1, 2), %(3, 4)) PlTerm r2pl_matrix(Matrix<INTSXP> r, List aoptions) { List options(aoptions) ; options("scalar") = false ;

PlTermv rows(r.nrow()) ; for(int i=0 ; i<r.nrow() ; i++) PlCheckFail(rows[i].unify_term(r2pl_integer(r.row(i), options))) ;

return PlCompound((const char*) options("intmat"), rows) ; }

// Translate to (scalar) integer or compounds like %(1, 2, 3) PlTerm r2pl_integer(IntegerVector r, List options) { if(Rf_isMatrix(r)) return r2pl_matrix(as<Matrix<INTSXP>>(r), options) ;

if(r.length() == 0) return r2pl_null() ;

LogicalVector na = is_na(r) ;

// scalar integer if(as<LogicalVector>(options("scalar"))(0) && r.length() == 1) { if(na[0]) return r2pl_na() ;

return PlTerm_integer(r(0)) ; }

// IntegerVector %(1, 2, 3) size_t len = (size_t) r.length() ; PlTermv args(len) ; for(size_t i=0 ; i<len ; i++) { if(na[i]) PlCheckFail(args[i].unify_term(r2pl_na())) ; else PlCheckFail(args[i].unify_integer(r[i])) ; }

return PlCompound((const char*) options("intvec"), args) ; }

// Translate R expression to prolog variable // // This function keeps a record of the names of the variables in // use (e.g., _1545) as well as the corresponding R names (e.g., X). If a new // variable is encountered, its name is looked up in the list of known // variables, and it is unified with it if the name is found. Otherwise, a new // variable is created. // // If options("atomize") is true, no variable is created, but an atom is created // with the variable name from R. This is only used for pretty printing. PlTerm r2pl_var(ExpressionVector r, CharacterVector& names, PlTerm& vars, List options) { // Variable name in R Symbol n = as<Symbol>(r[0]) ;

// If the variable should be "atomized" for pretty printing if(as<LogicalVector>(options("atomize"))(0)) return PlTerm_atom(n.c_str()) ; // TODO:

// Do not map the anonymous variable to a known variable name if(n == "_") return PlTerm_var() ;

// Unify with existing variable of the same name PlTerm_tail tail(vars) ; PlTerm_var v ; for(R_xlen_t i=0 ; i<names.length() ; i++) { PlCheckFail(tail.next(v)) ; if(n == names(i)) return v ; }

// If no such variable exists, create a new one and remember the name names.push_back(n.c_str()) ; PlTerm_var pl ; PlCheckFail(tail.append(pl)) ; return pl ; }

// Translate R symbol to prolog atom PlTerm r2pl_atom(Symbol r) { return PlTerm_atom(r.c_str()) ; }

// Translate to matrix $$$($$(1, 2), $$(3, 4)) PlTerm r2pl_matrix(Matrix<STRSXP> r, List aoptions) { List options(aoptions) ; options("scalar") = false ;

PlTermv rows(r.nrow()) ; for(int i=0 ; i<r.nrow() ; i++) PlCheckFail(rows[i].unify_term(r2pl_string(r.row(i), options))) ;

return PlCompound((const char*) options("charmat"), rows) ; }

// Translate CharacterVector to (scalar) string or things like $("a", "b", "c") PlTerm r2pl_string(CharacterVector r, List options) { if(Rf_isMatrix(r)) return r2pl_matrix(as<Matrix<STRSXP>>(r), options) ;

if(r.length() == 0) return r2pl_null() ;

LogicalVector na = is_na(r) ;

// scalar string if(as<LogicalVector>(options["scalar"])(0) && r.length() == 1) { if(na[0]) return r2pl_na() ;

return PlTerm_string(r(0)) ; }

// compound like $("a", "b", "c") size_t len = (size_t) r.length() ; PlTermv args(len) ; for(size_t i=0 ; i<len ; i++) { if(na[i]) PlCheckFail(args[i].unify_term(r2pl_na())) ; else PlCheckFail(args[i].unify_term(PlTerm_string(r(i)))) ; // DO NOT SUBMIT - unify_string() }

return PlCompound((const char*) options("charvec"), args) ; }

// Translate R call to prolog compound, taking into account the names of the // arguments, e.g., rexp(50, rate=1) -> rexp(50, =(rate, 1)) PlTerm r2pl_compound(Language r, CharacterVector& names, PlTerm& vars, List options) { // For convenience, collect arguments in a list List l = as<List>(CDR(r)) ;

// R functions with no arguments are translated to compounds (not atoms) size_t len = (size_t) l.size() ; if(len == 0) { PlTermv pl(3) ; PlCheckFail(pl[1].unify_atom(as<Symbol>(CAR(r)).c_str())) ; PlCheckFail(pl[2].unify_integer(0)) ; PlCall("compound_name_arity", pl) ; return pl[0] ; }

// Extract names of arguments CharacterVector n ; // if there are no names, l.names() returns NULL and n has length 0 if(TYPEOF(l.names()) == STRSXP) n = l.names() ;

PlTermv pl(len) ; for(size_t i=0 ; i<len ; i++) { PlTerm arg = r2pl(l(i), names, vars, options) ;

// Convert named arguments to prolog compounds a=X if(n.length() && n(i) != "") PlCheckFail(pl[i].unify_term(PlCompound("=", PlTermv(PlTerm_atom(n(i)), arg)))) ; else PlCheckFail(pl[i].unify_term(arg)) ; // no name }

return PlCompound(as<Symbol>(CAR(r)).c_str(), pl) ; }

// Translate R list to prolog list, taking into account the names of the // elements, e.g., list(a=1, b=2) -> [a-1, b-2]. This may change, since the // minus sign is a bit specific to prolog, and the conversion in the reverse // direction may be ambiguous. // PlTerm r2pl_list(List r, CharacterVector& names, PlTerm& vars, List options) { // Names of list elements (empty vector if r.names() == NULL) CharacterVector n ; if(TYPEOF(r.names()) == STRSXP) n = as<CharacterVector>(r.names()) ;

PlTerm_var pl ; PlTerm_tail tail(pl) ; for(R_xlen_t i=0; i<r.size() ; i++) { PlTerm arg = r2pl(r(i), names, vars, options) ;

// Convert named argument to prolog pair a-X. if(n.length() && n(i) != "") PlCheckFail(tail.append(PlCompound("-", PlTermv(PlTerm_atom(n(i)), arg)))) ; else PlCheckFail(tail.append(arg)) ; // no name }

PlCheckFail(tail.close()) ; return pl ; }

// Translate R function to :- ("neck") PlTerm r2pl_function(Function r, CharacterVector& names, PlTerm& vars, List options) { PlTermv fun(2) ; PlCheckFail(fun[1].unify_term(r2pl_compound(BODY(r), names, vars, options))) ;

List formals = as<List>(FORMALS(r)) ; size_t len = (size_t) formals.size() ; if(len == 0) { PlTermv pl(3) ; PlCheckFail(pl[1].unify_atom("$function")) ; PlCheckFail(pl[2].unify_integer(0)) ; PlCall("compound_name_arity", pl) ;

PlCheckFail(fun[0].unify_term(pl[0])) ; return PlCompound(":-", fun) ; }

CharacterVector n = formals.names() ; PlTermv pl(len) ; for(size_t i=0 ; i<len ; i++) PlCheckFail(pl[i].unify_atom(n(i))) ; PlCheckFail(fun[0].unify_term(PlCompound("$function", pl))) ; return PlCompound(":-", fun) ; }

PlTerm r2pl(SEXP r, CharacterVector& names, PlTerm& vars, List options) { if(TYPEOF(r) == LANGSXP) return r2pl_compound(r, names, vars, options) ;

if(TYPEOF(r) == REALSXP) return r2pl_real(r, options) ;

if(TYPEOF(r) == LGLSXP) return r2pl_logical(r, options) ;

if(TYPEOF(r) == INTSXP) return r2pl_integer(r, options) ;

if(TYPEOF(r) == EXPRSXP) return r2pl_var(r, names, vars, options) ;

if(TYPEOF(r) == SYMSXP) return r2pl_atom(r) ;

if(TYPEOF(r) == STRSXP) return r2pl_string(r, options) ;

if(TYPEOF(r) == VECSXP) return r2pl_list(r, names, vars, options) ;

if(TYPEOF(r) == NILSXP) return r2pl_null() ;

if(TYPEOF(r) == CLOSXP) return r2pl_function(r, names, vars, options) ;

return r2pl_na() ; }

class RlQuery { CharacterVector names ; PlTerm_var vars ; List options ; PlQuery* qid ;

public: RlQuery(RObject aquery, List aoptions) ; ~RlQuery() ;

int next_solution() ; List bindings() ; const List& get_options() const { return options ; } } ;

RlQuery::RlQuery(RObject aquery, List aoptions) : names(), vars(), options(aoptions), qid(NULL) { options("atomize") = false ; PlTerm pl = r2pl(aquery, names, vars, options) ; qid = new PlQuery("call", PlTermv(PlTerm(pl))) ; }

RlQuery::~RlQuery() { if(qid) delete qid ; }

int RlQuery::next_solution() { if(qid == NULL) stop("next_solution: no open query.") ;

int q ; try { q = qid->next_solution() ; }

catch(PlException& ex) { warning(ex.as_string(PlEncoding::Locale).c_str()) ; PL_clear_exception() ; stop("Query failed") ; }

return q ; }

List RlQuery::bindings() { List l ;

PlTerm_tail tail(vars) ; PlTerm_var v ; for(int i=0 ; i<names.length() ; i++) { PlCheckFail(tail.next(v)) ; RObject r = pl2r(v, names, vars, options) ; if(TYPEOF(r) == EXPRSXP && names[i] == as<Symbol>(as<ExpressionVector>(r)[0]).c_str()) continue ;

l.push_back(r, (const char*) names[i]) ; }

return l ; }

RlQuery* query_id = NULL ;

// Open a query for later use. // [[Rcpp::export(.query)]] RObject query_(RObject query, List options) { if(PL_current_query() != 0) { warning("Cannot raise simultaneous queries. Please invoke clear()") ; return wrap(false) ; }

query_id = new RlQuery(query, options) ; return wrap(true) ; }

// Clear query (and invoke cleanup handlers, see PL_close_query) // [[Rcpp::export(.clear)]] RObject clear_() { if(query_id) delete query_id ; query_id = NULL ;

return wrap(true) ; }

// Submit query // [[Rcpp::export(.submit)]] RObject submit_() { if(query_id == NULL) { warning("submit: no open query.") ; return wrap(false) ; }

if(!query_id->next_solution()) { delete query_id ; query_id = NULL ; return wrap(false) ; }

return query_id->bindings() ; }

// Execute a query once and return conditions // // Examples: // // once(call("=", 1, 2)) -> FALSE // once(call("=", 1, 1)) -> empty list // once(call("member", 1, list(2, expression(X)))) -> list stating that X = 1 // once(call("=", list(expression(X), expression(Y)), list(1, expression(Z)))) // -> list stating that X = 1 and Z = Y // once(call("member", 1, expression(X))) -> list stating that X = [1 | _]; // e.g., something like [|]`(1, expression(`_6330`)). This is cumbersome, any // better ideas are welcome. // // [[Rcpp::export(.once)]] RObject once_(RObject query, List options) { PlFrame f ; if(!query_(query, options)) stop("Could not create query.") ;

RObject l = submit_() ; clear_() ; return l ; }

// Same as once_ above, but return all solutions to a query. // [[Rcpp::export(.findall)]] List findall_(RObject query, List options) { PlFrame f ; if(!query_(query, options)) stop("Could not create query.") ;

List results ; while(true) { RObject l = submit_() ; if(TYPEOF(l) == LGLSXP) break ;

results.push_back(l) ; }

clear_() ; return results ; }

// Pretty print query. Maybe simplify to something like this: // with_output_to(string(S), write_term(member(X), [variable_names(['X'=X])])). // // [[Rcpp::export(.portray)]] RObject portray_(RObject query, List options) { if(PL_current_query() != 0) { warning("Closing the current query.") ; clear_() ; }

CharacterVector names ; PlTerm_var vars ; options("atomize") = true ; // translate variables to their R names PlTermv pl(3) ; PlCheckFail(pl[0].unify_term(r2pl(query, names, vars, options))) ; PlTerm_tail tail(pl[2]) ; PlCheckFail(tail.append(PlCompound("quoted", PlTermv(PlTerm_atom("false"))))) ; PlCheckFail(tail.append(PlCompound("spacing", PlTermv(PlTerm_atom("next_argument"))))) ; PlCheckFail(tail.close()) ;

PlFrame f ; PlQuery q("term_string", pl) ; try { if(!q.next_solution()) return wrap(false) ; }

catch(PlException& ex) { warning(ex.as_string(PlEncoding::Locale).c_str()) ; PL_clear_exception() ; stop("portray of %s failed.", pl[0].as_string(PlEncoding::Locale).c_str()) ; }

return pl2r(pl[1], names, vars, options) ; }

// Execute a query given as a string // // Example: // once("use_module(library(http/html_write))") // // [[Rcpp::export(.call)]] RObject call_(String query) { if(PL_current_query() != 0) { warning("Closing the current query.") ; clear_() ; }

bool r = false ; try { r = PlCall(query.get_cstring()) ; }

catch(PlException& ex) { warning(ex.as_string(PlEncoding::Locale).c_str()) ; PL_clear_exception() ; stop("query failed: %s", query.get_cstring()) ; }

return wrap(r) ; }

// Call R expression from Prolog PREDICATE(r_eval, 1) { CharacterVector names ; PlTerm_var vars ; List options ; if(query_id) options = query_id->get_options() ; else options = List::create(Named("realvec") = "#", Named("realmat") = "##", Named("boolvec") = "!", Named("boolmat") = "!!", Named("charvec") = "$$", Named("charmat") = "$$$", Named("intvec") = "%", Named("intmat") = "%%", Named("atomize") = false, Named("scalar") = true) ;

RObject Expr = pl2r(A1, names, vars, options) ; RObject Res = Expr ; try { Language id("identity") ; id.push_back(Expr) ; Res = id.eval() ; }

catch(std::exception& ex) { throw PlException(PlCompound("r_eval", PlTermv(A1, PlTerm_atom(ex.what())))) ; }

return true ; }

// Evaluate R expression from Prolog PREDICATE(r_eval, 2) { CharacterVector names ; PlTerm_var vars ; List options ; if(query_id) options = query_id->get_options() ; else options = List::create(Named("realvec") = "#", Named("realmat") = "##", Named("boolvec") = "!", Named("boolmat") = "!!", Named("charvec") = "$$", Named("charmat") = "$$$", Named("intvec") = "%", Named("intmat") = "%%", Named("atomize") = false, Named("scalar") = true) ;

RObject Expr = pl2r(A1, names, vars, options) ; RObject Res = Expr ; try { Language id("identity") ; id.push_back(Expr) ; Res = id.eval() ; }

catch(std::exception& ex) { throw PlException(PlCompound("r_eval", PlTermv(A1, PlTerm_atom(ex.what())))) ; }

PlTerm_var pl ; try { PlCheckFail(pl.unify_term(r2pl(Res, names, vars, options))) ; }

catch(std::exception& ex) { throw PlException(PlCompound("r_eval", PlTermv(A1, PlTerm_atom(ex.what())))) ; }

return A2.unify_term(pl) ; }

// The SWI system should not be initialized twice; therefore, we keep track of // its status. bool pl_initialized = false ;

// Initialize SWI-prolog. This needs a list of the command-line arguments of // the calling program, the most important being the name of the main // executable, argv[0]. I added "-q" to suppress SWI prolog's welcome message // which is shown in .onAttach anyway. // [[Rcpp::export(.init)]] LogicalVector init_(String argv0) { if(pl_initialized) warning("Please do not initialize SWI-prolog twice in the same session.") ;

// Prolog documentation requires that argv is accessible during the entire // session. I assume that this pointer is valid during the whole R session, // and that I can safely cast it to const. const int argc = 2 ; const char* argv[argc] ; argv[0] = argv0.get_cstring() ; argv[1] = "-q" ; if(!PL_initialise(argc, (char**) argv)) stop("rolog_init: initialization failed.") ;

pl_initialized = true ; return true ; }

// [[Rcpp::export(.done)]] LogicalVector done_() { if(!pl_initialized) { warning("rolog_done: swipl has not been initialized") ; return true ; }

// Just in case there are open queries clear_() ;

PL_cleanup(0) ; pl_initialized = false ; return true ; }