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Marco Gavanelli SLDNF-Draw: Visualization of Prolog operational semantics in LaTeX, Intelligenza Artificiale, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 81-92, 2017. DOI: 10.3233/IA-170108. http://content.iospress.com/articles/intelligenza-artificiale/ia108
Post-print available at: http://endif.unife.it/it/ricerca-1/aree-di-ricerca/informazione/ingegneria-informatica/software/sldnf-draw/sldnf-draw_paper_ia.pdf
This is a SWI-Prolog (http://www.swi-prolog.org/) pack.
It can be installed with pack_install/1
$ swipl ?- pack_install(sldnfdraw).
$ cd <pack>/sldnfdraw/prolog/examples $ swipl ?- [member]. ?- draw_goal("tree.tex").
Prepare an input file that first loads the module sldnfdraw
:- use_module(library(sldnfdraw)).
Then initialize the library with
:- sldnf.
You can now write the program you want to query by including it within
the directives :-begin_program.
and :-end_program.
as in
:-begin_program. member(X ,[X|_T]). member(X ,[_H|T]):- member(X,T). :-end_program.
You can now write the query by including it within
the directives :-begin_query.
and :-end_query.
as in
:-begin_query. member(X,[1,2]), \+ member(X,[1,3]). :-end_query.
You can now build the SLDNF tree with the predicate draw_goal/1. If you call it with a variable as in
?- draw_goal(T).
it will return in T a string with the LaTex code for drawing the tree, that you can then include in a LaTeX document.
If you call draw_goal/1 with a string as in
?- draw_goal("tree.tex").
it will write the LaTeX code in file tree.tex
in the current folder.
You can then include it in a LaTeX document. The minimal LaTeX file you could use
\documentclass{article} \usepackage{epic,eepic} \usepackage{ecltree} \begin{document} \input{tree} \end{document}
and you should compile it with
latex file.tex dvipdf file.dvi
If the graph is too condensed, you can change the spacing with
\setlength{\GapDepth}{30pt} \setlength{\EdgeLabelSep}{15pt} \setlength{\GapWidth}{30pt}
inserted befeore `\begin{document}`.
If you are using your example in SWISH and want the output to be shown in SVG add the following code after laoding the library
:- if(current_predicate(use_rendering/1)). :- use_rendering(sldnf). :- endif.
and you need the following programs on the server
and ecltree
http://www.cityinthesky.co.uk/opensource/pdf2svg/In Ubuntu you would need the packages
texlive texlive-extra-utils texlive-humanities texlive-pictures pdf2svg
Developed by Marco Gavanelli <marco.gavanelli@unife.it>
Ported to SWI-Prolog by Lorenzo Campioni <lorenzo.campioni@student.unife.it>
Transformed into a module and adapted to SWISH by Fabrizio Riguzzi <fabrizio.riguzzi@unife.it>