63:- op(900, fy, '~'). 64
66 structure_label(istate),
68 props('floyd~1', [name('Floyd the robot'), inherit(autonomous,t), 69 inherit(robot,t)]),
70 props('player~1', [name($self),inherit(console,t), inherit(humanoid,t)]),
72 73
75 h(Spatial, in, 'floyd~1', pantry),
78 h(Spatial, in, 'player~1', kitchen),
79 h(Spatial, worn_by, 'watch~1', 'player~1'),
80 h(Spatial, held_by, 'bag~1', 'player~1'),
82 h(Spatial, in, 'coins~1', 'bag~1'),
83 h(Spatial, held_by, 'wrench~1', 'floyd~1'),
85 props('coins~1',[inherit(coins,t)]),
86 87
88 h(Spatial, exit(south), pantry, kitchen), 89 h(Spatial, exit(north), kitchen, pantry),
90 h(Spatial, exit(down), pantry, basement),
91 h(Spatial, exit(up), basement, pantry),
92 h(Spatial, exit(south), kitchen, garden),
93 h(Spatial, exit(north), garden, kitchen),
94 h(Spatial, exit(east), kitchen, dining_room),
95 h(Spatial, exit(west), dining_room, kitchen),
96 h(Spatial, exit(north), dining_room, living_room),
97 h(Spatial, exit(east), living_room, dining_room),
98 h(Spatial, exit(south), living_room, kitchen),
99 h(Spatial, exit(west), kitchen, living_room),
101 h(Spatial, in, a(shelf), pantry), 102 h(Spatial, in, a(table), kitchen), 103 h(Spatial, on, a(lamp), the(table)), 104 h(Spatial, in, a(rock), garden),
105 h(Spatial, in, a(mushroom), garden),
106 h(Spatial, reverse(on), a(table), a(table_leg)),
107 h(Spatial, on, a(box), a(table)),
108 h(Spatial, in, a(bowl), a(box)),
109 h(Spatial, in, a(flour), a(bowl)),
110 h(Spatial, in, a(shovel), basement), 111 h(Spatial, in, a(videocamera), living_room),
112 h(Spatial, in, screendoor, kitchen),
113 h(Spatial, in, screendoor, garden),
115 class_props(unthinkable, [
116 can_be(Spatial, examine(_), f),
117 class_desc(['It is normally unthinkable'])]),
119 class_props(thinkable, [
120 can_be(Spatial, examine(_), t),
121 class_desc(['It is normally thinkable'])]),
123 class_props(only_conceptual, [
124 can_be(Spatial, examine(Spatial), f),
125 inherit(thinkable,t),
126 class_desc(['It is completely conceptual'])]),
128 class_props(noncorporial, [
129 can_be(Spatial, examine(Spatial), f),
130 can_be(Spatial, touch, f),
131 inherit(thinkable,t),
132 desc(['It is completely non-corporial'])]),
134 class_props(partly_noncorporial, [
135 inherit(corporial,t),
136 inherit(noncorporial,t),
137 class_desc(['It is both partly corporial and non-corporial'])]),
139 class_props(corporial, [
140 can_be(Spatial, touch, t),
141 can_be(Spatial, examine(Spatial), t),
142 inherit(thinkable,t),
143 class_desc(['It is corporial'])]),
145 146 class_props(character, [
147 has_rel(Spatial, held_by),
148 has_rel(Spatial, worn_by),
149 150 mass(50), volume(50), 151 can_do(Spatial, eat, t),
152 can_do(Spatial, examine, t),
153 can_do(Spatial, touch, t),
154 has_sense(Sense),
155 inherit(perceptq,t),
156 inherit(memorize,t),
157 iherit(partly_noncorporial)
158 ]),
160 class_props(natural_force, [
161 ~has_rel(Spatial, held_by),
162 ~has_rel(Spatial, worn_by),
163 can_do(Spatial, eat, f),
165 can_do(Spatial, examine, t),
166 can_be(Spatial, touch, f),
167 has_sense(Sense),
168 iherit(character)
169 ]),
171 class_props(humanoid, [
172 can_do(Spatial, eat, t),
173 volume(50), 174 mass(50), 175 inherit(character,t),
176 inherit(memorize,t),
177 inherit(player,t),
178 179 can_be(Spatial, switch, f), state(Spatial, powered, t)
180 ]),
182 class_props(robot, [
183 can_do(Spatial, eat, f),
184 inherit(autonomous,t),
185 EmittingLight,
186 volume(50), mass(200), 187 nouns(robot),
188 adjs(metallic),
189 desc('Your classic robot: metallic with glowing red eyes, enthusiastic but not very clever.'),
190 can_be(Spatial, switch, t),
191 inherit(memorize,t),
192 inherit(shiny,t),
193 inherit(character,t),
194 state(Spatial, powered, t),
195 196 effect(switch(Spatial, on), setprop($self, state(Spatial, powered, t))),
197 effect(switch(Spatial, off), setprop($self, state(Spatial, powered, f)))
198 ]),
200 201 class_props(place, [can_be(Spatial, move, f), inherit(container,t), volume_capacity(10000), has_rel(exit(_), t)]),
203 class_props(container, [
205 oper(put(Spatial, Thing, in, $self),
206 207 precond(~getprop(Thing, inherit(liquid,t)), ['liquids would spill out']),
208 209 body(move(Spatial, Thing, in, $self))),
210 has_rel(Spatial, in)
211 ]),
213 class_props(flask, [
215 oper(put(Spatial, Thing, in, $self),
216 217 precond(getprop(Thing, inherit(corporial,t)), ['non-physical would spill out']),
218 219 body(move(Spatial, Thing, in, $self))),
221 inherit(container,t)
222 ]),
224 props(basement, [
225 inherit(place,t),
226 desc('This is a very dark basement.'),
227 TooDark
228 ]),
229 props(dining_room, [inherit(place,t)]),
230 props(garden, [
231 inherit(place,t),
232 233 goto(Spatial, up, 'You lack the ability to fly.'),
234 effect(goto(Spatial, _, north), getprop(screendoor, state(Spatial, open, t))),
235 oper(goto(Spatial, _, north),
236 237 precond(getprop(screendoor, state(Spatial, open, t)), ['you must open the door first']),
238 239 body(inherited)
240 ),
241 242 cant_goto(Spatial, 'The fence surrounding the garden is too tall and solid to pass.')
243 ]),
244 props(kitchen, [inherit(place,t)]),
245 props(living_room, [inherit(place,t)]),
246 props(pantry, [
247 inherit(place,t),
248 nouns(closet),
249 nominals(kitchen),
250 desc('You\'re in a dark pantry.'),
251 TooDark
252 ]),
254 255
256 class_props(bag, [
257 inherit(container,t),
258 volume_capacity(10),
259 TooDark
260 ]),
261 class_props(bowl, [
262 inherit(container,t),
263 volume_capacity(2),
264 fragile(shards),
265 inherit(flask,t),
266 name('porcelain bowl'),
267 desc('This is a modest glass cooking bowl with a yellow flower motif glazed into the outside surface.')
268 ]),
269 class_props(box, [
270 inherit(container,t),
271 volume_capacity(15),
272 fragile(splinters),
273 274 state(Spatial, open, f),
275 276 state(Spatial, locked, t),
277 TooDark
278 ]),
280 class_props(measurable,[has_rel(quantity,ammount,t)]),
282 283 class_props(shiny, [adjs(shiny), inherit(corporial,t)]),
285 class_props(coins, [inherit(shiny,t),inherit(measurable,t)]),
286 class_props(flour,[can_be(Spatial, eat, t),inherit(measurable,t)]),
287 class_props(lamp, [
288 name('shiny brass lamp'),
289 nouns(light),
290 nominals(brass),
291 inherit(shiny,t),
292 can_be(Spatial, switch, t),
293 state(Spatial, powered, t),
294 EmittingLight,
295 effect(switch(Spatial, on), setprop($self, EmittingLight)),
296 effect(switch(Spatial, off), delprop($self, EmittingLight)),
297 fragile(broken_lamp)
298 ]),
299 class_props(broken_lamp, [
300 name('dented brass lamp'),
301 302 nouns(light),
303 nominals(brass),
304 adjs(dented),
305 can_be(Spatial, switch, t),
306 effect(switch(Spatial, on), true),
307 effect(switch(Spatial, off), true) 308 ]),
309 props(iLamp, [
310 inherit(broken,t),
311 effect(switch(Spatial, on), print_("Switch is flipped")),
312 effect(hit, ['print_'("Hit iLamp"), setprop($self, inherit(broken,t))]),
313 inherit(lamp,t)
314 ]),
315 class_props(broken, [
316 effect(switch(Spatial, on), true),
317 effect(switch(Spatial, off), true),
318 can_be(Spatial, switch, t),
319 adjs(broken)
320 ]),
321 class_props(mushroom, [
322 323 name('speckled mushroom'),
324 325 nouns([mushroom, fungus, toadstool]),
326 adjs([speckled]),
327 328 initial('A speckled mushroom grows out of the sodden earth, on a long stalk.'),
329 330 desc('The mushroom is capped with blotches, and you aren\'t at all sure it\'s not a toadstool.'),
331 can_be(Spatial, eat, t),
332 333 334 before(eat, (random(100) =< 30, die('It was poisoned!'); 'yuck!')),
335 after(take,
336 (initial, 'You pick the mushroom, neatly cleaving its thin stalk.'))
337 ]),
338 props(screendoor, [
339 can_be(Spatial, move, f),
340 341 door_to(garden),
342 343 state(Spatial, open, f)
344 ]),
345 class_props(shelf, [has_rel(Spatial, on), can_be(Spatial, move, f)]),
346 class_props(table, [has_rel(Spatial, on), has_rel(Spatial, under)]),
347 class_props(wrench, [inherit(shiny,t)]),
348 class_props(videocamera, [
349 inherit(memorize,t),
350 inherit(perceptq,t),
351 can_be(Spatial, switch, t),
352 effect(switch(Spatial, on), setprop($self, state(Spatial, powered, t))),
353 effect(switch(Spatial, off), setprop($self, state(Spatial, powered, f))),
354 state(Spatial, powered, t),
355 has_sense(Sense),
356 fragile(broken_videocam)
357 ]),
358 class_props(broken_videocam, [can_be(Spatial, switch, f),state(Spatial, powered, f), inherit(videocamera,t)])
360]) :-
361 sensory_model_problem_solution(Sense, Spatial, TooDark, EmittingLight).