:- module(debug, [pldoc/0, portray_list_innerds/1]). /** Consult me to bring up normal dev environment. To run the server, query weblog_demo/0. To run the pldoc server, query pldoc/0, which starts the pldoc server on @copyright Copyright (C) 2012, University of Houston Released under the LGPL as part of the Weblog project */ % Needed for http:location/3, don't remove even if red!!! :- use_module(library(http/http_path)). :- multifile http:location/3. http:location(pldoc, root('help/source'), [priority(10)]). :- use_module(library(doc_http)). :- doc_server(4040). % makes codes style strings be "abc" instead of numbers :- use_module(library(portray_text)). :- portray_text(true). % makes string style strings be `abc` instead of "abc" % which is ez to confuse with codes :- set_prolog_flag(backquoted_string, true). % more reasonable default for how many items to print before ellipsizing :- set_prolog_flag(toplevel_print_options, [backquoted_string(true), max_depth(9999), portray(true), spacing(next_argument)]). :- set_prolog_flag(debugger_print_options, [backquoted_string(true), max_depth(9999), portray(true), spacing(next_argument)]). user:portray([H|T]) :- write('['), portray_list_innerds([H|T]), write(']'). % This library allows for exploiting the color and attribute facilities % of most modern terminals using ANSI escape sequences. % The Windows console (swipl-win) does not (yet) support ANSI (color) % codes. :- use_module(library(ansi_term)). /** portray_list_innerds(+List:list) is det Displays a list without ellipsizing it. When debugging termerized HTML ellipsizing gets in the way */ portray_list_innerds([]). portray_list_innerds([H]) :- print(H). portray_list_innerds([H|T]) :- print(H), write(','), portray_list_innerds(T). % ensure that we print debug messages from weblog % particularly important for missing keys :- debug(weblog). :- ensure_loaded(load). :- use_module(weblogdemo). % reexport so user can control from the interactor :- reexport(weblogdemo, [weblog_demo/0, start/0, stop_server/0]). %% pldoc is det % % Run the pldoc server on 4040 and open the root page % :- use_module(library(www_browser)). pldoc :- doc_server(4040), www_open_url(''). :- writeln('\ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\n\ % %\n\ % To run the pldoc server query pldoc. %\n\ % To run the weblog demo query weblog_demo. %\n\ % %\n\ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%').