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Packs (add-ons) for SWI-Prolog

Package "unified_diff"

Title:Parse and generate unified diffs
Rating:Not rated. Create the first rating!
Latest version:0.0.1
SHA1 sum:94b166aab01c1289c2aa8dd0973c2e148d7d2caf
Author:Michael Hendricks <michael@ndrix.org>
Maintainer:Michael Hendricks <michael@ndrix.org>
Packager:Michael Hendricks <michael@ndrix.org>
Home page:http://packs.ndrix.com/unified_diff/index.html
Download URL:http://packs.ndrix.com/unified_diff/unified_diff-0.0.1.tgz


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Contents of pack "unified_diff"

Pack contains 2 files holding a total of 4.7K bytes.