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Package "units"

Title:unit and quantity arithmetic for swi-prolog
Rating:Not rated. Create the first rating!
Latest version:0.7
SHA1 sum:2f51ea3f43008573412c921e04ef1f93b7d48807
Author:Kwon-Young Choi <kwon-young.choi@hotmail.fr>
Maintainer:Kwon-Young Choi <kwon-young.choi@hotmail.fr>
Packager:Kwon-Young Choi <kwon-young.choi@hotmail.fr>
Home page:https://github.com/kwon-young/units
Download URL:https://github.com/kwon-young/units/releases/*.zip


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Units: Quantity and Units library for swi-prolog

Units is a quantity and units library modeled after mp-units.

Here is a quick preview of what is possible:

:- use_module(library(units)).

% simple numeric operations
?- qeval(10*km =:= 2*5*km).

% conversions to common units
?- qeval(1 * h =:= 3600 * s).
?- qeval(1 * km + 1 * m =:= 1001 * m).

% derived quantities
?- qeval(1 * km / (1 * s) =:= 1000 * m / s).
?- qeval(2 * km / h * (2 * h) =:= 4 * km).
?- qeval(2 * km / (2 * km / h) =:= 1 * h).

?- qeval(2 * m * (3 * m) =:= 6 * m**2).

?- qeval(10 * km / (5 * km) =:= 2).

?- qeval(1000 / (1 * s) =:= 1 * kHz).

% assignement and comparison
?- qeval(A is 10*m), qeval(A < 20*km).
A = 10 * kind(isq:length)[si:metre].

The library can be used through a single predicate qeval/1 which is a predicate that wraps any kind of arithmetic operations.

One of the specificity of the library is the combination of units and quantities. Please read the excellent mp-units documentation on the advantages of using quantities in addition to units.

Units and quantites can be used in multiple ways:

  • for units
    • System:Unit, example: si:metre. Currently, the si and international system are implemented.
    • System:UnitSymbol, example: si:m for si:metre.
    • Unit, example: metre
    • UnitSymbol, example: m for si:metre
    • `System:Prefix(Unit)`, example: si:kilo(metre)
    • `System:Prefix(OtherSystem:Unit)`, example: si:kilo(international:pound_force)
    • `Prefix(Unit)`, example: kilo(metre)
    • PrefixSymbolUnitSymbol, example: km for kilo(metre)
    • through aliases, but only a few are defined like kilogram for si:kilo(gram) or hectare for si:hecto(are)
  • for quantities
    • System:Quantity, example: isq:length. isq is the only system of quantity implemented.
  • for both at the same time
    • `Quantity[Unit]`, example: `isq:length[si:metre]`

    Here is a interesting use of the speed quantity that can be use to generically describe the ratio of any type of length by any type of time:

    :- use_module(library(units)).
    avg_speed(Distance, Time, Speed) :-
       qeval(S is Distance / Time),
       Speed = S.as(isq:speed).
    ?- avg_speed(220 * isq:distance[si:kilo(metre)], 2 * si:hour, Speed),
       qmust_be(isq:speed[si:kilo(metre)/si:hour], Speed).
    Speed = 110 * isq:speed[si:kilo(metre)/si:hour].
    ?- avg_speed(220 * isq:height[inch], 2 * si:second, Speed).
    Speed = 110 * isq:speed[international:inch/si:second].
    ?- avg_speed(220 * si:gram, 2 * si:second, Speed).
    ERROR: Domain error: `kind(isq:mass)/kind(isq:time)' expected, found `isq:speed'

    The qmust_be/2 predicate can be used to check the quantity and unit of a result.

clpBNR support

One peculiar feature is that this library also supports clpBNR arithmetic:

?- qeval({A*metre == B*inch}), A = 1.
A = 1,
B = 5000r127.

Contents of pack "units"

Pack contains 12 files holding a total of 78.8K bytes.