/* Part of SWI-Prolog Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: jan@swi-prolog.org WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (C): 2013-2024, VU University Amsterdam SWI-Prolog Solutions b.v. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA As a special exception, if you link this library with other files, compiled with a Free Software compiler, to produce an executable, this library does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */ :- module(pack, [ pack/1, % ?Pack pack_version_hashes/2, % +Pack, -VersionHashesPairs hash_git_url/2, % +Hash, -URL hash_file_url/2, % +Hash, -URL pack_url_hash/2, % +URL, -SHA1 current_pack/2, % +Filter, -Pack sort_packs/3, % +By, +Packs, -Sorted pack_table//2 % +Packs, +Options ]). :- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)). :- use_module(library(http/http_parameters)). :- use_module(library(http/http_client)). :- use_module(library(http/http_log)). :- use_module(library(http/http_wrapper)). :- use_module(library(http/html_write)). :- use_module(library(http/html_head)). :- use_module(library(persistency)). :- use_module(library(lists)). :- use_module(library(aggregate)). :- use_module(library(option)). :- use_module(library(record)). :- use_module(library(pairs)). :- use_module(library(error)). :- use_module(library(apply)). :- use_module(library(uri)). :- use_module(library(debug)). :- use_module(library(prolog_versions)). :- use_module(pack_info). :- use_module(pack_mirror). :- use_module(review). :- use_module(messages). :- use_module(openid). :- use_module(proxy). :- use_module(parms). :- http_handler(root(pack/query), pack_query, []). :- http_handler(root(pack/list), pack_list, [prefix]). :- http_handler(root(pack/file_details), pack_file_details, [prefix, time_limit(20)]). :- http_handler(root(pack/delete), pack_delete, []). :- http_handler(root(pack/pattern), set_allowed_url, []). %% pack_query(+Request) % % Handle package query requests from remote installers. Content % is of type application/x-prolog. Reply is also a Prolog term. pack_query(Request) :- proxy_master(Request), !. pack_query(Request) :- memberchk(content_type(ContentType), Request), content_x_prolog(ContentType, ReplyType), !, http_peer(Request, Peer), http_read_data(Request, Query, [ content_type('application/x-prolog') ]), http_log('pack_query(~q, ~q).~n', [Query, Peer]), format('Cache-Control: private~n'), ( catch(pack_query(Query, Peer, Reply), E, true) -> format('Content-type: ~w; charset=UTF-8~n~n', [ReplyType]), ( var(E) -> format('~q.~n', [true(Reply)]), http_log('pack_query_done(ok, ~q).~n', [Peer]) ; format('~q.~n', [exception(E)]), message_to_string(E, String), http_log('pack_query_done(error(~q), ~q).~n', [String, Peer]) ) ; format('Content-type: ~w; charset=UTF-8~n~n', [ReplyType]), format('false.~n'), http_log('pack_query_done(failed, ~q).~n', [Peer]) ). content_x_prolog(ContentType, 'text/x-prolog') :- sub_atom(ContentType, 0, _, _, 'text/x-prolog'), !. content_x_prolog(ContentType, 'application/x-prolog') :- sub_atom(ContentType, 0, _, _, 'application/x-prolog'). %% proxy_master(Request) % % Proxy the request to the master to make sure the central package % database remains synchronised. proxy_master(Request) :- option(host(Host), Request), server(Role, Host), Role \== master, server(master, Master), Master \== Host, !, http_peer(Request, Peer), format(string(To), 'https://~w', [Master]), proxy(To, Request, [ request_headers([ 'X-Forwarded-For' = Peer, 'X-Real-IP' = Peer, 'Cache-Control' = 'no-cache' ]) ]). %% pack_query(+Query, +Peer, -Reply) is det. % % Implements the various queries from the pack_install/1. % Currently defined Query values are: % % * install(+URL, +SHA1, +Info) % User tries to install from URL an object with the indicated % hash and Info. % * downloaded(+Data) % Register download for indicated Data % * locate(+Pack) % Query download locations for Pack. % * versions(+Packs, +Options) % Query download and versions for a set of packs and all % (recursive) dependencies. % * search(+Keyword) % Find packs that match Keyword. % * info(+Packs) % Return a list of meta-data terms for the latest version of % Packs. Unknown packs are omitted from the result list. pack_query(install(URL0, SHA10, Info), Peer, Reply) => to_atom(URL0, URL), to_atom(SHA10, SHA1), save_request(Peer, download(URL, SHA1, Info), Result), ( Result = throw(Error) -> throw(Error) ; findall(ReplyInfo, install_info(URL, SHA1, ReplyInfo), Reply) ). pack_query(downloaded(Data), Peer, Reply) => maplist(save_request(Peer), Data, Reply). pack_query(locate(Pack), _, Reply) => pack_version_urls_v1(Pack, Reply). pack_query(versions(Pack, Options), _, Reply) => pack_versions(Pack, Reply, Options). pack_query(search(Word), _, Reply) => search_packs(Word, Reply). pack_query(info(Packs), _, Hits) => convlist(pack_search_result, Packs, Hits). to_atom(Atom, Atom) :- atom(Atom), !. to_atom(String, Atom) :- atom_string(Atom, String). %% pack_delete(+Request) % % HTTP handler to delete a pack pack_delete(Request) :- site_user_logged_in(User), site_user_property(User, granted(admin)), !, http_parameters(Request, [ p(Pack, [optional(true)]), h(Hash, [optional(true)]) ], []), ( nonvar(Pack) -> call_showing_messages(delete_pack(Pack), []) ; nonvar(Hash) -> call_showing_messages(delete_hash(Hash), []) ). pack_delete(Request) :- memberchk(path(Path), Request), throw(http_reply(forbidden(Path))). /******************************* * COMPUTATIONAL LOGIC * *******************************/ %% install_info(+URL, +SHA1, -Info) is nondet. % % Info is relevant information for the client who whishes to % install URL, which has the given SHA1 hash. Currently provided % info is: % % - alt_hash(Downloads, URLs, Hash) % Another file with the same (base) name was registered that % has a different hash. This file was downloaded Downloads % times, resides on the given URLs (a list) and has the given % Hash. % - downloads(Downloads) % This hash was downloaded Downloads times from a unique IP % address % - dependency(Token, Pack, Version, URLs, SubSeps) % The requirement Token can be provided by Pack@Version, which % may be downloaded from the given URLs (a list). Pack has % install info as specified by SubSeps (recursive % dependencies) install_info(URL, SHA1, Info) :- install_info(URL, SHA1, Info, []). install_info(_, SHA1, _, Seen) :- memberchk(SHA1, Seen), !, fail. install_info(URL, SHA1, alt_hash(Downloads, URLs, Hash), _) :- prolog_pack:pack_url_file(URL, File), sha1_file(Hash, File), Hash \== SHA1, \+ is_github_release(URL), sha1_downloads(Hash, Downloads), sha1_urls(Hash, URLs). install_info(_, SHA1, downloads(Count), _) :- sha1_downloads(SHA1, Count). install_info(_, SHA1, dependency(Token, Pack, Version, URLs, SubDeps), Seen) :- sha1_requires(SHA1, Token), \+ is_prolog_token(Token), % not in this version ( ( sha1_pack(_Hash, Token), Pack = Token ; sha1_provides(Hash, Token), sha1_pack(Hash, Pack), Pack \== Token ), pack_latest_version(Pack, Hash1, _VersionTerm, _Older), sha1_info(Hash1, Info), memberchk(version(Version), Info), findall(URL, sha1_url(Hash1, URL), URLs), URLs \== [] -> findall(SubDep, install_info(-, Hash1, SubDep, [SHA1|Seen]), SubDeps) ; Pack = (-), Version = (-), URLs = [] ). %! is_prolog_token(+Token) is semidet. % % @tbd: share with library(pack_install). is_prolog_token(Token), cmp(Token, prolog, _Cmp, _Version) => true. is_prolog_token(prolog:_Feature) => true. is_prolog_token(_) => fail. sha1_downloads(Hash, Count) :- aggregate_all(count, sha1_download(Hash, _), Count). sha1_urls(Hash, URLs) :- findall(URL, sha1_url(Hash, URL), URLs). sha1_version(Hash, Version) :- sha1_info(Hash, Info), memberchk(version(Atom), Info), atom_version(Atom, Version). sha1_title(Hash, Title) :- sha1_info(Hash, Info), ( memberchk(title(Title), Info) -> true ; Title = '' ). sha1_is_git(Hash, Boolean) :- sha1_info(Hash, Info), ( memberchk(git(true), Info) -> Boolean = true ; Boolean = false ). %% pack_version_hashes(+Pack, -VersionHashesPairs) is semidet. % % True when HashesByVersion is an ordered list Version-Hashes, % latest version first. pack_version_hashes(Pack, VersionAHashesPairs) :- findall(SHA1, sha1_pack(SHA1, Pack), Hashes), map_list_to_pairs(sha1_version, Hashes, VersionHashPairs), keysort(VersionHashPairs, Sorted), group_pairs_by_key(Sorted, VersionHashesPairs), reverse(VersionHashesPairs, RevPairs), maplist(atomic_version_hashes, RevPairs, VersionAHashesPairs). atomic_version_hashes(Version-Hashes, VersionA-Hashes) :- atom_version(VersionA, Version). %% pack_version_urls_v1(+Pack, -Locations) is det. % % True when Locations is a set of Version-list(URL) pairs used for % installing Pack. % % @arg Locations is a list Version-URLs, sorted latest version % first. % @see pack_version_urls_v2/3 pack_version_urls_v1(Pack, VersionURLs) :- pack_version_hashes(Pack, VersionHashes), maplist(version_hashes_urls, VersionHashes, VersionURLs). version_hashes_urls(Version-Hashes, Version-URLs) :- maplist(sha1_url, Hashes, URLs0), sort(URLs0, URLs). %% pack_versions(+Packs, -PackVersions, +Options) is det. % % Given a single or multiple packs, return information on all % these packs as well as their dependencies. PackVersions is a % list of `Pack-Versions`. `Versions` is a list of % `Version-InfoList`. `InfoList` is a list of dicts, each holding % % - info.pack % Pack name % - info.hash % Hash of the version. This is either a GIT hash or the % sha1 of the archive file. % - info.provides % List of provided tokens. Each provide is either a simple % token or a term @(Token,Version). % - info.requires % List of required tokens. Each requirement is either a % simple token or a term `Token cmp Version`, where _cmp_ % is one of `<`, `=<`, `=`, `>=` or `>`. % - info.conflicts % Similar to `info.requires`, declaring conflicts % - info.url % URL for downloading the archive or URL of the git repo. % - info.git % Boolean expressing wether the URL is a git repo or % archive. % - info.downloads % Download count. pack_versions(Packs, Deps, Options) :- phrase(pack_versions(Packs, [seen(Deps)|Options]), Deps). pack_versions([], _) --> !. pack_versions([H|T], Options) --> pack_versions(H, Options), pack_versions(T, Options). pack_versions(Pack, Options) --> { option(seen(Deps), Options), seen(Pack, Deps) }, !. pack_versions(Pack, Options) --> { pack_version_hashes(Pack, VersionHashes), convlist(version_hash_info(Pack, Options), VersionHashes, Infos), maplist(arg(2), Infos, RequiresLists), append(RequiresLists, Requires0), sort(Requires0, Requires), maplist(arg(1), Infos, VersionInfo) }, [ Pack-VersionInfo ], include_pack_requirements(Requires, Options). seen(Pack, [Pack-_|_]) => true. seen(Pack, [_|T]) => seen(Pack, T). seen(_, _) => fail. version_hash_info(Pack, Options, Version-Hashes, info(Version-Info, Requires)) :- maplist(hash_info(Pack, Options), Hashes, Info, Requires0), append(Requires0, Requires1), sort(Requires1, Requires). hash_info(Pack, _Options, Hash, Dict, Requires) :- sha1_url(Hash, URL), sha1_is_git(Hash, IsGit), sha1_downloads(Hash, Count), findall(Req, sha1_requires(Hash, Req), Requires), findall(Prv, sha1_provides(Hash, Prv), Provides), findall(Prv, sha1_conflicts(Hash, Prv), Conflicts), Dict = #{ pack: Pack, hash: Hash, url: URL, git: IsGit, requires: Requires, provides: Provides, conflicts: Conflicts, downloads: Count }. include_pack_requirements([], _) --> !. include_pack_requirements([ReqToken|T], Options) --> { findall(Unseen, resolves(ReqToken, Unseen), DepPacks) }, pack_versions(DepPacks, Options), include_pack_requirements(T, Options). resolves(ReqToken, Pack) :- ( sha1_pack(Hash, Token), sha1_version(Hash, Version), PrvToken = @(Token,Version) ; sha1_provides(Hash, PrvToken) ), satisfies(PrvToken, ReqToken), sha1_pack(Hash, Pack). satisfies(Token, Token) => true. satisfies(@(Token,_), Token) => true. satisfies(@(Token,PrvVersion), Req), cmp(Req, Token, Cmp, ReqVersion) => atomic_list_concat(PrvVersion, PrvVersionAtom), atomic_list_concat(ReqVersion, ReqVersionAtom), cmp_versions(Cmp, PrvVersionAtom, ReqVersionAtom). satisfies(_,_) => fail. cmp(Token < Version, Token, <, Version). cmp(Token =< Version, Token, =<, Version). cmp(Token = Version, Token, =, Version). cmp(Token == Version, Token, ==, Version). cmp(Token >= Version, Token, >=, Version). cmp(Token > Version, Token, >, Version). %% search_packs(+Search, -Packs) is det. % % Search packs by keyword, returning a list % % pack(Pack, Status, Version, Title, URLs). search_packs(Search, Packs) :- setof(Pack, matching_pack(Search, Pack), Names), !, maplist(pack_search_result, Names, Packs). matching_pack(Search, Pack) :- sha1_pack(SHA1, Pack), ( sub_atom_icasechk(Pack, _, Search) -> true ; sha1_title(SHA1, Title), sub_atom_icasechk(Title, _, Search) ). pack_search_result(Pack, pack(Pack, p, Title, VersionA, URLs)) :- pack_latest_version(Pack, SHA1, Version, _Older), sha1_title(SHA1, Title), atom_version(VersionA, Version), findall(URL, sha1_url(SHA1, URL), URLs). /******************************* * DATABASE * *******************************/ :- multifile error:has_type/2. error:has_type(dependency, Value) :- is_dependency(Value, _Token, _Version). is_dependency(Token, Token, *) :- atom(Token). is_dependency(Term, Token, VersionCmp) :- Term =.. [Op,Token,Version], cmp(Op, _), version_data(Version, _), VersionCmp =.. [Op,Version]. cmp(<, @<). cmp(=<, @=<). cmp(==, ==). cmp(=, =). cmp(>=, @>=). cmp(>, @>). version_data(Version, version(Data)) :- atomic_list_concat(Parts, '.', Version), maplist(atom_number, Parts, Data). :- persistent sha1_pack(sha1:atom, pack:atom), sha1_file(sha1:atom, file:atom), sha1_requires(sha1:atom, token:dependency), sha1_provides(sha1:atom, token:dependency), sha1_conflicts(sha1:atom, token:dependency), sha1_info(sha1:atom, info:list), sha1_url(sha1:atom, url:atom), sha1_download(sha1:atom, peer:atom), pack_allowed_url(pack:atom, isgit:boolean, pattern:atom). :- initialization absolute_file_name(data('packs.db'), File, [ access(write) ]), db_attach(File, [sync(close)]), populate_pack_url_patterns. %% delete_pack(+PackName) is det. % % Remove a pack from the database. delete_pack(PackName) :- must_be(atom, PackName), pack(PackName), !, clean_pack_info(PackName), pack_unmirror(PackName), forall(sha1_pack(Hash, PackName), delete_hash(Hash)), retractall_pack_allowed_url(PackName,_,_). delete_pack(PackName) :- existence_error(pack, PackName). %% delete_hash(Hash) is det. % % Remove Hash from the database delete_hash(Hash) :- retractall_sha1_pack(Hash, _), retractall_sha1_file(Hash, _), retractall_sha1_requires(Hash, _), retractall_sha1_provides(Hash, _), retractall_sha1_conflicts(Hash, _), retractall_sha1_info(Hash, _), retractall_sha1_url(Hash, _), retractall_sha1_download(Hash, _). %! save_request(+Peer, +Data, -Result) % % Update the database with the given information. We only update % if the request is new, which means the same SHA1 has not been % downloaded from the same Peer. :- det(save_request/3). save_request(Peer, download(URL, Hash, Metadata), Result) => Result = Pack-Action, memberchk(name(Pack), Metadata), with_mutex(pack, save_request(URL, Hash, Metadata, Peer, Action)). save_request(URL, Hash, Metadata, Peer, Result) :- ( Error = error(Formal,_), catch(save_request_(URL, Hash, Metadata, Peer, Res0), Error, true) -> ( var(Formal) -> Result = Res0 ; Result = throw(Error) ) ; Result = false ). save_request_(URL, SHA1, Info, Peer, Result) :- sha1_download(SHA1, Peer), sha1_pack(SHA1, Peer), !, % already downloaded from here info_is_git(Info, IsGIT), register_url(SHA1, IsGIT, URL, Result). % but maybe from a different URL save_request_(URL, SHA1, Info, Peer, Result) :- memberchk(name(Pack), Info), info_is_git(Info, IsGIT), ( accept_url(URL, Pack, IsGIT) -> register_url(SHA1, IsGIT, URL, Result0), register_pack(SHA1, Pack), register_info(SHA1, Info) ; permission_error(register, pack(Pack), URL) ), assert_sha1_download(SHA1, Peer), ( Result0 == no_change -> Result = download ; Result = Result0 ). info_is_git(Info, IsGIT) :- memberchk(git(IsGIT), Info), !. info_is_git(_, false). %! accept_url(+URL, +Pack, +IsGit) is det. % % True when URL is an aceptable URL for Pack. We only % register this on the first submission of a pack. accept_url(URL, Pack, IsGIT) :- ( pack_allowed_url(Pack, _, Pattern) *-> wildcard_match(Pattern, URL), ! ; admissible_url(URL) -> url_pattern(URL, IsGIT, Pattern), assert_pack_allowed_url(Pack, IsGIT, Pattern) ). admissible_url(URL) :- uri_components(URL, Components), uri_data(scheme, Components, Scheme), uri_data(authority, Components, Authority), uri_authority_components(Authority, AuthComponents), uri_authority_data(host, AuthComponents, Host), uri_authority_data(port, AuthComponents, Port), \+ nonadmissible_host(Host), admissible_scheme(Scheme, Port). nonadmissible_host(localhost). nonadmissible_host(IP) :- split_string(IP, ".", "", Parts), maplist(number_string, _, Parts). admissible_scheme(http, 80). admissible_scheme(https, 443). url_pattern(URL, true, URL) :- !. url_pattern(URL, false, Pattern) :- site_pattern(URL, Pattern), !. url_pattern(URL, false, Pattern) :- ( atom_concat('http://', Rest, URL) -> atom_concat('http{,s}://', Rest, URL2) ; URL2 = URL ), file_directory_name(URL2, Dir), atom_concat(Dir, '/*', Pattern). site_pattern(URL, Pattern) :- sub_atom(URL, 0, _, _, 'https://gitlab.com/'), git_user_project_pattern(URL, Pattern). site_pattern(URL, Pattern) :- sub_atom(URL, 0, _, _, 'https://github.com/'), git_user_project_pattern(URL, Pattern). git_user_project_pattern(URL, Pattern) :- uri_components(URL, Components), uri_data(path, Components, Path0), split_string(Path0, "/", "/", [User,Project|_]), atomic_list_concat([/, User, /, Project, /, *], Path), uri_data(path, Components, Path, Components1), uri_components(Pattern, Components1). populate_pack_url_patterns :- forall(pack(Pack), populate_pack_url_pattern(Pack)). populate_pack_url_pattern(Pack) :- pack_allowed_url(Pack, _, _), !. populate_pack_url_pattern(Pack) :- findall(URL-IsGIT, ( sha1_pack(SHA1, Pack), sha1_info(SHA1, Info), ( memberchk(git(IsGIT), Info) -> true ; IsGIT = false ), sha1_url(SHA1, URL) ), URLS), last(URLS, URL-IsGIT), url_pattern(URL, IsGIT, Pattern), assert_pack_allowed_url(Pack, IsGIT, Pattern), !. populate_pack_url_pattern(Pack) :- print_message(error, pack(pattern_failed(Pack))). %! set_allowed_url(+Request) % % Set the URL pattern for a pack. set_allowed_url(Request) :- site_user_logged_in(User), site_user_property(User, granted(admin)), !, http_parameters(Request, [ p(Pack, []), url(Pattern, []), git(IsGit, [boolean, optional(true)]) ], []), call_showing_messages(set_allowed_url(Pack, IsGit, Pattern), []). set_allowed_url(Request) :- memberchk(path(Path), Request), throw(http_reply(forbidden(Path))). set_allowed_url(Pack, _IsGit, _Pattern) :- \+ sha1_pack(_, Pack), !, existence_error(pack, Pack). set_allowed_url(Pack, IsGit, Pattern) :- ( var(IsGit) -> ( sub_atom(Pattern, _, _, _, *) -> IsGit = false ; IsGit = true ) ; true ), retractall_pack_allowed_url(Pack, _, _), assert_pack_allowed_url(Pack, IsGit, Pattern). %! register_pack(+SHA1, +Pack) is det. register_pack(SHA1, Pack) :- ( sha1_pack(SHA1, Pack) -> true ; assert_sha1_pack(SHA1, Pack) ). register_info(SHA1, Info0) :- sort(Info0, Info), ( sha1_info(SHA1, _Info) -> true ; assert_sha1_info(SHA1, Info), forall(member(requires(Token), Info), register_requires(SHA1, Token)), forall(member(provides(Token), Info), register_provides(SHA1, Token)), forall(member(conflicts(Token), Info), register_conflicts(SHA1, Token)) ). register_requires(SHA1, Token) :- ( sha1_requires(SHA1, Token) -> true ; assert_sha1_requires(SHA1, Token) ). register_provides(SHA1, Token) :- ( sha1_provides(SHA1, Token) -> true ; assert_sha1_provides(SHA1, Token) ). register_conflicts(SHA1, Token) :- ( sha1_conflicts(SHA1, Token) -> true ; assert_sha1_conflicts(SHA1, Token) ). %! register_url(+SHA1, +IsGIT, +URL) is det. % % Register we have that data loaded from URL has signature SHA1. :- debug(pack(changed)). register_url(SHA1, IsGIT, URL, Result) :- ( sha1_url(SHA1, URL) -> Result = no_change ; sha1_url(SHA2, URL), \+ ( IsGIT == true, hash_git_url(SHA2, URL) ), ( debug(pack(changed), '~p seems changed', [URL]), is_github_release(URL) -> debug(pack(changed), 'From github: ~p', [URL]), retractall_sha1_url(SHA1, URL), fail ; true ) -> Result = throw(pack(modified_hash(SHA1-URL, SHA2-[URL]))) ; IsGIT == true -> assert_sha1_url(SHA1, URL), Result = git(URL) ; prolog_pack:pack_url_file(URL, File), register_file(SHA1, File, URL), assert_sha1_url(SHA1, URL), Result = file(URL) ). %! is_github_release(+URL) is semidet. % % True when URL reflects a GitHub release pack download. These % have the unpeleasant habbit to change exact content. is_github_release(URL) :- uri_components(URL, Components), uri_data(scheme, Components, Scheme), Scheme == https, uri_data(authority, Components, Auth), Auth == 'github.com', uri_data(path, Components, Path), atomic(Path), split_string(Path, "/", "", ["", _User, _Repo, "archive", Zip]), file_name_extension(_, Ext, Zip), github_archive_extension(Ext). github_archive_extension(tgz). github_archive_extension(zip). register_file(SHA1, File, URL) :- ( sha1_file(SHA1, File) -> true ; sha1_file(SHA2, File), sha1_urls(SHA2, URLs), ( maplist(is_github_release, [URL|URLs]) -> retractall_sha1_file(SHA1, File), fail ; true ) -> throw(pack(modified_hash(SHA1-URL, SHA2-URLs))) ; assert_sha1_file(SHA1, File) ). %% hash_git_url(+SHA1, -GitURL) is semidet. % % True when SHA1 was installed using GIT from GitURL. hash_git_url(SHA1, GitURL) :- sha1_info(SHA1, Info), memberchk(git(true), Info), !, sha1_url(SHA1, GitURL). %% hash_file_url(+SHA1, -FileURL) is nondet. % % True when SHA1 was installed using GIT from GitURL. hash_file_url(SHA1, FileURL) :- sha1_info(SHA1, Info), \+ memberchk(git(true), Info), !, sha1_url(SHA1, FileURL). %% pack_url_hash(?URL, ?Hash) is nondet. % % True when Hash is the registered hash for URL. pack_url_hash(URL, Hash) :- sha1_url(Hash, URL). %% pack(?Pack) is nondet. % % True when Pack is a currently known pack. pack(Pack) :- findall(Pack, sha1_pack(_,Pack), Packs), sort(Packs, Sorted), member(Pack, Sorted). /******************************* * USER API * *******************************/ %% pack_list(+Request) % % List available packages. pack_list(Request) :- memberchk(path_info(SlashPack), Request), atom_concat(/, Pack, SlashPack), format(atom(Title), '"~w" pack for SWI-Prolog', [Pack]), reply_html_page(pack(list), title(Title), [ \pack_listing(Pack, _Author, _Sort) ]). pack_list(Request) :- http_parameters(Request, [ p(Pack, [optional(true)]), author(Author, [optional(true)]), sort(Sort, [ oneof([name,downloads,rating]), optional(true), default(name) ]) ]), ( ground(Pack) -> format(atom(Title), '"~w" pack for SWI-Prolog', [Pack]) ; Title = 'SWI-Prolog packages' ), reply_html_page(pack(list), title(Title), [ \pack_listing(Pack, Author, Sort) ]). pack_listing(Pack, _Author, _Sort) --> { ground(Pack) }, !, html([ h1(class(wiki), 'Package "~w"'-[Pack]), \html_requires(css('pack.css')), \pack_info(Pack) ]). pack_listing(_Pack, Author, SortBy) --> { ( nonvar(Author) -> Filter = [author(Author)] ; Filter = [] ), ( setof(Pack, current_pack(Filter, Pack), Packs) -> true ; Packs = [] ), sort_packs(SortBy, Packs, Sorted) }, html({|html||

Below is a list of known packages. Please be aware that packages are not moderated. Installing a pack does not execute code in the pack, but simply loading a library from the pack may execute arbitrary code. More information about packages is available here. You can search for packages from the Prolog command line using pack_list/1. This contacts the pack server for packs that match by name or title. A leading i indicates that the pack is already installed, while p merely indicates that it is known by the server.

?- pack_list(graph).
p callgraph@0.3.4           - Predicate call graph visualisation
i graphml@0.1.0             - Write GraphML files
i gvterm@1.1                - Show Prolog terms using graphviz
p musicbrainz@0.6.3         - Musicbrainz client library
p sindice@0.0.3             - Access to Sindice semantic web search engine

After finding the right pack, the pack and its dependencies can be installed using the pack_install/1 as illustrated below.

?- pack_install(hello).

Clicking the package shows details and allows you to rate and comment the pack.

|}), pack_table(Sorted, [sort_by(SortBy)]), html_receive(rating_scripts). %% pack_table(+Packs, +Options)// is det. % % Show a table of packs. pack_table(Packs, Options) --> { option(sort_by(SortBy), Options, -), length(Packs, PackCount), maplist(pack_downloads, Packs, Totals), sum_list(Totals, Total) }, html_requires(css('pack.css')), html(table(class(packlist), [ tr([ \pack_header(name, SortBy, 'Pack', ['tot: ~D'-[PackCount]]), \pack_header(version, SortBy, 'Version', '(#older)'), \pack_header(downloads, SortBy, 'Downloads', ['tot: ~D'-[Total], br([]), '(#latest)']), \pack_header(rating, SortBy, 'Rating', ['(#votes/', br([]), '#comments)']), \pack_header(title, SortBy, 'Title', []) ]) | \pack_rows(Packs) ])). pack_rows([]) --> []. pack_rows([H|T]) --> pack_row(H), pack_rows(T). pack_row(Pack) --> { pack_name(Pack, Name), http_link_to_id(pack_list, [p(Name)], HREF) }, html(tr([ td(a(href(HREF),Name)), td(class('pack-version'), \pack_version(Pack)), td(class('pack-downloads'), \pack_downloads(Pack)), td(class('pack-rating'), \pack_rating(Pack)), td(class('pack-title'), \pack_title(Pack)) ])). pack_header(Name, -, Title, Subtitle) --> !, html(th(id(Name), [Title, \subtitle(Subtitle)])). pack_header(Name, SortBy, Title, Subtitle) --> { Name \== SortBy, sortable(Name), !, http_link_to_id(pack_list, [sort(Name)], HREF) }, html(th(id(Name), [ a([class(resort),href(HREF)], Title), \subtitle(Subtitle) ])). pack_header(Name, Name, Title, Subtitle) --> html(th(id(Name), [i(class(sorted), Title), \subtitle(Subtitle)])). pack_header(Name, _, Title, Subtitle) --> html(th(id(Name), [Title, \subtitle(Subtitle)])). subtitle([]) --> []. subtitle(Subtitle) --> html(div(class(sth), Subtitle)). sortable(name). sortable(downloads). sortable(rating). pack_version(Pack) --> { pack_version(Pack, Version), pack_older_versions(Pack, Older), atom_version(Atom, Version) }, ( { Older =\= 0 } -> html([Atom, span(class(annot), '~D'-[Older])]) ; html(Atom) ). pack_downloads(Pack) --> { pack_downloads(Pack, Total), pack_download_latest(Pack, DownLoadLatest) }, ( { Total =:= DownLoadLatest } -> html('~D'-[Total]) ; html(['~D'-[Total], span(class(annot), '~D'-[DownLoadLatest])]) ). pack_rating(Pack) --> { pack_rating(Pack, Rating), pack_votes(Pack, Votes), pack_comments(Pack, CommentCount), pack_name(Pack, Name), http_link_to_id(pack_rating, [], OnRating) }, show_pack_rating(Name, Rating, Votes, CommentCount, [ on_rating(OnRating) ]). pack_title(Pack) --> { pack_hash(Pack, SHA1), sha1_title(SHA1, Title) }, html(Title). :- record pack(name:atom, % Name of the pack hash:atom, % SHA1 of latest version version:list(integer), % Latest Version older_versions:integer, % # older versions downloads:integer, % Total downloads download_latest:integer, % # downloads latest version rating:number, % Average rating votes:integer, % Vote count comments:integer). % Comment count %% current_pack(+Filter:list, -Pack) is nondet. % % True when Pack is a pack that satisfies Filter. Filter is a list % of filter expressions. Currently defined filters are: % % * author(+Author) % Pack is claimed by this author. current_pack(Filters, pack(Pack, SHA1, Version, OlderVersionCount, Downloads, DLLatest, Rating, Votes, CommentCount)) :- setof(Pack, H^sha1_pack(H,Pack), Packs), member(Pack, Packs), pack_latest_version(Pack, SHA1, Version, OlderVersionCount), maplist(pack_filter(SHA1), Filters), pack_downloads(Pack, SHA1, Downloads, DLLatest), pack_rating_votes(Pack, Rating, Votes), pack_comment_count(Pack, CommentCount). pack_filter(SHA1, author(Author)) :- sha1_info(SHA1, Info), member(author(Name, Contact), Info), once(author_match(Author, Name, Contact)). author_match(Author, Author, _). % Specified author author_match(Author, _, Author). % Specified contact author_match(UUID, Name, Contact) :- % Specified UUID ( site_user_property(UUID, name(Name)) ; site_user_property(UUID, email(Contact)) ; site_user_property(UUID, home_url(Contact)) ). %% sort_packs(+Field, +Packs, -Sorted) sort_packs(By, Packs, Sorted) :- map_list_to_pairs(pack_data(By), Packs, Keyed), keysort(Keyed, KeySorted), pairs_values(KeySorted, Sorted0), reverse_sort(By, Sorted0, Sorted). reverse_sort(name, Packs, Packs) :- !. reverse_sort(_, Packs, RevPacks) :- reverse(Packs, RevPacks). pack_downloads(Pack, SHA1, Total, DownLoadLatest) :- setof(Hash, sha1_pack(Hash, Pack), Hashes), map_list_to_pairs(sha1_downloads, Hashes, Pairs), memberchk(DownLoadLatest-SHA1, Pairs), pairs_keys(Pairs, Counts), sum_list(Counts, Total). %% pack_latest_version(+Pack, -SHA1, -Version, -OlderCount) % % True when SHA1 is the latest version of Pack at the given % Version and there are OlderCount older versions. pack_latest_version(Pack, SHA1, Version, Older) :- setof(SHA1, sha1_pack(SHA1, Pack), Hashes), map_list_to_pairs(sha1_version, Hashes, Versions), keysort(Versions, Sorted), length(Sorted, Count), Older is Count - 1, last(Sorted, Version-SHA1). /******************************* * DETAILED INFO * *******************************/ %% pack_info(+Pack)// % % Provided detailed information about a package. % % @tbd provide many more details % @tbd Show dependency for requirements/provides pack_info(Pack) --> { \+ pack(Pack) }, !, html(p(class(warning), 'Sorry, I know nothing about a pack named "~w"'-[Pack])). pack_info(Pack) --> pack_info_table(Pack), pack_reviews(Pack), pack_file_table(Pack), ( pack_readme(Pack) -> [] ; [] ), ( pack_file_hierarchy(Pack) -> [] ; html(p(class(warning), 'Failed to process pack')) ). %% pack_info_table(+Pack)// is det. % % Provide basic information on the package pack_info_table(Pack) --> { pack_latest_version(Pack, SHA1, Version, _Older), atom_version(VersionA, Version), sha1_title(SHA1, Title), sha1_info(SHA1, Info) }, html(table(class(pack), [ \property('Title', span(class(title), Title)), \property('Rating', \show_pack_rating(Pack)), \property('Latest version', VersionA), \property('SHA1 sum', \hash(SHA1)), \info(author(_,_), Info), \info(maintainer(_,_), Info), \info(packager(_,_), Info), \info(home(_), Info), \info(download(_), Info), \info(requires(_), Info), \info(provides(_), Info), \info(conflicts(_), Info) ])). property(Label, Value) --> html(tr([th([Label, :]), td(Value)])). info(Term, Info) --> { findall(Term, member(Term, Info), [T0|More]), ! }, html(tr([th([\label(T0), :]), td(\value(T0))])), extra_values(More). info(_, _) --> []. extra_values([]) --> []. extra_values([H|T]) --> html(tr([th([]), td(\value(H))])), extra_values(T). label(Term) --> { prolog_pack:pack_level_info(_, Term, LabelFmt, _), ( LabelFmt = Label-_ -> true ; Label = LabelFmt ) }, html(Label). value(Term) --> { name_address(Term, Name, Address) }, !, html([span(class(name), Name), ' ']), address(Address). value(Term) --> { url(Term, Label, URL) }, html(a(href(URL), Label)). value(Term) --> { prolog_pack:pack_level_info(_, Term, LabelFmt, _), ( LabelFmt = _-Fmt -> true ; Fmt = '~w' ), Term =.. [_|Values] }, html(Fmt-Values). address(Address) --> { sub_atom(Address, _, _, _, @) }, !, html(['<', Address, '>']). address(URL) --> html(a(href(URL), URL)). name_address(author( Name, Address), Name, Address). name_address(maintainer(Name, Address), Name, Address). name_address(packager( Name, Address), Name, Address). url(home(URL), URL, URL). url(download(Pattern), Pattern, URL) :- ( wildcard_pattern(Pattern) -> file_directory_name(Pattern, Dir), ensure_slash(Dir, URL) ; URL = Pattern ). wildcard_pattern(URL) :- sub_atom(URL, _, _, _, *). wildcard_pattern(URL) :- sub_atom(URL, _, _, _, ?). ensure_slash(Dir, DirS) :- ( sub_atom(Dir, _, _, 0, /) -> DirS = Dir ; atom_concat(Dir, /, DirS) ). %% pack_file_table(+Pack)// is det. % % Provide a table with the files, sorted by version, providing % statistics on downloads. pack_file_table(Pack) --> { setof(Version-Hash, pack_version_hash(Pack, Hash, Version), Pairs), group_pairs_by_key(Pairs, Grouped) }, html(h2(class(wiki), 'Details by download location')), html(table(class(pack_file_table), [ tr([th('Version'), th('SHA1'), th('#Downloads'), th('URL')]) | \pack_file_rows(Grouped) ])). pack_file_rows([]) --> []. pack_file_rows([H|T]) --> pack_file_row(H), pack_file_rows(T). pack_file_row(Version-[H0|Hashes]) --> { sha1_downloads(H0, Count), sha1_urls(H0, [URL|URLs]) }, html(tr([ td(\version(Version)), td(\hash(H0)), \count(Count), td(\download_url(URL)) ])), alt_urls(URLs), alt_hashes(Hashes), !. pack_file_row(_) --> []. alt_urls([]) --> []. alt_urls([H|T]) --> alt_url(H), alt_urls(T). alt_url(H) --> html(tr([td(''), td(''), td(''), td(\download_url(H))])). alt_hashes([]) --> []. alt_hashes([H|T]) --> alt_hash(H), alt_hashes(T). alt_hash(H) --> { sha1_downloads(H, Count), sha1_urls(H, [URL|URLs]) }, html(tr([td(''), td(\hash(H)), \count(Count), td(\download_url(URL))])), alt_urls(URLs). hash(H) --> html(span(class(hash), H)). download_url(URL) --> html(a(href(URL), URL)). count(N) --> html(td(class(count), N)). version(V) --> { atom_version(Atom, V) }, html(Atom). pack_version_hash(Pack, Hash, Version) :- sha1_pack(Hash, Pack), sha1_version(Hash, Version). %% pack_file_details(+Request) % % HTTP handler to provide details on a file in a pack pack_file_details(Request) :- memberchk(path_info(SlashPackAndFile), Request), \+ sub_atom(SlashPackAndFile, _, _, _, '/../'), !, http_parameters(Request, [ public_only(Public), show(Show) ], [ attribute_declarations(pldoc_http:param) ]), atom_concat(/, PackAndFile, SlashPackAndFile), sub_atom(PackAndFile, B, _, A, /), !, sub_atom(PackAndFile, 0, B, _, Pack), sub_atom(PackAndFile, _, A, 0, File), pack_file_details(Pack, File, [ public_only(Public), show(Show) ]). /******************************* * DB MAINTENANCE * *******************************/ %! atom_version(?Atom, ?Version) % % Translate between atomic version representation and term % representation. The term representation is a list of version % components as integers and can be compared using `@>` atom_version(Atom, version(Parts)) :- ( atom(Atom) -> split_string(Atom, ".", "", Parts0), maplist(valid_version_part, Parts0, Parts) ; atomic_list_concat(Parts, '.', Atom) ). valid_version_part(String, Num) :- number_string(Num, String), !. valid_version_part("*", _).