1/* Part of SWI-Prolog 2 3 Author: Wouter Beek & Jan Wielemaker 4 E-mail: J.Wielemaker@cs.vu.nl 5 WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org 6 Copyright (C): 2014, VU University Amsterdam 7 8 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 9 modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License 10 as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 11 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. 12 13 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 14 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 15 MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the 16 GNU General Public License for more details. 17 18 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 19 License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software 20 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA 21 22 As a special exception, if you link this library with other files, 23 compiled with a Free Software compiler, to produce an executable, this 24 library does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered 25 by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however 26 invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by 27 the GNU General Public License. 28*/ 29 30:- module(post, 31 [ find_posts/3, % +Kind:oneof([annotation,news]) 32 % :CheckId 33 % -Ids:list(atom) 34 fresh/1, % ?Id:atom 35 all/1, % ?Id:atom 36 post/3, % ?Post:or([atom,compound]) 37 % ?Name:atom 38 % ?Value 39 post//2, % +Post, +Options 40 posts//4, % +Kind, +Object, +Ids, +Options 41 add_post_link//2, % +Kind, +Object 42 relevance/2, % +Id:atom 43 % -Relevance:between(0.0,1.0) 44 post_process/2, % +Request:list, +Id:atom 45 sort_posts/2, % +Ids:list(atom), -SortedIds:list(atom) 46 47 user_posts//2, % +User, +KInd 48 user_post_count/3, % +User, +Kind, -Count 49 user_vote_count/3 % +User, -Up, -Down 50 ]).
61:- use_module(library(error)). 62:- use_module(library(http/html_head)). 63:- use_module(library(http/html_write)). 64:- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)). 65:- use_module(library(http/http_json)). 66:- use_module(library(http/http_path)). 67:- use_module(library(http/js_write)). 68:- use_module(library(lists)). 69:- use_module(library(option)). 70:- use_module(library(apply)). 71:- use_module(library(pairs)). 72:- use_module(library(persistency)). 73:- use_module(library(pldoc/doc_html)). 74:- use_module(library(uri)). 75:- use_module(library(md5)). 76:- use_module(library(dcg/basics)). 77:- use_module(library(aggregate)). 78 79:- use_module(object_support). 80:- use_module(openid). 81:- use_module(notify). 82:- use_module(generics). 83 84:- meta_predicate 85 find_posts( , , ). 86 87:- html_resource(css('post.css'), []). 88:- html_resource(js('markitup/sets/pldoc/set.js'), 89 [ requires([ js('markitup/jquery.markitup.js'), 90 js('markitup/skins/markitup/style.css'), 91 js('markitup/sets/pldoc/style.css') 92 ]) 93 ]). 94 95:- persistent 96 post(id:atom, 97 post:dict), 98 vote(id:atom, % post id 99 value:integer, % value (up:1, down:-1) 100 user:atom, % user who voted 101 time:integer). % time of the vote 102 103:- initialization 104 absolute_file_name(data('post.db'), File, 105 [ access(write) ]), 106 db_attach(File, [sync(close)]). 107 108:- http_handler(root(vote), vote, []). 109 110:- op(100, xf, ?). 111 112post_type(post{kind:oneof([annotation,news]), 113 title:string?, 114 content:string, 115 meta:meta{id:atom, 116 author:atom, 117 object:any?, 118 importance:between(0.0,1.0)?, 119 time:time{created:number, 120 modified:number?, 121 'freshness-lifetime':number?}}}).
128convert_post(Post0, Post) :-
129 post_type(Type),
130 convert_dict(Type, Post0, Post).
134convert_dict(TypeDict, Dict0, Dict) :- 135 is_dict(TypeDict), !, 136 dict_pairs(TypeDict, Tag, TypePairs), 137 dict_values(TypePairs, Dict0, Pairs), 138 dict_pairs(Dict, Tag, Pairs). 139convert_dict(atom, String, Atom) :- !, 140 atom_string(Atom, String). 141convert_dict(oneof(Atoms), String, Atom) :- 142 maplist(atom, Atoms), !, 143 atom_string(Atom, String), 144 must_be(oneof(Atoms), Atom). 145convert_dict(float, Number, Float) :- !, 146 Float is float(Number). 147convert_dict(list(Type), List0, List) :- !, 148 must_be(list, List0), 149 maplist(convert_dict(Type), List0, List). 150convert_dict(Type, Value, Value) :- 151 must_be(Type, Value). 152 153dict_values([], _, []). 154dict_values([Name-Type|TP], Dict, [Name-Value|TV]) :- 155 dict_value(Type, Name, Dict, Value), !, 156 dict_values(TP, Dict, TV). 157dict_values([_|TP], Dict, TV) :- 158 dict_values(TP, Dict, TV). 159 160dict_value(Type?, Name, Dict, Value) :- !, 161 get_dict(Name, Dict, Value0), 162 Value0 \== null, 163 convert_dict(Type, Value0, Value). 164dict_value(Type, Name, Dict, Value) :- 165 convert_dict(Type, Dict.Name, Value).
172 retract_post(Id, _).
178convert_post(Post0, Kind, Id, Author, TimeProperty, Post) :-
179 get_time(Now),
180 ( atom_string(ObjectID, Post0.meta.get(about)),
181 object_id(Object, ObjectID)
182 -> Post1 = Post0.put(meta/object, Object)
183 ; Post1 = Post0
184 ),
185 Post2 = Post1.put(kind, Kind)
186 .put(meta/id, Id)
187 .put(meta/author, Author)
188 .put(meta/time/TimeProperty, Now),
189 convert_post(Post2, Post).
196post_url(Id, HREF) :- 197 post(Id, kind, Kind), 198 ( kind_handler(Kind, HandlerId) 199 -> http_link_to_id(HandlerId, path_postfix(Id), HREF) 200 ; domain_error(kind, Kind) 201 ). 202 203kind_handler(news, news_process). 204kind_handler(annotation, annotation_process).
210post_link(Id) --> 211 { post_url(Id, HREF) 212 }, 213 html(a(href(HREF), \post_link_text(Id))). 214 215post_link_text(Id) --> 216 { post(Id, title, Title) }, 217 html(Title). 218post_link_text(Id) --> 219 { post(Id, object, Object), 220 object_label(Object, Label) 221 }, 222 html(Label).
231post_process(Request, Kind) :-
232 request_to_id(Request, Kind, Id),
233 must_be(oneof([news,annotation]), Kind),
234 memberchk(method(Method), Request),
235 ( site_user_logged_in(User)
236 -> true
237 ; User = anonymous
238 ),
239 post_process(Method, Request, Kind, User, Id).
245% DELETE 246post_process(delete, Request, Kind, User, Id) :- 247 post_authorized(Request, User, Kind), 248 post(Id, author, Author), !, 249 ( ( Author == User 250 ; site_user_property(User, granted(admin)) 251 ) 252 -> post(Id, about, About), 253 retract_post(Id, OldPost), 254 notify(About, post_deleted(OldPost)), 255 throw(http_reply(no_content)) % 204 256 ; memberchk(path(Path), Request), 257 throw(http_reply(forbidden(Path))) % 403 258 ). 259post_process(delete, Request, _, _, _) :- 260 http_404([], Request). 261 262% GET 263post_process(get, _, _, _, Id):- 264 post(Id, Post), !, 265 reply_json(Post). 266post_process(get, Request, _, _, _):- 267 http_404([], Request). 268 269% POST 270post_process(post, Request, Kind, User, _):- 271 post_authorized(Request, User, Kind), 272 catch(( http_read_json_dict(Request, Post0), 273 uuid(Id), 274 convert_post(Post0, Kind, Id, User, created, NewPost), 275 assert_post(Id, NewPost) 276 ), 277 E, 278 throw(http_reply(bad_request(E)))), 279 post(Id, about, About), 280 notify(About, post_created(NewPost)), 281 memberchk(path(Path), Request), 282 atom_concat(Path, Id, NewLocation), 283 format('Location: ~w~n', [NewLocation]), 284 reply_json(_{created:Id, href:NewLocation}, 285 [status(201)]). 286 287% PUT 288post_process(put, Request, Kind, User, Id):- 289 post_authorized(Request, User, Kind), 290 post(Id, created, Created), 291 catch(( http_read_json_dict(Request, Post0), 292 convert_post(Post0.put(meta/time/created, Created), 293 Kind, Id, User, modified, 294 NewPost) 295 ), 296 E, 297 throw(http_reply(bad_request(E)))), 298 ( post(Id, author, Author) 299 -> ( Author == User 300 -> retract_post(Id, OldPost), 301 assert_post(Id, NewPost), 302 post(Id, about, About), 303 notify(About, post_updated(OldPost, NewPost)), 304 throw(http_reply(no_content)) 305 ; memberchk(path(Path), Request), 306 throw(http_reply(forbidden(Path))) 307 ) 308 ; http_404([], Request) 309 ). 310 311:- dynamic debug_allow_all_posts/0.
319debug_posts :-
320 writeln('Anyone may now debug posts'),
321 asserta(debug_allow_all_posts).
327nodebug_posts :-
328 writeln('Back to normal post control'),
329 retractall(debug_allow_all_posts).
339post_authorized(_Request, User, Kind) :- 340 post_granted(User, Kind), !. 341post_authorized(Request, _User, _Kind) :- 342 memberchk(path(Path), Request), 343 throw(http_reply(forbidden(Path))). 344 345post_granted(_, _) :- debug_allow_all_posts. 346post_granted(User, Kind) :- 347 site_user_property(User, granted(Kind)), !. 348post_granted(User, annotation) :- 349 User \== anonymous.
362post(PostOrId, Name, Value) :- 363 nonvar(PostOrId), !, 364 ( atom(PostOrId) 365 -> post(PostOrId, Post) 366 ; Post = PostOrId 367 ), 368 post1(Name, Post, Value), 369 Value \== null. 370post(Id, Name, Value) :- 371 post(Id, Post), 372 post1(Name, Post, Value). 373 374post1(object, Post, Object) :- 375 Object = Post.meta.get(object). 376post1(about, Post, About) :- % used for notification 377 ( About = Post.meta.get(object) 378 -> true 379 ; About = Post.kind 380 ). 381post1(author, Post, Author) :- 382 Author = Post.meta.author. 383post1(content, Post, Content) :- 384 Content = Post.content. 385post1('freshness-lifetime', Post, FreshnessLifetime ) :- 386 FreshnessLifetime = Post.meta.time.'freshness-lifetime'. 387post1(id, Post, Id) :- 388 Id = Post.meta.id. 389post1(importance, Post, Importance) :- 390 Importance = Post.meta.importance. 391post1(kind, Post, Kind) :- 392 Kind = Post.kind. 393post1(meta, Post, Meta) :- 394 Meta = Post.meta. 395post1(created, Post, Posted) :- 396 Posted = Post.meta.time.created. 397post1(modified, Post, Posted) :- 398 Posted = Post.meta.time.modified. 399post1(time, Post, Time):- 400 Time = Post.meta.time. 401post1(title, Post, Title) :- 402 Title = Post.get(title). 403post1(votes, Post, Votes) :- 404 aggregate_all(sum(Vote), vote(Post.meta.id, Vote), Votes). 405post1(votes_up, Post, Up) :- 406 aggregate_all(sum(Vote), vote_up(Post.meta.id, Vote), Up). 407post1(votes_down, Post, Down) :- 408 aggregate_all(sum(Vote), vote_down(Post.meta.id, Vote), Down).
421post(Id, Options) -->
422 { post(Id, kind, Kind),
423 ( option(orientation(Orient), Options),
424 Orient \== none
425 -> Extra = [ style('float:'+Orient+';') ]
426 ; Extra = []
427 )
428 },
430 html(article([ class([post,Kind]),
431 id(Id)
432 | Extra
433 ],
434 [ \post_header(Id, Options),
435 \post_section(Id),
436 \edit_delete_post(Id)
437 ])),
439 ( { option(standalone(true), Options, true) }
440 -> html_requires(css('post.css')),
441 ( { site_user_logged_in(_) }
442 -> { post(Id, about, Object),
443 object_id(Object, About)
444 -> true
445 ; About = @(null)
446 },
447 html(\write_post_js(Kind, About))
448 ; login_post(Kind)
449 )
450 ; []
451 ).
), the title is not displayed.458post_header(Id, O1) --> 459 html(header([], 460 [ \post_title(O1, Id), 461 \post_metadata(Id), 462 span(class='post-links-and-votes', 463 [ \post_votes(Id), 464 \html_receive(edit_delete(Id)) 465 ]) 466 ])). 467 468post_metadata(Id) --> 469 {post(Id, kind, Kind)}, 470 post_metadata(Kind, Id). 471 472post_metadata(annotation, Id) --> 473 {post(Id, author, Author)}, 474 html(span(class='post-meta', 475 [ \user_profile_link(Author), 476 ' said (', 477 \post_time(Id), 478 '):' 479 ])). 480post_metadata(news, Id) --> 481 {post(Id, author, Author)}, 482 html(span(class='post-meta', 483 [ 'By ', 484 \user_profile_link(Author), 485 ' at ', 486 \post_time(Id) 487 ])). 488 489post_section(Id) --> 490 { post(Id, author, Author), 491 post(Id, content, Content), 492 atom_codes(Content, Codes), 493 wiki_file_codes_to_dom(Codes, /, DOM1), 494 clean_dom(DOM1, DOM2) 495 }, 496 html(section([], 497 [ \author_image(Author), 498 div(class='read-post', DOM2) 499 ])). 500 501post_time(Id) --> 502 { post(Id, created, Posted) }, !, 503 html(\dateTime(Posted)). 504post_time(_) --> []. 505 506post_title(O1, Id) --> 507 { option(standalone(false), O1, true), 508 post(Id, title, Title), !, 509 post_url(Id, HREF) 510 }, 511 html(h2(class('post-title'), a(href(HREF),Title))). 512post_title(_, _) --> []. 513 514post_votes(Id) --> 515 { post(Id, votes_down, Down), 516 format(atom(AltDown), '~d downvotes', [Down]), 517 post(Id, votes_up, Up), 518 format(atom(AltUp), '~d upvotes', [Up]), 519 post(Id, votes, Amount), 520 http_absolute_location(icons('vote_up.gif'), UpIMG, []), 521 http_absolute_location(icons('vote_down.gif'), DownIMG, []) 522 }, 523 html([ a([class='post-vote-up',href=''], 524 img([alt(AltUp),src(UpIMG),title(Up)], [])), 525 ' ', 526 span(class='post-vote-amount', Amount), 527 ' ', 528 a([class='post-vote-down',href=''], 529 img([alt(AltDown),src(DownIMG),title(Down)], [])) 530 ]).
.543posts(Kind, Object, Ids1, Options) --> 544 { atomic_list_concat([Kind,component], '-', Class), 545 default_order(Kind, DefOrder), 546 option(order_by(OrderBy), Options, DefOrder), 547 sort_posts(Ids1, OrderBy, Ids2) 548 }, 549 html_requires(css('post.css')), 550 html([ div(class=[posts,Class], 551 \post_list(Ids2, Kind, none)) 552 ]), 553 ( { option(add_add_link(true), Options, true) } 554 -> add_post_link(Kind, Object) 555 ; [] 556 ). 557 558default_order(news, created). 559default_order(annotation, votes). 560 561 562post_list([], _Kind, _Orient) --> []. 563post_list([Id|Ids], Kind, Orient1) --> 564 post(Id, [orientation(Orient1),standalone(false)]), 565 {switch_orientation(Orient1, Orient2)}, 566 post_list(Ids, Kind, Orient2). 567 568switch_orientation(left, right). 569switch_orientation(right, left). 570switch_orientation(none, none).
577add_post_link(Kind, Object) --> 578 { site_user_logged_in(User), 579 post_granted(User, Kind), 580 ( Object == null 581 -> About = @(null) 582 ; object_id(Object, About) 583 ), 584 Id = '' % empty id 585 }, !, 586 html(div(id='add-post', 587 [ \add_post_link(Kind), 588 form([id='add-post-content',style='display:none;'], 589 table([ tr(td(\add_post_title(Id, Kind))), 590 tr(td([ \add_post_importance(Id, Kind), 591 \add_post_freshnesslifetime(Id, Kind) 592 ])), 593 tr(td(\add_post_content(Id))), 594 tr(td(\submit_post_links(Kind))) 595 ])), 596 \write_post_js(Kind, About) 597 ])). 598add_post_link(Kind, _) --> 599 login_post(Kind). 600 601add_post_content(Id) --> 602 { Id \== '', post(Id, content, Content) 603 -> true 604 ; Content = [] 605 }, 606 html(textarea([class(markItUp)], Content)).
. Freshness times are
represented as seconds.613add_post_freshnesslifetime(Id, news) --> !, 614 { Id \== '', post(Id, 'freshness-lifetime', Default) 615 -> true 616 ; menu(freshness, 'One month', Default) 617 }, 618 html([ label([], 'Freshness lifetime: '), 619 select(class='freshness-lifetime', 620 \options(freshness, Default)), 621 br([]) 622 ]). 623add_post_freshnesslifetime(_, _) --> []. 624 625add_post_importance(Id, news) --> !, 626 { Id \== '', post(Id, importance, Importance) 627 -> true 628 ; menu(importance, 'Normal', Importance) 629 }, 630 html([ label([], 'Importance: '), 631 select(class=importance, 632 \options(importance, Importance)) 633 ]). 634add_post_importance(_, _) --> []. 635 636options(Key, Default) --> 637 { findall(Name-Value, menu(Key, Name, Value), Pairs) }, 638 option_list(Pairs, Default). 639 640option_list([], _) --> []. 641option_list([Name-Value|T], Default) --> 642 { Name == Default 643 -> Extra = [selected(selected)] 644 ; Extra = [] 645 }, 646 html(option([value(Value)|Extra], Name)), 647 option_list(T, Default). 648 649 'One year', Secs) (freshness, :- Secs is 365*24*3600. 651menu(freshness, 'One month', Secs) :- Secs is 31*24*3600. 652menu(freshness, 'One week', Secs) :- Secs is 7*24*3600. 653menu(freshness, 'One day', Secs) :- Secs is 1*24*3600. 654 655menu(importance, 'Very high', 1.00). 656menu(importance, 'High', 0.75). 657menu(importance, 'Normal', 0.50). 658menu(importance, 'Low', 0.25). 659menu(importance, 'Very low', 0.00). 660 661 662add_post_link(Kind) --> 663 html(a([id('add-post-link'),href('')], 664 \add_post_label(Kind))). 665 666add_post_label(news) --> 667 html('Post new article'). 668add_post_label(annotation) --> 669 html('Add comment'). 670 671add_post_title(Id, news) --> !, 672 { Id \== '', post(Id, title, Title) 673 -> Extra = [value(Title)] 674 ; Extra = [] 675 }, 676 html([ label([], 'Title: '), 677 input([ class(title), 678 size(70), 679 type(text) 680 | Extra 681 ], []), 682 br([]) 683 ]). 684add_post_title(_, _) --> []. 685 686submit_post_links(Kind) --> 687 html(div([ id='add-post-links',style='display:none;'], 688 [ a([id='add-post-submit',href=''], \submit_post_label(Kind)), 689 a([id='add-post-cancel',href=''], 'Cancel') 690 ])). 691 692submit_post_label(news) --> 693 html('Submit article'). 694submit_post_label(annotation) --> 695 html('Submit comment').
702edit_post_form(Id) --> 703 { site_user_logged_in(User), 704 edit_post_granted(Id, User), !, 705 post(Id, kind, Kind) 706 }, 707 html([ form([class='edit-post-content',style='display:none;'], 708 table([ tr(td(\add_post_title(Id, Kind))), 709 tr(td([ \add_post_importance(Id, Kind), 710 \add_post_freshnesslifetime(Id, Kind) 711 ])), 712 tr(td(\add_post_content(Id))), 713 tr(td(\save_post_links(Kind))) 714 ])) 715 ]). 716edit_post_form(_) --> []. 717 718edit_delete_post(Id) --> 719 { site_user_logged_in(User), 720 edit_post_granted(Id, User), ! 721 }, 722 html([ \html_post(edit_delete(Id), \edit_delete_post_link), 723 \edit_post_form(Id) 724 ]). 725edit_delete_post(_) --> []. 726 727edit_delete_post_link --> 728 html([ ' ', 729 a([class='edit-post-link',href=''], 'Edit'), 730 '/', 731 a([class='delete-post-link',href=''], 'Delete') 732 ]). 733 734save_post_links(Kind) --> 735 html(div([class='save-post-links',style='display:none;'], 736 [ a([class='save-post-submit',href=''], 737 \save_post_title(Kind)), 738 a([class='save-post-cancel',href=''], 739 'Cancel') 740 ])). 741 742save_post_title(news) --> 743 html('Save updated article'). 744save_post_title(annotation) --> 745 html('Save updated comment'). 746 747edit_post_granted(_Id, User) :- 748 site_user_property(User, granted(admin)), !. 749edit_post_granted(Id, User) :- 750 post(Id, author, Author), 751 User == Author.
757age(Id, Age):-
758 post(Id, created, Posted),
759 get_time(Now),
760 Age is Now - Posted.
764author_image(User) -->
765 { site_user_property(User, name(Name)),
766 format(atom(Alt), 'Picture of user ~w.', [Name]),
767 user_avatar(User, Avatar),
768 http_link_to_id(view_profile, [user(User)], Link)
769 },
770 html(a(href(Link),
771 img([ alt(Alt),
772 class('post-avatar'),
773 src(Avatar),
774 title(Name)
775 ]))).
782user_avatar(User, URL) :- 783 site_user_property(User, email(Email)), 784 downcase_atom(Email, CanonicalEmail), 785 md5_hash(CanonicalEmail, Hash, []), 786 atom_concat('/avatar/', Hash, Path), 787 uri_data(scheme, Components, https), 788 uri_data(authority, Components, 'www.gravatar.com'), 789 uri_data(path, Components, Path), 790 uri_components(URL, Components). 791 792dateTime(TimeStamp) --> 793 { format_time(atom(Date), '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S', TimeStamp) }, 794 html(span([class(date),title(TimeStamp)], Date)).
call(CheckId, Id)
is true.
801find_posts(Kind, CheckId, Ids):-
802 findall(Id,
803 ( post(Id, Post),
804 post(Post, kind, Kind),
805 call(CheckId, Id)
806 ),
807 Ids).
813fresh(Id):- 814 post(Id, 'freshness-lifetime', FreshnessLifetime), 815 nonvar(FreshnessLifetime), !, 816 age(Id, Age), 817 Age < FreshnessLifetime. 818fresh(_).
FreshnessLifetime =< Age
.Age == 0
.831relevance(Id, Relevance) :- 832 fresh(Id), 833 post(Id, importance, Importance), 834 nonvar(Importance), 835 post(Id, 'freshness-lifetime', FreshnessLifetime), 836 nonvar(FreshnessLifetime), !, 837 age(Id, Age), 838 Relevance is Importance * (1 - Age / FreshnessLifetime). 839relevance(_, 0.0). 840 841sort_posts(Ids, SortedIds):- 842 sort_posts(Ids, created, SortedIds). 843 844sort_posts(Ids, Property, SortedIds):- 845 map_list_to_pairs(post_property(Property), Ids, Pairs), 846 keysort(Pairs, SortedPairs), 847 reverse(SortedPairs, RevSorted), 848 pairs_values(RevSorted, SortedIds). 849 850post_property(Property, Id, Value) :- 851 post(Id, Property, Value).
858login_post(Kind) --> 859 { site_user_logged_in(_), !, 860 http_link_to_id(register, [for(Kind)], HREF) 861 }, 862 html({|html(HREF, Kind)|| 863 <div class="post-login"> 864 <a href="HREF">request permission</a> to add a new 865 <span>Kind</span> post. 866 </div> 867 |}). 868login_post(Kind) --> 869 html(div(class='post-login', 870 [b(\login_link),' to add a new ',Kind,' post.'])).
876write_post_js(Kind, About) --> 877 { kind_handler(Kind, HandlerId), 878 http_link_to_id(HandlerId, path_postfix(''), URL), 879 http_link_to_id(vote, [], VoteURL) 880 }, 881 html_requires(js('markitup/sets/pldoc/set.js')), 882 html_requires(js('post.js')), 883 js_script({|javascript(URL,VoteURL,About)|| 884 $(document).ready(function() { 885 prepare_post(URL, VoteURL, About); 886 }); 887 |}). 888 889 890 /******************************* 891 * VOTING * 892 *******************************/
Returns a JSON object holding the current number of votes.
901vote(Request) :- 902 site_user_logged_in(User), !, % any logged in user can vote 903 catch(( memberchk(method(post), Request), 904 http_read_json_dict(Request, Dict), 905 atom_string(Id, Dict.id), 906 vote(Id, User, Dict.vote) 907 ), E, 908 throw(http_reply(bad_request(E)))), 909 post(Id, votes, Votes), 910 reply_json(_{votes:Votes}). 911vote(Request) :- 912 memberchk(path(Path), Request), 913 throw(http_reply(forbidden(Path))).
919vote(Post, User, Vote) :-
920 must_be(oneof([-1,1]), Vote),
921 ( post(Post, _)
922 -> true
923 ; existence_error(post, Post)
924 ),
925 ( post(Post, author, User)
926 -> throw(error(permission_error(vote, post, Post),
927 context(_, 'Author cannot vote')))
928 ; true
929 ),
930 ( findall(Old, vote(Post, Old, User, _), Votes),
931 sum_list([Vote|Votes], Sum),
932 memberchk(Sum, [-1,0,1])
933 -> get_time(NowF),
934 Now is integer(NowF),
935 assert_vote(Post, Vote, User, Now),
936 post(Post, about, About),
937 notify(About, voted(User, Post, Vote))
938 ; vote(Post, Vote, User, Time0),
939 get_time(Now),
940 Now - Time0 < 10 % double click or similar
941 ; throw(error(permission_error(vote, post, Post),
942 context(_, 'Already voted')))
943 ).
954vote(PostId, Vote) :- 955 vote(PostId, Vote, _By, _Time). 956 957vote_up(Post, Vote) :- 958 vote(Post, Vote), Vote > 0. 959 960vote_down(Post, Vote) :- 961 vote(Post, Vote), Vote < 0.
967user_vote_count(User, Up, Down) :- 968 findall(Vote, vote(_, Vote, User, _), Votes), 969 partition(positive, Votes, UpList, DownList), 970 sum_list(UpList, Up), 971 sum_list(DownList, Down). 972 973positive(Vote) :- 974 Vote > 0. 975 976 977 /******************************* 978 * PROFILE SUPPORT * 979 *******************************/
985user_posts(User, Kind) --> 986 { find_posts(Kind, user_post(User), Ids), 987 Ids \== [], !, 988 sort_posts(Ids, SortedIds), 989 site_user_property(User, name(Name)) 990 }, 991 html([ \html_requires(css('annotation.css')), 992 h2(class(wiki), \posts_title(Kind, Name)), 993 table(class('user-comments'), 994 \list_post_summaries(SortedIds)) 995 ]). 996user_posts(_, _) --> 997 []. 998 999user_post(User, Id) :- 1000 post(Id, author, User). 1001 1002posts_title(news, Name) --> 1003 html(['News articles by ', Name]). 1004posts_title(annotation, Name) --> 1005 html(['Comments by ', Name]). 1006 1007 1008list_post_summaries([]) --> []. 1009list_post_summaries([H|T]) --> % annotation 1010 { post(H, object, Object), !, 1011 post(H, content, Comment) 1012 }, 1013 html(tr([ td(\object_ref(Object, [])), 1014 td(class('comment-summary'), 1015 \comment_summary(Comment)) 1016 ])), 1017 list_post_summaries(T). 1018list_post_summaries([H|T]) --> % news article 1019 { post(H, content, Comment) 1020 }, 1021 html(tr([ td(class('comment-summary'), 1022 [ \post_link(H), ' -- ', 1023 \comment_summary(Comment) 1024 ] ) 1025 ])), 1026 list_post_summaries(T).
1032comment_summary(Comment) --> 1033 { summary_sentence(Comment, Summary) }, 1034 html(Summary). 1035 1036summary_sentence(Comment, Summary):- 1037 atom_codes(Comment, Codes), 1038 phrase(summary(SummaryCodes, 80), Codes, _), 1039 atom_codes(Summary, SummaryCodes). 1040 1041summary([C,End], _) --> 1042 [C,End], 1043 { \+ code_type(C, period), 1044 code_type(End, period) % ., !, ? 1045 }, 1046 white, !. 1047summary([0' |T0], Max) --> 1048 blank, !, 1049 blanks, 1050 {Left is Max-1}, 1051 summary(T0, Left). 1052summary(Elipsis, 0) --> !, 1053 { string_codes(" ...", Elipsis) 1054 }. 1055summary([H|T0], Max) --> 1056 [H], !, 1057 {Left is Max-1}, 1058 summary(T0, Left). 1059summary([], _) --> 1060 [].
1066user_post_count(User, Kind, Count) :- 1067 find_posts(Kind, user_post(User), Annotations), 1068 length(Annotations, Count). 1069 1070 1071 /******************************* 1072 * MESSAGES * 1073 *******************************/ 1074 1075:- multifile 1076 mail_notify:event_subject//1, % +Event 1077 mail_notify:event_message//1. % +event 1078 1079mail_notifyevent_subject(post_created(Post)) --> 1080 [ 'Comment by '-[] ], 1081 msg_user(Post.meta.author). 1082mail_notifyevent_subject(post_deleted(Post)) --> 1083 [ 'Comment removed by '-[] ], 1084 msg_user(Post.meta.author). 1085mail_notifyevent_subject(post_updated(_OldPost, NewPost)) --> 1086 [ 'Comment updated by '-[] ], 1087 msg_user(NewPost.meta.author). 1088mail_notifyevent_subject(voted(User, _PostId, Vote)) --> 1089 { updown(Vote, UpDown) }, 1090 [ 'Voted ~w by '-[UpDown] ], 1091 msg_user(User). 1092 1093mail_notifyevent_message(post_created(Post)) --> 1094 [ 'Comment by '-[] ], 1095 msg_user(Post.meta.author), [nl], 1096 msg_body(Post.content). 1097mail_notifyevent_message(post_deleted(Post)) --> 1098 [ 'Comment removed by '-[] ], 1099 msg_user(Post.meta.author), [nl], 1100 msg_body(Post.content). 1101mail_notifyevent_message(post_updated(_OldPost, NewPost)) --> 1102 [ 'Comment updated by '-[] ], 1103 msg_user(NewPost.meta.author), [nl], 1104 msg_body(NewPost.content). 1105mail_notifyevent_message(voted(User, PostId, Vote)) --> 1106 { updown(Vote, UpDown) }, 1107 [ '~w by '-[UpDown] ], 1108 msg_user(User), 1109 [ 'For'-[] ], 1110 { post(PostId, content, Content) }, 1111 msg_body(Content). 1112 1113msg_body(Body) --> 1114 [ nl, 1115 '~w'-[Body], 1116 nl 1117 ]. 1118 1119updown(N, Atom) :- 1120 N > 0, !, 1121 format(atom(Atom), '+~d', [N]). 1122updown(Vote, Vote)