7:- module(test_util_iso,
8 [ test/1, 9 test/2 10 ]).
92:- op(1200, fy, fixme). 93:- op(1110, xf, should_fail). 94:- op(1110, xfx, should_give). 95:- op(1110, xfx, should_throw). 96:- op(1110, xfx, should_raise).
102test(FileIn) :-
103 setup_call_cleanup(
104 open(FileIn, read, In),
105 test_stream(In, user_error),
106 close(In)).
114test(FileIn, FileOut) :-
115 setup_call_cleanup(
116 open(FileIn, read, In),
117 setup_call_cleanup(
118 open(FileOut, write, Out),
119 test_stream(In, Out),
120 close(Out)),
121 close(In)).
124 test_stream(In, Out) :-
125 stream_property(In, file_name(File)),
126 format(Out, '~N% Running ECLiPSe tests from file ~w~n', [File]),
127 counter_set(test_count, 0),
128 counter_set(non_test_count, 0),
129 counter_set(succeeded_test_count, 0),
130 counter_set(failed_test_count, 0),
131 counter_set(skipped_test_count, 0),
132 repeat,
134 catch(catch(read_term(In, Test,
135 [ module(test_util_iso)
136 ]), SyntaxError,
137 unexpected(Out, 0, valid_syntax, throw(SyntaxError))),
138 continue, fail),
139 source_location(_File, Line),
140 ( Test \== end_of_file ->
141 counter_inc(test_count),
142 counter_get(test_count, N),
144 catch(interpret_test(Test, N/Line, Out), continue, true),
145 fail
146 ;
147 counter_get(test_count, N),
148 counter_get(succeeded_test_count, TN),
149 counter_get(failed_test_count, FN),
150 counter_get(skipped_test_count, SN),
151 counter_get(non_test_count, NN),
152 format(Out, '~N% Finished tests from file ~w~n', [File]),
153 format(Out, '% ~D tests found.~n', [N]),
154 ( NN==0 -> true ; format(Out, '% ~D ignored as malformed.~n', [NN]) ),
155 format(Out, '% ~D tests succeeded.~n', [TN]),
156 ( FN==0 -> true ; format(Out, '% ~D tests failed.~n', [FN]) ),
157 ( SN==0 -> true ; format(Out, '% ~D tests skipped.~n', [SN]) )
158 ),
159 !,
160 FN =:= 0.
163interpret_test((fixme Test), Name, Stream) :- !,
164 fixme(Test, Name, Stream).
165interpret_test((Goal should_fail), Name, Stream) :- !,
166 should_fail(Goal, Name, Stream).
167interpret_test((Goal should_give Check), Name, Stream) :- !,
168 should_give(Goal, Check, Name, Stream).
169interpret_test((Goal should_throw Ball), Name, Stream) :- !,
170 should_throw(Goal, Ball, Name, Stream).
171interpret_test((Goal should_raise Exception), Name, Stream) :- !,
172 ( Exception==4 -> Ball = error(instantiation_error,_)
173 ; Exception==5 -> Ball = error(type_error(_,_),_)
174 ; Exception==24 -> Ball = error(type_error(_,_),_)
175 ; Exception==6 -> Ball = error(domain_error(_,_),_)
176 ; Ball = error(_,_)
177 ),
178 should_throw(Goal, Ball, Name, Stream).
179interpret_test(_Goal, Name, Stream) :-
180 write(Stream, 'Non-test goal '), write(Stream, Name),
181 write(Stream, ': ignored'), nl(Stream),
182 counter_inc(non_test_count).
186fixme(Test) :-
187 current_output(Stream),
188 catch(fixme(Test, Test, Stream), continue, true).
190 fixme(_Test, Name, Stream) :-
191 write(Stream, 'Test '), write(Stream, Name),
192 write(Stream, ': skipped'), nl(Stream),
193 counter_inc(skipped_test_count),
194 throw(continue).
198Goal should_fail :-
199 current_output(Stream),
200 catch(should_fail(Goal, Goal, Stream), continue, true).
202 should_fail(Goal, Name, Stream) :-
203 ( catch(Goal, Ball, unexpected(Stream,Name,failure,throw(Ball))) ->
204 unexpected(Stream, Name, failure, success)
205 ;
206 expected_outcome(Stream, Name)
207 ).
211Goal should_give Check :-
212 current_output(Stream),
213 catch(should_give(Goal, Check, Goal, Stream), continue, true).
216 should_give(_Goal, Check, Name, Stream) :- \+ callable(Check), !,
217 unexpected(Stream, Name, success, illegal_check(Check)).
219 should_give(Goal, multiple_solutions(K,TotalCheck,SolutionCheck), Name, Stream) :- !,
220 counter_set(solutions, 0),
221 (
222 catch(Goal, Ball, unexpected(Stream,Name,'success or failure',throw(Ball))),
223 counter_inc(solutions),
224 ( counter_get(solutions, K), catch(SolutionCheck, _, fail) ->
225 fail 226 ;
227 unexpected(Stream, Name, success, failed_check(SolutionCheck))
228 )
229 ;
230 ( counter_get(solutions, K), catch(TotalCheck, _, fail) ->
231 expected_outcome(Stream, Name)
232 ;
233 unexpected(Stream,Name,success,failed_check(TotalCheck))
234 )
235 ).
237 should_give(Goal, Check, Name, Stream) :-
238 ( catch(Goal, Ball, unexpected(Stream,Name,success,throw(Ball))) ->
239 ( catch(Check, _, fail) ->
240 expected_outcome(Stream, Name)
241 ;
242 unexpected(Stream, Name, success, failed_check(Check))
243 )
244 ;
245 unexpected(Stream, Name, success, failure)
246 ).
250Goal should_throw Ball :-
251 current_output(Stream),
252 catch(should_throw(Goal, Ball, Goal, Stream), continue, true).
254 should_throw(Goal, Expected, Name, Stream) :-
255 ( catch(Goal, Ball,
256 ( subsumes_term(Expected,Ball) ->
257 expected_outcome(Stream, Name)
258 ;
259 unexpected(Stream, Name, throw(Expected), throw(Ball))
260 )
261 )
262 ->
263 unexpected(Stream, Name, throw(Expected), success)
264 ;
265 unexpected(Stream, Name, throw(Expected), failure)
266 ).
270expected_outcome(Stream, Name) :-
271 ( report(brief)
272 -> put_char(Stream, '.'),
273 flush_output(Stream)
274 ; format(Stream, '~NTest ~w: OK~n', [Name])
275 ),
276 counter_inc(succeeded_test_count),
277 throw(continue).
279unexpected(Stream, Name, Expected, Outcome) :-
280 format(Stream, '~NTest ~w: ~n~texpected ~12|~q,~n~tgot ~12|~q~n',
281 [Name, Expected, Outcome]),
282 counter_inc(failed_test_count),
283 throw(continue).
291:- dynamic(counter/2). 292
293counter_set(Name, Value) :-
294 retractall(counter(Name,_)),
295 asserta(counter(Name,Value)).
297counter_inc(Name) :-
298 ( retract(counter(Name,N0)) -> N1 is N0+1 ; N1 = 1 ),
299 asserta(counter(Name,N1)).
301counter_get(Name, Value) :-
302 counter(Name, Value)
ECLiPSe test automation
Use this library as follows: Write a file with test patterns, using the primitives should_fail/1, should_give/2, and should_throw/2, e.g.
The file name should have a .tst extension, e.g. mytests.tst. Then run all the test in that file by loading this library and calling
. This will print a message for every test, and a summary at the end. To write the results to a file, use test/2 (see below).To temporarily disable a test in a test file, use the fixme prefix, e.g.
The test procedure will skip those and print a count a the end.
The primitives should_fail/1, should_give/2, should_throw/2 and fixme/1 are also predicates that can be called directly.
CheckGoal can be an arbitrary user-defined goal. In this case, the first solution of Goal is committed to, and CheckGoal executed with the variable instantiations of this solution.
To allow verification of goals with multiple solutions, one special form of CheckGoal is recognised:
where SolCountVar should be a fresh variable. With such a CheckGoal, ALL solutions to Goal will be generated. For each solution, SolutionCheck will be executed with the variable instantiations of this solution, and with SolCountVar instantiated to the number of this solution (starting from 1). After all solutions have been found, FinalCheck will be executed, with SolCountVar instantiated to the total number of solutions.