Describes a set of non-overlapping tasks.
Starts = [S_1,...,S_n], is a list of variables or integers,
Durations = [D_1,...,D_n] is a list of non-negative integers.
Constrains Starts and Durations to denote a set of
non-overlapping tasks, i.e.: S_i + D_i =< S_j or S_j + D_j =<
S_i for all 1 =< i < j =< n. Example:
?- length(Vs, 3),
Vs ins 0..3,
serialized(Vs, [1,2,3]),
Vs = [0, 1, 3] ;
Vs = [2, 0, 3] ;
- See also
- - Dorndorf et al. 2000, "Constraint Propagation Techniques for the
Disjunctive Scheduling Problem"