Addresses | - is a list of name/3 or name_seq/3 addresses
for the services to be monitored. |
Goal | - is a predicate that will be called when a
worker's publication status changes. The Goal
is called exactly once per event with its the last argument
unified with the structure:
published(-NameSeq, -PortId) - when the worker binds
its socket to the address.
withdrawn(-NameSeq, -PortId) - when the worker
unbinds its socket from the address.
Timeout | - is optional. It is one of:
- Timeout
- a non-negative real number that specifies the
number of seconds that surveillance is to be continued.
- infinite
- causes the monitor to run forever in the current
thread (e.g. never returns).
detached(-ThreadId) - causes the monitor to run
forever as a separate thread. ThreadId is unified with the
thread identifier of the monitor thread. This is useful when the
monitor is required to provide continuous surveillance, while
operating in the background.